Title: Emergent Leadership
1Emergent Leadership
- Leaders which arise from the group and have their
base of power from followers rather than a higher
authority. Example elected leaders - Idiosyncrasy credits -- The freedom to violate
group norms given to members who have contributed
much to the group
2Participative Leadership
- Involving subordinates in making work-related
decisions - Advantages Motivation, Quality, Acceptance
- Disadvantages .Time and effort, Loss of power,
Lack of knowledge or interest
3Transformational Leadership
- Leadership, which provides followers with a
vision that instills commitment - Characteristics of transformational leadership
- Individualized consideration
- Intellectual stimulation
- Charisma
4The Charismatic Leader
- Traits include self-confidence, dominance, and a
strong conviction in ones beliefs - They simultaneously hold high expectations and
confidence in the abilities of their followers
5Stages of Charismatic Leadership
- Leader carefully assesses the need for change
- Leader formulates a vision
- The leader gets the subordinates to carry out the
mission by setting an example of self-sacrifice
or expertise that inspires confidence and trust
6Gender and Leadership Style
- Gender differences in leadership behavior --
Different expectations are held for male and
female leaders - Gender difference in leadership style -- Women
consistently are more participative in style or
democratic than are men.
7Reactions to Women as Leaders
- Men can get away with more assertiveness, and
being direct than can women - When women behaved in a directive way, they got
more frowns and scowls, and negative headshakes
than positive expressions. Men got more
positives than negatives
8Does Leadership Matter
Substitute or Neutralizer Person Production
Oriented Oriented Subordinate
Characteristics 1. Experience, ability,
training X (S) 2. Professional Orientation X
(S) X (S) 3. Indifference to rewards X (N) X
(N) Task Characteristics 1. Routine clear X
(S) 2. Provides own feedback X (S) 3.
Intrinsically satisfying X (S)
9Does Leadership Matter?
Substitute or Neutralizer People Production
Oriented Oriented Organizational
Characteristic 1. Cohesive work group X
(S) X(S) 2. Low position power X(N) X (N) 3.
formalization X(S) 4. Inflexibility, rigid
work X (N) rules 5. Spatial distance
between X (N) X (N) leader and group