Title: On the Road to High School and Beyond!
1On the Road to High School and Beyond!
- Presented by Carrie Haskin
- PowerPoint created by Leanne Mondt
- Student Achievement Counselor
2Your Six Year Plan
- CST Information
- Know your G.P.A.
- High School Academic Planning
- CAHSEE Facts
- College Information
- Trade and Technical Schools
3What are CST scores, and what do they mean to me?
- CST California Standardized Test
- CST scores are results of the standardized
testing you do in the Spring. - There are two areas
- English Language Arts
- Math
4What are CST scores, and what do they mean to me?
- There are five levels
- Advanced Proficient (401 500)
- Proficient (351 400)
- Basic (301 350)
- Below Basic (251 300)
- Far Below Basic ( below 250)
5What the heck is a G.P.A.?
- GPA Grade Point Average
- How to calculate your GPA
- A 4, B3, C2, D1, F0
- Add them up and divide
- by the number of classes.
6Calculating your GPA an Example
- Language Arts A (4 points)
- Reading A (4 points)
- Social Studies A (4points)
- Science A (4 points)
- Algebra A (4 points)
- Survey A (4 points)
- PE A (4 points)
- __________________________
- Language Arts B (3 points)
- Reading B (3 points)
- Social Studies B (3 points)
- Science C (2 points)
- Algebra B (3 points)
- Survey A (4 points)
- PE A (4 points)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 (grade
points) 28 7 4.00 (GPA)
3 3 3 2 3 4 4 21 (grade
points) 22 7 3.14 (GPA)
7Calculating your GPA an Example
- Language Arts B (3 points)
- Reading C (2 points)
- Social Studies B (3points)
- Science C (2 points)
- Algebra B (3 points)
- Survey B (3 points)
- PE A (4 points)
__________________________ - Language Arts C (2 points)
- Reading D (1 point)
- Social Studies D (1point)
- Science F (0 points)
- Algebra F (0 points)
- Survey C (2 points)
- PE A (4 points)
- 3 2 3 2 3 3 420
- 20 7 2.85
3 2 3 2 3 34 20 (grade points) 20 7
2.85 (GPA)
2 1 1 0 0 2 4 10 (grade points) 10
7 1.42 (GPA)
8GPA facts you should know.
- Cumulative GPA is based on all semesters starting
with 7th grade. - Academic GPA may not include PE grade.
- Be GLAD it counts in Middle School!
- You need a 2.0 GPA to
- graduate from Middle School
- and High School
9High School Academic Requirements
Course Years Required
History/Social Science (US History, US Government, Civics, world History Cultures, and Geography) 2
English 4
Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, or Higher Level Mathematics) 3
10High School Academic Requirements
Course Years Required
Laboratory Science 2
Foreign Language (Language other than English) 2
Visual Performing Arts (Dance, Drama/Theatre, Music, and Visual Art) 1
College Preparatory Electives 1
11What is the CAHSEE?
- the California High School Exit Exam.
- Why? To make sure that students who graduate
from high school are competent in reading,
writing, and math. - There are two parts
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
12More about the CAHSEE?
- Everyone must take the CAHSEE.
- You take the CAHSEE for the first time in your
Sophomore (10th grade) year, in the Spring. - If you do not pass, you get 2 more opportunities
to pass during your Junior (11th) and Senior
(12th) year.
13Regional Occupational Program (ROP)
- Available to high school students 16 years and
older. - Provides practical, hands-on career preparation,
career guidance, and job placement assistance. - Examples of classes
- Floral Design,
- Fire Technology,
- Culinary Arts,
14Colleges and Universities
- Degrees offered
- 1. Associated Arts Degree
- General Education classes
- Takes approximately 2 years
- 2. Bachelors Degree
- General and upper division
- Takes approximately 4 years
15Colleges and Universities
- 3. Masters Degree
- Requires specific areas of study, usually 2
3 - years.
- Requires either comprehensive examinations
- or a thesis (self-selected areas of
research) for - completion
- 4. Doctoral Degree
- Requires specific areas of study and
research. - Dissertation required (a self-selected
intensive - research study.)
- Takes approximately 2 9 years
16Colleges and Universities
- 5. Professional Degrees
- (Nursing, Physical Therapy, etc.)
- Some programs also include a degree in addition
to your certificate - Require exit exams for certification
17Colleges and Universities
- California Community Colleges
- (Goldenwest, Cypress, Orange Coast)
- Number of campuses 110
- College Entrance Test Placement only
- Degrees Offered Associate degrees and vocational
certificates - Cost around 20 per unit
18Colleges and Universities
- California State University
- (CSU Long Beach, CSU Fullerton)
- Number of campuses23
- College Entrance Test ACT or SAT required for
students with GPA under 3.0 - Degrees Offered Bachelors and Masters
- Cost Approximately 4,000 per year
19Colleges and Universities
- University of California
- (UC Irvine, UCLA, UC San Diego)
- Number of campuses 10
- College Entrance Test ACT or SAT and two SAT II
Exams - Degrees Offered Bachelors, Masters Doctoral
and professional degrees - Cost Approximately 20,000 per year and up
20Colleges and Universities
- Independent Colleges and Universities
- (USC, Loyola Marymount, Chapman)
- Number of campuses 10
- College Entrance Test ACT or SAT
- Degrees Offered Associates, Bachelors,
Masters, Doctoral and professional degrees - Cost Average of 30,000 per year and up
21Trade and Technical Schools
- There are approximately 100 careers you can learn
in two years or less at local vocational schools
and community colleges. - Examples
- Medical/Dental Assistant
- Court Reporter
- Electronics
22There are many options to help you pay for
college! Remember, its an investment in your
- Scholarships
- Grants
- Student Loans
- Start Saving now!
23Questions? Concerns?
24Remember the road you choose to take, is up to
you, and it starts today!