Title: Drug abuse and drug dependence
1Drug abuse and drug dependence
2- Broad definition of drug abuse
- Unreasonable administration
(drug abuse)
3- Narrow definition of drug abuse
- psychological dependence
- physiological dependence
- mental disorder
- aberrant behavior
4definition of drug dependence
- Unusual mental state
- Constraint
- Continuity or regularity
- mental effect
- to avoid malaise
- toleration
5Key Concepts and Terms
- physical dependence/ physiological dependence
- psychic dependence/ psychological dependence
- cross-dependence
6poppy flower of California (1998.5)
7opium poppy
9drug tolerance
- Definition
- Repeated medication
- Characteristic
- Different tolerance
- Reversability
- Cross resistance
- analogic chemcial constitution
- mechanism of action
- drug dependence toleration
10Classification of drug to cause dependence
- narcotic drug
- psychotropic drug
11Narcotic drug
- Consecutive application to bring about
physiological dependence and addiction - Including
- opioids, cocaine, cannabis
12psychotropic drug
- Definition
- Repeated medication,
- Affect C.N.S excited/inhibited
- to bring about psychological dependence
- (1) Sedativehypnotics / antianxietic
- Barbiturates, benzodiazepines
- (2) psychostimulant
- Amphetamines, ritalin, caffeine
- (3)psychodelic
- Cannabinol, cannabidiol
13WHO classification
- Suppressant of central nerve
- Nicotine or tobacco
- Opioid
- antimelancholic
- cannabis
- hallucinogenic drug
- Fugitive compound
14Appearance of drug dependence
- Craving re-medication
- Constraint drug seeking behavior
- Withdrawal reaction
15Characteristic of drug dependence
- Opioid
- discontinuation 8-16h, 24-36h
- Suppressant of central nerve
- Benzodiazepine withdrawal 36h
- Barbiturates withdrawal 12-24h
- Cannabis
- Antimelancholic
- phenamine
- Cocaine
16Disservice of drug abuse
- Individual
- physical and mental health
- Intoxation death
- immunity infection
- Society
- Common family life destroy
- Criminality
- hold-back development
17 Control of drug abuse
- International
- 1961 convention
- 1971 convention
- 1981 strategy
- National
- institute system
- Education
- medical establishment of withdrawal
18prevention and cure
Insulate to withdrawal Substitution
therapy BarbituratesPhenobarbital Alcoholclormet
hiazoleclorazepate Opioidmethadone
19Substitution therapy of methadone
- pharmacologic action of methadone
- methadone 1mg
- morphine 4mg heroin 2mg dolantin 20mg
- ? detoxification
- ?convalescent care
20Therapy of clonidine
- pharmacologic action of clonidine
- Excitomotor ofa2 adrenoceptor
- Inhibit NC excitation of NE nucleus ceruleus
- to control abstinent symptom
- therapy
- ? detoxification
- ?convalescent care
21Therapy of the drug abuse
- Detoxification
- to prevent relapse
- Return to social life
- Definition of chronopharmacology
- Definition of Bioperiodicity
- Definition of circadian
- Definition of circannual rhythm
- E? F(a,C,S)
23- oral administration effect
- Pharmaceutics
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacodynamics
- pharmacotherapeutics
- Chronopharmacokinetics
- Chronopharmacodynamics
24Rhythmicity and pharmacokinetics
- Rhythmicity and drug absorption
- Diazepam
- Theophylline
- amitriptyline
- Rhythmicity and drug disposition, protein binding
- Diazepam protein binding 99
25Rhythmicity and pharmacokinetics
- Rhythmicity and drug metabolism
- Methexenyl metabolic enzyme
- Rhythmicity and drug excretion
- urinary volume cidomycin
- urinary pHsulfacetic acid
- Rhythmicity and repeat administration
26Rhythmicity and pharmacodynamics
- Rhythmicity and drug effect
- HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
- Pravastatin?lovastatin
- Avoiding hypotensive drug or diuretic at bedtime
27Chronopharmacology in-service use
- Chronotherapy
- Chronotherapeutic
- cardiovascular drugs
- Nifedipine
myocardial ischemia
day-night rhythm
28Cardiovascular drugs
- Acenterine prevent
- myocardial infarction,
- Cardiogenic sudden death
29Cardiovascular drugs
- Antihypertensive
- labetalol
- nifedipine
- verapamil
- Terbutaline 5mg 8Am, 10mg 8Pm
- Salbutamol retard tablets POHS
- Theophylline
- 250mg 8Am, 500mg 8Pm
31Glucocorticoid and insulinum
- adrenal cortical hormone
- 810 Am 450nmol/L
- 4Pm 110nmol/L
- alternate day therapy
- Prednisonum,prednisolone
day-night rhythm
32Antitumor drug
- reproductive cycle of the tumour cell
- CyclophosphamideVESP
- Cisplatin man.pr
- Adriamycin12Am
- Arabinosylcytosin sinusoidal administration
33Rhythmicity and Drug toxicity
- Theophylline
- Strophanral
- Phenobarbital
- E600(paraoxon)