Title: TMT Overview
1TMT Capabilities 2004 Projection Keck Strategic
Planning Meeting UCLA 18 Sept 2004 Mike Bolte,
Chuck Steidel
2TMT Partnership
- TMT is a four-way partnership formed in 2003
- Association of Canadian Universities for Research
in Astronomy (ACURA) - Association of Universities for Research in
Astronomy(AURA) - California Institute of Technology(CIT)
- University of California (statewide) (UC)
- Web site http//tmt.ucolick.org/
Collaboration formerly known as CELT
3Project Organization
- Project manager Gary Sanders, formerly manager
of LIGO - Project scientist Jerry Nelson
- TMT Board of Directors
- Chairman of Board Ed Stone
- 3 members from each partner
- meets quarterly
- Science Advisory Committee (sets science
requirements) - 3 members from each partner
- 1 observatory director from each partner
- Project scientist
- Project office
- Location Pasadena
- Significant satellite activities anticipated at
each partner location
- Design Development Phase Schedule
- Start 2004 Apr
- Science-driven Requirements Document 2004 Jun
- Baseline design (key features set) 2004 Oct
- Conceptual design review 2006 Apr
- Request for construction funds 2006 Sep
- Preliminary design review 2007 Oct
- Construction start 2008 Jan
- Construction Schedule
- First light, partial segments 2013 Jul
- First light, all segments 2014 Apr
- Design Development Phase (4 year period, 70M)
- UC/Caltech
- Moore funds secured (17.5M17.5M)
- ACURA (Canada)
- Funding from Canadian Foundation for Innovation
- Support anticipated from several Canadian sources
- AURA (US national community)
- GSMT proposal submitted to NSF requests funds for
TMT - AURA New Initiatives Office supporting TMT
activities (site testing, etc) at gt1M/yr - Construction ( 6 year period)
- Estimated cost, including contingency 500-900M
Note 45Mltlt900M
6Design Basics
- Basic design decisions already made
- 30-m filled aperture
- Points to most of sky above 2.4 airmasses
- Field of view 10 arcmin (goal 20 arcmin)
- Wavelength range 0.31 to 30 µm
- Aplanatic two-mirror telescope (RC or Gregorian)
- Segmented primary ( 500-1000 segments)
- Alt-az configuration
- Two major modes Adaptive optics, no adaptive
optics - Expect about half of telescope time to each
7Science-driven Requirements
- The Science Advisory Committee and Project
Scientist are responsible for developing and
articulating the science case for TMT and
defining the capabilities that will allow that
science to be done. - Some capabilities are mission driven based on
specific science program objectives - Some are based on gains to be made over
anticipated 2014 facilities (e.g. some programs
have sensitivities gains that scale like D2, some
D4) - Some fall in the category of broad capabilities
that will serve the community well for all the
exciting problems we cant anticipate today.
This is the Keck model - provide broad
capabilities to a talented community of users
with guaranteed access and excellent science will
8Adaptive Optics
- AO general objectives
- Full sky coverage
- Strehl 0.5 at 1µm (wavefront errors 130 nm)
- Diffraction limit 0.007 arcsec at 1µm (l/D)
- Low emissivity/background
- large field of view
- MOAO - correction done for specific directions
- Laser-based tomographic system for measuring the
atmosphere - Correction system is driven by measurements
(open-loop) - Small field ( 10 arcsec)
- Multiple objects over wide field ( 5 arcmin)
- Mid-IR AO system
- Wide field imaging ( 30 arcsec, photometry,
astrometry) with MCAO - Extreme AO for planet detection
- Ground Layer Adaptive Optics?
9Science Instrument Concepts
- Small field, diffraction-limited, near IR
spectrometer (IFU)-imager - Wide field, near-DL, multi-IFU near IR
spectrometers - Wide field, optical, imaging spectrometer
(multi-slit) (WFOS) - Mid-IR echelle, diffraction-limited
- Extreme AO planet imager
- Near IR echelle, diffraction-limited
- Optical echelle, seeing-limited (MTHR)
- Moderate field, near IR, diffraction-limited
imager (MCAO imager)
1st Generation
2nd Generation
Note fiscal and technical realities not yet
folded in (!)
10Small field, diffraction-limited, near IR
spectrometer (IFU) - imager Description
- Behind MOAO system
- Wavelength range 0.8-2.5µm
- Field of view 2 arcsec, 10 arcsec imaging
- Image quality diffraction limited
- Spatial sampling Nyquist sampled (l/2D) over
32x32 -
over 10x10 arcsec for imaging - Spectral Resolution 4000 2-50 for imaging
11Small field, diffraction-limited, near IR
spectrometer (IFU) - imager Science
- Spectroscopy of high-surface-brightness regions
in distant galaxies - Kinematics composition local SFR
- Galactic nuclei
- AGN, black holes in external galaxies
- Precision radial velocities at the Galactic
center - Spectroscopy of stars in crowded fields
- Stellar populations
- Cluster IMF studies
12Wide field, optical imaging spectrometer
(multi-slit) Description
- Wavelength range 0.31-1µm
- Field of view 75 arcmin2 (goal 300 arcmin2)
- Image quality 0.2 arcsec over 0.1µm, incl ADC
- Spatial sampling 0.15 arcsec
- Spectral resolution R300-5000 for 0.75 arcsec
slit - Throughput 30 0.31-1µm simultaneously
- Total slit length 300 arcsec
- Note this is the wide field mode for TMT
(diameter 10?)
13Wide field, optical imaging spectrometer
(multi-slit) Science
- Survey of IGM structure and chemical composition
at high redshift from analysis of large samples
of high S/N spectra of background QSOs and
galaxies - Survey of galaxy redshifts aimed at establishing
LSS for z gt 1.5 - High-quality spectra of galaxies enabling
constraints on stellar populations, galactic wind
physics, chemistry, energetics - Survey of stellar populations in the Local Group
galaxies kinematics and composition - Support of discoveries made using other
facilities/techniques for redshift and other
physical information
14Multi-Object near-DL, near-IR spectrometer
- Behind MOAO system
- Wavelength range 0.8-2.5µm
- Field of view 5 arcmin with multiple IFUs
- Image quality rms blur 0.015 arcsec
- Spatial sampling 0.05 arcsec over 2 arcsec
- IFUs 10
- Spectral resolution R2000-10000
15Multi-Object Intermediate-Resolution, Near IR
spectrometer Science
- Spectroscopy of distant galaxy matched to
anticipated range of surface brightness aimed at
deriving - Stellar population mixes
- Kinematics
- for galaxies spanning a range of redshifts and
environments - Spectroscopy of the faintest objects (e.g.,
first-light sources) in the near-IR - JWST follow-up instrument
16Mid-IR Echelle Spectrometer Description
- Uses Mid-IR AO system
- Wavelength range 8-18µm
- Field of view 10 arcsec
- Slit length TBD
- Spectral resolution 5,000-100,000
- Notes at diffraction-limit, the background at
these wavelengths is drastically reduced. JWST
will not have a high-R mode. -
17Mid-IR Echelle Spectrometer Science
- Physical structure and kinematics of protostellar
envelopes - Quantify mass accretion rate and envelope
structure for forming stars spanning a range of
masses - Gas content and kinematics of circumstellar disks
- Constrain timescales for gas disk survival (giant
planet building) - Locate gaps and quantify masses and orbital radii
of forming planets - Kinematics and chemistry of obscured HII regions
- Kinematics and chemistry of envelopes ejected by
evolved stars -
18Near-IR diffraction-limited Echelle Spectrometer
- Uses small-field AO system
- Wavelength range 1-5µm
- Field of view 20 arcsec
- Slit length TBD
- Spectral resolution 20,000-100,000
- Think of NIRSPEC with a 30m collecting aperture
and reduced sky via working at the diffraction
limit with small slits (or equivalent IFU
19Near-IR diffraction-limited Echelle Spectrometer
- Radial velocity studies of M-type stars aimed at
detecting low-mass planets - Studies of element and isotopic abundances
- Studies of stellar magnetic fields
- Kinematics of newly-formed stars in molecular
clouds - Kinematics of obscured stellar jets
- Physics of the IGM at z gt 5.5
20Extreme AO planet imager Description
- Contrast ratio
- first generation 106 _at_1.65µ for H 11 stars
- second generation 108 _at_1.65µ for H 8 stars
- Wavelength range 1-2.5µm
- Field of view 0.03?? to 1?? (4l/D- 20l/D)
- R 100 spectroscopic capability
21Extreme AO planet imager Science
- Initial targets self-luminous, young
Jupiter-analogues - Second generation targets Reflected-light
planets, planet-forming environments - Image planets (at spectral resolution 5 to 100)
with the goal of characterizing albedo, radii,
composition and approximate physical structure - Image other high contrast scenes (AGN CS disks)
22High resolution optical echelle spectrometer
- Wavelength range 0.31-1.3µm
- Field of view 10 arcsec
- Image quality seeing limited
- Spectral resolution R50,000 with 1 arcsec slit
23High resolution optical echelle spectrometer
- Stellar abundance studies in the MWG and beyond
- Stellar seismology
- ISM abundances and kinematics
- Doppler imaging of stellar surfaces
- QSO absorption line studies (gain in potential
targets is very large, factor of 100)
24Moderate field, near IR diffraction-limited
imager Description
- Likely classical MCAO system
- Wavelength range 0.8-5µm
- Field of View 30 arcsec
- Image quality diffraction limit
- Spatial sampling Nyquist sampling
- Spectral resolution 5-100
- Photometry 2
- Astrometry TBD
25Moderate field, near IR diffraction-limited
imager Science
- Deconstruction of stellar populations in galaxies
out to 10 Mpc - IMFs in dense star-forming regions
- Requires complementary DL-IFU spectra
- Astrometry of stellar orbits in the Galactic
Center - Astrometry of obscured clusters
26Instrument Summary
27- Take home thoughts in the context of Keck
Observatory - First operational light (WFOS, mid-IR echelle)
2015 at earliest - Widest-field instrument will likely have FoV 10
arcmin (diameter) - No wide-field or seeing-limited near-IR
capability planned - In the diffraction-limited world, 30m is hard to
touch for point-sources - Pay attention to TMT UV capability. Current goal
of 0.31µ may prove difficult to achieve - Where will TMT be?
Wide-field seeing limited
AO at ? lt 800nm