Title: Phone Systems Headsets
1Phone Systems Headsets
2Phone system headsets play their own crucial role
in efficiency the truth of the statement will
be evident when the operators struggle with a bad
and uncomfortable product and miss important
3Phone system headsets are not expensive anyway
and yet are an important component of telephone
systems Dallas and Texas call centres are welcome
to c2mTechs abundant inventory of headsets.
4These are ergonomically designed, comfortable and
provide clarity in talks.
5Across the nation, for home offices and small
business phone systems Dallas offers
Plantronics/GN Netcom headsets and Polycom
conference phones with two advantages.
6One-year manufacturers warranty.Volume
discounts, on purchase of 10 or more headsets.
7Contact us
c2mTech1313 Valwood Suite 320 Carrollton,
Texas 75006 (P) 972-881-2268 Dallas(P)
817-442-2268 Ft. Worth(F) 972-221-9366
WEBSITE http//www.c2mtech.com/
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