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introduction to project finance – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  1. What is Project Finance?
  2. How does project finance create value?
  3. Project valuation
  4. Case analyses
  5. Recap

What Is Project Finance?
  • Definition
  • Major characteristics
  • Schematic example of a project structure
  • Major project contracts


Project Finance involves one or more corporate
sponsors investing in and owning a single
purpose, industrial asset through a legally
independent project company financed with
limited or non-recourse debt.
A relevant question to investigate
Finance separately with non-recourse debt?
(Project Finance)
Finance jointly with corporate funds? (Corporate
Major characteristics
  • Economically and legally independent project
  • Founded extensively on a series of legal
    contracts that unite parties from input suppliers
    to output purchaser
  • Project assets/liabilities, cash flows, and
    contracts are separated from those of the
    sponsors, conditional on what accounting rules
  • Investors and creditors have a clear claim on
    project assets and cash flows, independent from
    sponsors financial condition
  • Debt is either limited (via completion
    guarantees) or non-recourse to the sponsors

Major characteristics
  • Highly leveraged project company with
    concentrated equity ownership
  • Partly due to firms need for flexibility and
    excess debt capacity to invest in attractive
    opportunities whenever they arise
  • Syndicate of banks and/or financial institutions
    provide debt
  • Typical D/V ratio as high as 70 and above
  • Debt has higher spreads than corporate debt
  • One to three equity sponsors
  • Sponsors provide capital in the form of equity or
    quasi-equity (subordinated debt)
  • Governing Board comprises of mainly affiliated
    directors from sponsors

Major characteristics
  • Historically formed to finance large-scale
  • Industrial projects mines, pipelines, oil fields
  • Infrastructure projects toll roads, power
    plants, telecommunications systems
  • Significant financial, developmental, and social
  • Examples of project-financed investments
  • 4bn Chad-Cameroon pipeline project
  • 6bn Iridium global satellite project
  • 1.4bn aluminum smelter in Mozambique
  • 900m A2 Road project in Poland

Major characteristics
  • Statistics as of year 2002
  • 135bn of capital expenditure globally using
    project finance
  • 19bn of capital expenditure in the US
  • Smaller than the 612bn corporate bonds market,
    397bn asset backed securities market and 205bn
    leasing market approximately same size with the
    27bn IPO and 26bn venture capital market

A simplified project structure example

A nexus of contracts that aids the sharing of
risks, returns, and control
Source Esty, B., An Overview of Project Finance
2002 Update Typical project structure for an
independent power producer
Major project contracts
  • The Offtake Contract
  • A framework under which Project Company obtains
  • Provides the offtaker (purchaser) with a secure
    supply of project output, and the Project Company
    with the ability to sell the output on a
    pre-agreed basis
  • Can take various forms, such as Take or Pay
  • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
  • Input Supply Contract
  • The Offtake Contract for the input supplier
  • Provides the Project Company the security of
    input supplies on a pre-agreed pricing basis
  • The terms of the Input Supply Contract are
    usually crafted to match those of the Offtake
    Contract (such as input volume, length of
    contract, force majeure, etc.)

Major project contracts
  • Construction Contract
  • A contract defining the turnkey responsibility
    to deliver a complete project ready for operation
    (a.k.a. Engineering, Procurement, Construction
    (EPC) Contract)
  • Operation and Maintenance Contracts
  • Ensures that the operating and maintenance costs
    stay within budget, and project operates as
  • Permits
  • Contracts that ensure permits and other rights
    for construction and operation of the project, as
    well as for investing in and financing of the
    Project Company
  • May be provided by central governments and/or
    local authorities
  • Government Support Agreements
  • Provisions may include guarantees on usage of
    public utilities, compensation for expropriation,
    tax exemptions, and litigation of disputes in an
    agreed jurisdiction

  1. What is Project Finance?
  2. How does project finance create value?
  3. Project valuation
  4. Case analyses
  5. Recap

How Does It Create Value?
  • Drawbacks of using Project Finance
  • Value creation by Project Finance
  • Organizational structure
  • Agency costs, debt overhang, risk contamination,
    risk mitigation
  • Contractual structure
  • Structuring the project contracts to allocate
    risk, return, and control
  • Governance structure
  • Benefits of debt-based governance
  • Case examples to value creation

Drawbacks of Using Project Finance Structure
  • Takes longer to structure and execute than
    equivalent size corporate finance
  • Higher transaction costs due to creation of an
    independent entity and complex contractual
  • Non-recourse project debt is more expensive due
    to greater risk and high leverage
  • High leverage and extensive contracting restricts
    managerial flexibility
  • Project finance requires greater disclosure of
    proprietary information to lenders

Still, the combination of organizational,
financial, and contractual features may offer an
opportunity to reduce net cost of financing and
improve performance
Structure matters, contrary to MM Proposition!
Why does structure matter?

Structural decisions may affect the existence and
magnitude of costs due to market perfections
Agency conflicts Financial distress
Structuring and executing transactions
Asymmetric information between parties
involved Taxes
Value Creation
Governance Structure
Organizational Structure
Contractual Structure
How Does It Create Value?
  • Drawbacks of using Project Finance
  • Value creation by Project Finance
  • Organizational structure
  • Agency costs, debt overhang, risk contamination,
    risk mitigation
  • Contractual structure
  • Structuring the project contracts to allocate
    risk, return, and control
  • Governance structure
  • Benefits of debt-based governance
  • Case examples to value creation

Value creation by organizational structure
Agency Costs
Structural Solutions
  • Concentrated equity ownership and single cash
    flow stream provides critical monitoring
  • Strong debt covenants allow both sponsors and
    creditors to better monitor management
  • High debt service reduces the free cash flow
    exposed to discretion
  • Extensive contracting reduces managerial
  • Cash Flow Waterfall mechanism facilitates the
    management and allocation of cash flows, reducing
    managerial discretion. Covers capex, debt
    service, reserve accounts, and distribution of
    residual income to shareholders
  • Given the projects are defined within narrow
    boundaries with limited investment opportunities,
    moral hazard (risk shifting, debt shifting,
    reluctance to invest) is minimized
  • Agency conflicts between sponsors (owners) and
    management (control)
  • High levels of free cash flow leading to
    overinvestment in negative NPV projects
  • Risk shifting/debt shifting by managers to invest
    in high risk, negative NPV projects to recoup
    past losses
  • Refusal to make additional investment

Value creation by organizational structure
Agency Costs
Structural Solutions
  • Agency conflicts between sponsors and creditors
  • Distribution of cash flows, re-investment, and
    restructuring during distress
  • Moral hazard (such as risk shifting and debt
    shifting) encouraged by full recourse nature of
    debt to sponsor
  • Cash Flow Waterfall mechanism reduces potential
    conflicts in distribution and re-investment of
    project revenues
  • Legally/economically separate project company
    eliminates potential for risk shifting and debt
  • Concentrated debt ownership is preferred (i.e.
    bank loans vs. bonds) to facilitate the
    restructuring and speedy resolutions
  • Usually subordinated debt (quasi equity) is
    provided by sponsors
  • Strong debt covenants allow better monitoring
  • Single cash flow stream and separate ownership
    provides easier monitoring

Value creation by organizational structure
Agency Costs
Structural Solutions
  • Conflicts between sponsors and other parties
    (purchasers, suppliers, etc.)
  • Vertical integration is effective in precluding
    opportunistic behavior but not at sharing risk.
    Also, opportunities for vertical integration may
    be absent.
  • Long term contracts such as supply and off take
    contracts these are more effective mechanisms
    than spot market transactions and long term
  • Joint ownership with related parties to share
    asset control and cash flow rights. This way
    counterparty incentives are aligned.

Value creation by organizational structure
Agency Costs
Structural Solutions
  • Since project is large scale and the company is
    stand alone, acts of expropriation are highly
    visible in the international arena which detracts
    future investors
  • High leverage leaves less on the table to be
  • Multilateral lenders involvement detracts
    governments from expropriation since these
    agencies are development lenders and lenders of
    last resort. However these agencies only lend to
    stand alone projects.
  • High leverage also reduces accounting profits
    thereby reducing the potential of local
    opposition to the company.
  • Conflicts between sponsors and government
    Expropriation through either asset seizure,
    diversion, or creeping

Value creation by organizational structure Debt
Structural Solutions
  • Sponsors under-investment in positive NPV
    projects when sponsor has
  • limited corporate debt capacity
  • agency or tax reasons that exclude equity as a
    valid option
  • pre-existing debt covenants that limit
    possibility of new debt
  • Non-recourse debt in an independent entity
    allocates returns to capital providers without
    any claim on the sponsors balance sheet.
    Preserves corporate debt capacity.
  • The fact that non-recourse debt is backed by
    project assets/cash flows and not by the
    sponsors balance sheet increases the chances of
    an already highly leveraged sponsor to separately
    finance a viable project

Value creation by organizational structure Risk
Structural Solutions
  • A high risk project may potentially drag a
    healthy sponsor into distress, by increasing cash
    flow volatility and reducing firm value.
  • Conversely, a failing sponsor can drag a healthy
    project along with itself.
  • Very large projects can potentially destroy the
    sponsors balance sheet and lead to managerial
    risk aversion
  • Benefit from portfolio diversification is
    negative (risk is higher) when sponsor and
    project cash flows are strongly positively
  • Project financed investment exposes the sponsor
    to losses only to the extent of its equity
    commitment, thereby reducing its distress costs
  • Through project financing, sponsors can share
    project risk with other sponsors
  • Pooling of capital reduces each providers
    distress cost due to the relatively smaller size
    of the investment and therefore the overall
    distress costs are reduced.
  • Separate incorporation eliminates potential
    increase in risk when financing a project
    strongly correlated to sponsors existing asset

Value creation by organizational structure
Other motivations
Structural Solutions
  • Joint venture projects with heterogeneous
    partners Financially weaker partner cannot
    finance its share of investment through corporate
    borrowings, and needs project finance to
  • Location Large projects in emerging markets
    usually cannot be financed by local equity due to
    supply constraints. Investment specific equity
    from foreign investors is either hard to get or
  • The stronger partner is better equipped to
    negotiate terms with banks than the weaker
    partner and hence participates in project finance
    even if it can finance its share via corporate
  • Debt may be the only option and project finance
    the optimal structure.
  • Besides, host government may grant the project
    tax holiday, which provides sponsors exemptions
    from taxation

How Does It Create Value?
  • Drawbacks of using Project Finance
  • Value creation by Project Finance
  • Organizational structure
  • Agency costs, debt overhang, risk contamination,
    risk mitigation
  • Contractual structure
  • Structuring the project contracts to allocate
    risk, return, and control
  • Governance structure
  • Benefits of debt-based governance
  • Case examples to value creation

Value creation by contractual structure
  • An introduction to risk management
  • Risk management defined
  • Sources of risks
  • Who bears risk?
  • Mechanisms for reducing cost of risk
  • Contractual structure in Project Finance to
    reduce cost of risk and create value

Value creation by contractual structureAn
Introduction to Risk Management
  • Risk Management
  • The process of identification, assessment,
    mitigation, and allocation of risks to reduce
    cost of risk and improve incentives
  • Sources of risk
  • External
  • Markets Availability and quality of products,
    inputs, and services used
  • Financial markets
  • Government policy
  • Natural resource availability and quality
  • Natural disasters, politics
  • Internal
  • Incentive problems during construction and
    operation stages
  • Relationships between management, sponsors,
    lenders, workers, suppliers, government
  • (some addressed in the previous slides under
    value creation by organizational structure)

Value creation by contractual structureAn
Introduction to Risk Management
  • Who bears risk?
  • Sponsors bear the residual gains and losses, and
    make key investment decisions.
  • In simple terms,
  • Return to equity Revenues Material /
    service costs Labor costs -

    Depreciation Interest expenses Taxes
  • Variability in RHS variables lead to changes in
    return to equity
  • Other earners of net income (or net value added)
    from investment can also share risk
  • Net Value added
  • Return to equity Interest expenses Taxes
    Labor costs
  • Revenues Material / service
    costs Depreciation
  • Profit sharing mechanisms or tax incentives may
    change how variability in income is shared among
    sponsors, lenders, government, and labor
  • Output purchasers and input suppliers can also
    share the risks as they experience variability in
    their markets

Value creation by contractual structureAn
Introduction to Risk Management
  • How are costs of risk reduced?
  • Some risks can be reduced by spreading the burden
    across many participants some other risks cannot
    be spread, but can be shifted or reallocated
  • Different stakeholders in a project may have
    different preferences, and hence different
    willingness and capacity to bear risks
  • Cost of risk is lower to those with greater
    capacity and willingness to bear risk
  • Risk-return trade-offs may enable integrative
    (not necessarily competitive) negotiations among
    different stakeholders and may create value in a
    project setting
  • Gains in economic efficiency can be achieved if
    overall cost of risk declines through risk
    shifting and reallocating
  • The same risk will have a lower cost if born by
    parties better capable and willing to do so

Value creation by contractual structureAn
Introduction to Risk Management
  • Mechanisms to reduce cost of risk
  • Capital, financial, and futures markets
  • Mix of debt and equity (capital structure) and
    probability of default
  • Risk spreading / pooling
  • Risk diversification
  • Insurance markets (for residual risks)
  • Derivative financial instruments (not available
    for asymmetric risks)
  • Futures markets
  • Real options Design flexibility into project to
    allow for responses of new information or market
  • Project design itself for risk mitigation
    (elements of production process, technology used,
  • Project Finance mechanism complex contractual
    arrangements involving all mechanisms of
    contractual risk allocation and reduction to deal
    with risk in large scale investments

Value creation by contractual structureContracti
ng and Project Finance to reduce cost of risk
  • Generally well developed capital, financial, and
    futures markets may not always be available
  • Special contractual arrangements are often
    required to manage risk to make projects viable
  • The aim of extensive contracting is to reduce
    cash flow volatility, increase firm value and
    debt capacity in a cost-effective way
  • Guarantees and insurance for those risks that
    cannot be handled through contracting
  • Elements of contracting
  • General form
  • Exchange risk (x) for return (y)
  • Additional considerations
  • Participation or partial transfer of ownership
  • Timing of x and y
  • Contingency of x and y (under what circumstances)
  • Penalties on non-performance
  • Bonus on performance

Value creation by contractual structureContracti
ng and Project Finance to reduce cost of risk
  • Contracting criteria
  • Contract with lowest cost not necessarily best
  • Effective contracts may provide
  • Better risk shifting better distributions of
  • Better incentives higher project returns or
    lower total project risk as a result of
  • Change the incentive structure to change the
    probabilities of different outcomes ?
    stakeholders have incentives to increase
    probability of success and reduce probability of
    failure in project
  • Zero Sum (Competitive) versus Positive Sum
    (Integrative) perspectives
  • Cost focus is implicitly a zero sum perspective
    one stakeholder gains and the other stakeholder
  • Integrative focus is explicitly a positive sum
    perspective By crafting the right contract, one
    stakeholder can gain without necessarily costing
    to the other one (due to differences between
    perceived values, preferences, and risk bearing
    capacity) ? contracts that create increased value
    through risk sharing and /or improved incentives

Value creation by contractual structureContracti
ng and Project Finance to reduce cost of risk
  • Sources of contracting benefits
  • Stakeholders differing risk preferences
  • Differing capability to diversify
  • Differing capability to manage risks
  • Differing information or predictions regarding
  • Differing ability to influence project outcomes
  • Risks manageable via contractual structure or
    other mechanisms in
  • Project Finance
  • Pre-completion risks Resource, technological,
    timing, and completion risks
  • Post-completion risks Market risk, supply risk,
    operating cost risk, and force majeure
  • Sovereign risks Inflation risk, exchange rate
    volatility, convertibility risk, expropriation
  • Financial risks Default risk

Value creation by contractual structurePre-comp
letion risks
Risk Solution
Site acquisition and access, permits A government support agreement
Risks related to contractor Is it competent to do the work? Reputation, references for similar projects and technology being used Experience with the country, good relationships with local subcontractors Similar references for the subcontractors
Is it also one of projects sponsors? (Conflict of interest) Contract supervision by the project companys other personnel not directly related to the contractor
The contractors credit standing? If the contractors wider business gets into difficulty, the project is likely to suffer Careful review of contractors credit standing Careful review of the project scale in relation to the size of contractors overall business If project too big for the contractor to handle alone, a joint venture approach with a larger contractor Guarantees of obligations by the contractor's parent company
Value creation by contractual structurePre-compl
etion risks
Risk Solution
Construction cost overruns reduce equity returns, and DSCR Pre-agreed overrun funding (contingency finding) Fixed (real) price contract, as the EPC contract is normally the largest cost item in budget (60-70) Contractor takes junior debt and/or equity stake in operations (BOT or BOO)
Delay in completion failure to meet the milestones increase costs, reduce equity returns, and reduce DSCR Financing costs, especially as debt will be outstanding longer Revenues from operating the project will be lost or deferred (significant risk also especially if part of financing depends on early revenues) Penalties may be payable under contract to input suppliers or off-taker Completion guarantees, date-certain EPC contract Performance bonds Completion bonuses/penalties Reputable contractor Close monitoring / testing of project execution (operational, financial, etc.) for early detection of problems Careful definition of completion in all the contracts (EPC contract, input supplier contracts, off-taker contract, etc) so that it is acceptable and manageable by all parties involved
Process failures Process / Equipment warranties Tested technology
Value creation by contractual structurePre-compl
etion risks
Risk Solution
Nonperformance on completion due to poor design, inadequate technology Debt recourse to sponsors (from lenders perspective) Performance LDs (liquidated damages) Pre-agreed level of loss to be born by the contractor. Covers the NPV of loss due to nonperformance over the life of the project The Project Company should be aware of the uncertainty regarding the LDs and should allow a margin when negotiating the calculations with the contractor
Natural resource risk Independent reserve certification
Value creation by contractual structurePre-compl
etion risks
Risk Solution
Third party risks The contractor may be dependent on third parties such as suppliers of utilities to complete the project The project may be dependent on completion of another project worst type of third party risk especially when the project financing is dependent on it. If the third party is not otherwise involved in the project, incentive mechanisms to keep the timetable If the third party is involved with a project contract, the contract should include terms such that the third party should be held responsible for the delay losses Contractors good relationships and experience with the third parties may be a plus Financing the projects as one package may be examined as a potential solution, as long as the sponsors interests on both sides can be aligned
Sponsor-related risks (Lenders perspective) Sponsor commitment to the project Financially weak sponsor Require lower D/E ratio Starting with equity eliminate risk shifting, debt overhang and probability of distress (lenders requirement). Add insider debt (Quasi equity) before debt reduces cost of information asymmetry. Attain third party credit support for weak sponsor (letter of credit) Cross default to other sponsors
Value creation by contractual structurePost-comp
letion risks
Risk Solution
Market risk Uncertainty regarding the future price and demand for the output Volume risk cannot sell entire output Price cannot sell output at profit Long term off-take contract with creditworthy buyers take and pay, take or pay, take if delivered contracts Price floors A fixed price growth path An undertaking to pay a long-run average price Specific price escalator clauses that would maintain the competitiveness of the product, such as indexing price to the price of a close substitute or cost of major input Hedging contracts
Operating cost risk Uncertainty regarding the changes in the operating cost throughout the life of the project Risk sharing contracts to increase correlation between revenue and some cost items If there is an off-take contract, linking input supply price to it Basing the product price under the off-take contract on the cost of the input supplies (more likely if input supply is a widely traded commodity like oil) Basing the input supply price to product price under the off-take contract (more likely if the input is a specialized commodity, or if there is no off-take contract and risk is passed to the input supplier) Price ceilings Profit sharing contract with labor Output or cost target related pay
Value creation by contractual structurePost-comp
letion risks
Risk Solution
Input supply risk Uncertainty regarding the availability of the input supplies throughout the life of the project If there is an off-take contract, linking the terms of the output contract with input supply contracts such as the length of contract, volume, or force majeure If there is no off-take contract, making the input supply contract run for at least the term of debt An input supply contract is off-take contract for the supplier
Organizational risks Incentive problems relating to management or workers Profit sharing / stock options Output or cost target related pay for workers
Operating risk operating difficulties due to technology (being degraded or obsolescent), processes used, or incapacity of operator team leads to inefficiencies and insufficient cash flow Performance warranties on equipment Expert evaluation and retention accounts Proven technology Experienced operator/management team Operating/maintenance contracts to ensure operational efficiency Allowances for service / upgrade built into equipment supply contracts Insurance to guarantee minimum operating cash
Force majeure risk Likelihood of occurrence of events like wars, labor strikes, terrorism, or nonpolitical events such as earthquakes, etc. Insurance for natural disasters
Value creation by contractual structureSovereign
Risk Solution
Exchange rate changes Uncertainty regarding the changes in the exchange rate throughout the life of the project Implications of a sudden major local currency devaluation in cases where the project revenue is in local currency and debt in foreign currency Revenues, costs, and debt in same currency (indexing if they are not in the same currency) Market-based hedging of currency risks (though not widely used) For protection from a sudden major devaluation, a revolving liquidity facility can be utilized to cover the time lapse between the devaluation and the subsequent increase in inflation that should compensate the project company for debt payments
Currency convertibility / transferability risk As it is often not possible to raise funding in local currency in developing countries, revenues earned in local currencies need to be converted into foreign currency amounts needed by offshore investors/lenders, and then need to be transferred outside the country to pay for them. Additionally, foreign currency may be needed to import materials, equipment, etc. Government Support Agreement Government guarantee of foreign exchange availability However, if the host country gets into financial difficulty and runs out of foreign currency reserves, then the government may forbid either the conversion of local currency amounts to foreign currency, or the transmission of these amounts abroad ? The support agreement may become invalid Enclave projects If the project revenues are paid from a source outside the host country, the project can be insulated from foreign exchange and transfer risks (Example sales of oil, gas across borders) Offshore debt service reserve accounts
Value creation by contractual structureSovereign
Risk Solution
Hyperinflation risk Relative changes in the price of inputs and output may adversely affect the project Indexing the output price (in the long term sales contract) against the CPI and or industry price indices in the host country where the relevant costs are incurred (Indexing means increasing over time against agreed, published economic indices)
Expropriation Direct, diversion, creeping Governments breach of contract and court decisions Government guarantees or regulatory undertakings to cover taxes, royalites, prices, monopolies, etc. Involvement of multilateral/bilateral agencies Offshore accounts for proceeds Governments equity ownership Using external law or jurisdiction
Legal system Unclear and/or inconsistent legal/regulatory framework for projects operations Insufficient protection of private investment and private ownership/control of project Bureaucratic hurdles Changes in law, such as imposition of new environmental/health/safety requirements, price controls, import duties/controls, increase in taxes, royalties, deregulation, amendment or withdrawal of projects permits, changing the control of company Government support agreement Using external law or jurisdiction Involvement of multilateral/bilateral agencies A general principle is that the party who is paying for the output under a project contract should pay for the losses incurred due to changes in law specific to the industry, because such change is reflected in the entire industry and any extra costs will normally be passed on to end users therefore an offtaker who does not bear this risk would earn extra profits at the expense of the project company
Value creation by contractual structureSovereign
Risk Solution
Political risks Likelihood of occurrence of political events like wars, labor strikes, terrorism, etc. Political risk insurance Involvement of multilateral agencies (WB/IFC) (structuring legal/financial documents, mediation in negotiations, sovereign deterrence, halo effect) Bilateral agencies Export credits from ECAs (who provide PRI) The private insurance market Contractual sharing of political risks between sponsors and lenders
Value creation by contractual structureFinancial
Risk Solution
Default risk Ensure sufficient debt service coverage Decrease debt/equity ratio Match term of loan to productive life of assets Match repayment schedule to expected cash flows Bonds with interest rates indexed to product sales price Match currency of loans to currency of revenues
Interest rate risk Interest rate swaps and hedging Interest rate caps
How Does It Create Value?
  • Drawbacks of using Project Finance
  • Value creation by Project Finance
  • Organizational structure
  • Agency costs, debt overhang, risk contamination,
    risk mitigation
  • Contractual structure
  • Structuring the project contracts to allocate
    risk, return, and control
  • Governance structure
  • Benefits of debt-based governance
  • Case examples to value creation

Value creation by governance structure
  • Benefits of debt-based governance
  • Tighter covenants limit managerial discretion and
    enforces greater discipline via better monitoring
  • High leverage reduces free cash flow exposed to
  • High leverage reduces expropriation risk
  • High leverage also reduces accounting profits
    thereby reducing the potential of local
    opposition to the company
  • Tax shields

2. How Does It Create Value?
  • Drawbacks of using Project Finance
  • Value creation by Project Finance
  • Organizational structure
  • Agency costs, debt overhang, risk contamination,
    risk mitigation
  • Contractual structure
  • Structuring the project contracts to allocate
    risk, return, and control
  • Governance structure
  • Costs and benefits of debt-based governance
  • Case examples to value creation

Case examples to value creation
Australia-Japan Cable Structuring a Project
  • Background
  • The project included a 12,500 km submarine
    telecommunications system between Australia and
    Japan via Guam at a cost of 520M. The project
    would use Telstras two landing stations at
    Australia. In Japan, it needed to either obtain
    permit from the government for building new
    stations, or contract or partner with other
    companies to obtain access to the existing ones.
    Japanese Government seemed not likely to approve
    building of a new landing station. Most
    significant risks were market and completion
  • The lead sponsor, Telstra, has to structure the
    project company, selecting an ownership,
    financial, and governance structure.

Case examples to value creation
  • Issues
  • Selection of strategic sponsors who would bring
    the most value to the project
  • Mitigation of market risk Growing demand and
    capacity shortfall that triggers competition,
    rapid improvements in cable technology and
    resulting price decline necessitates moving very
  • Completion risk Potential delays due to
    environmental approvals and other permits
  • Management of possible agency conflicts between
  • sponsors and management
  • sponsors and other parties (capacity buyers
    (purchasers), suppliers, etc.)
  • sponsors and creditors - decision of how many
    and which banks to invite to participate

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • Telstra partnered with Japan Telecom (who would
    bring its landing station in Japan and was
    interested in buying capacity) and Teleglobe (a
    major carrier who would bring significant volume)
    as sponsors (?reducing cash flow variability)
  • Other equity investors to be selected would be
    high rated sponsors who were also capacity
    buyers. They would be made to sign presale
    capacity agreements (? reducing variability).
  • Capacity agreements with high rated sponsors
    would also be instrumental in raising debt with
    favorable conditions

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • Contemplated on concentrated equity ownership to
    maintain more effective management and monitoring
  • As for an interim management team, sponsors would
    also be made equal partners in control,
    regardless of individual ownership shares
  • A permanent management team was discussed, that
    would work exclusively for the project
  • Management compensation package was easier to
    craft, since it was a single purpose company with
    limited and well-defined growth opportunities
  • Single cash flow easier to monitor

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • Decided on high leverage and project finance
    structure to help
  • limit the amount of equity they needed to invest
    to an acceptable size
  • share the project risk with debt holders
  • enforce management discipline by reduced free
    cash flow and contractual agreements
  • Bank debt with a small banking group was
    preferred rather than project bonds to have
  • The initial tranche of bank debt would be secured
    and repaid in 5 years with presale commitments
  • The second tranche would also be repaid in 5
    years, but from future sales, acting as trip
    wires for the management team

Case examples to value creation
Calpine Corporation
  • Background
  • Calpine, a small power generator with high
    leverage (80), sub-investment grade rating, and
    little debt capacity, has to decide how to
    finance its aggressive growth strategy, facing
    increasing pressure for speed, efficiency, and
    flexibility in a soon-to-be competitive commodity
  • The growth strategy includes building and
    operating a power system consisting of multiple
    power plants. Project financing and corporate
    financing alternatives are considered.

Case examples to value creation
  • Issues
  • Speed was very important to gain first mover
  • Necessity to be a low-cost producer in a
    commodity market
  • Operating a system of power plants to gain scale
    economies and also the flexibility to switch
    between the plants to offer uninterrupted service

Case examples to value creation
  • Issues
  • 4. Using corporate finance as the financing
  • Benefits
  • Issuing high yield bonds would not require
    collateral and reduce legal fees
  • Bonds would leave Calpine free to switch between
    plants in the power system
  • Costs
  • The high-yield market was thinner and more
    volatile compared to investment grade market,
    creating pricing and availability risk
  • As a firm with high leverage and sub-investment
    grade rating, the high cost of corporate
    financing might lead Calpine to miss the
    opportunity to invest in a positive NPV growth
    project (Debt Overhang)
  • A large debt issue might further jeopardize
    Calpines debt rating

Case examples to value creation
  • Issues
  • 5. Using project finance as the financing method
  • Benefits
  • Opportunity to finance the growth strategy even
    if Calpine had low investment ratings and limited
    debt capacity
  • Costs
  • Time consuming and expensive to set-up and
    execute individual deals
  • Limited size and absorption capacity of the
    project finance market
  • Possible restrictions to flexibly switch between
    the plants in the power system if each plant
    would be collateralized separately

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • A hybrid structure was crafted that combined
    elements of both project and corporate finance
  • Project Finance
  • Calpine project financed a portfolio of plants
    rather than a single plant. This reduced legal
    and other fees, transaction costs, and saved
  • Project finance allowed raising a large amount of
    debt on a non-recourse basis, which was
    impossible at the parent level
  • Corporate Finance
  • The structure gave Calpine flexibility to build
    the plants using equity, and manage them flexibly
    as part of a power system (which would be
    impossible with separately project financing the
    individual plants)

Case examples to value creation
BP Amoco
  • Background
  • A large and well-capitalized company, BP Amoco
    tries to decide on the best way to finance its
    share in the 8 billion development project of
    Caspian oil fields, undertaken by a consortium of
    11 companies.
  • Each of the partners had a choice in how to
    finance its share of the total investment. Of
    these companies, 5 formed a Mutual Interest Group
    (MIG) to obtain project loan with assistance of
    IFC and EBRD. The alternatives BP Amoco
    considered for its share were corporate
    financing, project financing, or a hybrid

Case examples to value creation
  • Issues
  • Project Risks The project had considerable
    political, financial, industrial (price and
    reserve volatility), and transportation related
    risks largely due to the unique region it was
  • Risk management Protection of BP Amocos balance
    sheet from risk contamination or distress costs
    from investing in a risky asset
  • Involvement of multilateral organizations
    Increased capacity to raise capital

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • Using corporate finance as the financing method
  • Benefits
  • Financially strong enough to support a corporate
    funding strategy with favorable terms
  • Easier to set up and less costly
  • Costs
  • Project might create additional risks in BP
    Amocos current asset portfolio ? Risk
  • BP Amocos absence in the IFC/EBRD finance deal
    for the MIG would make it harder for the weaker
    partners to negotiate good terms, reducing
    flexibility in operations and management
  • BP Amocos using corporate funding while at least
    some of the other partners using the IF/EBRD
    deal might potentially create disagreements
  • Other partners might accuse BP Amoco as free
    rider, since BP Amoco would benefit at no cost
    from the political risk protection IFC/EBRD deal
    would have provided
  • How they funded the initial phase would change
    possibilities of financing for the coming stages

Case examples to value creation
How project structure may help
  • Using project finance as the financing method
  • Benefits
  • Reducing projects potential negative impact on
    the balance sheet The project was very large and
    posed too many risks which BP Amoco could not
    bear alone, meaning a potentially huge negative
    impact on the balance sheet if financed solely by
    internal funding
  • More protection from the many project risks due
    to risk sharing
  • Accommodating the financially weaker partners in
    the consortium to negotiate better deals with
    creditors for the sake of future managerial and
    operational flexibility
  • Benefiting from IFC/EBRDs existence to shield
    from possible conflicts with the host governments
  • Costs
  • Harder, costlier, and more time consuming to set
  • Less flexibility compared to corporate finance

  • What is Project Finance?
  • How does project finance create value?
  • Project valuation
  • Case analyses
  • Recap

Project Valuation
  • Background
  • Approaches to calculating the Cost of Capital in
    Emerging Markets
  • Country Risk Rating Model (Erb, Harvey and

  • Projects are characterized by
  • unique risks
  • high and rapidly changing leverage
  • imbedded flexibility to respond to changing
    conditions (real options)
  • changing tax rates
  • early, certain and large negative cash flows
    followed by uncertain positive cash flows
  • Traditional DCF method is inaccurate
  • Single discount rate does not account for
    changing leverage
  • Ignores imbedded options
  • Idiosyncratic risks are usually incorporated in
    the discount rate as a fudge factor
  • Traditional CAPM method is inaccurate
  • Many mega projects are in emerging markets
  • Many of these markets do not have mature equity
    markets. It is very difficult to estimate Beta
    with the World portfolio.
  • The Beta with the World portfolio is not
    indicative of the sovereign risk of the country
    (asymmetric downside risks). E.g. Pakistan has a
    beta of 0.
  • Most assumptions of CAPM fail in this environment
  • More appropriate approaches to project valuation
    may include

Approaches to calculating the Cost of Capital in
Emerging Markets
  • World CAPM or Multifactor Model (Sharpe-Ross)
  • Segmented/Integrated (Bekaert-Harvey)
  • Bayesian (Ibbotson Associates)
  • CAPM with Skewness (Harvey-Siddique)
  • Goldman-integrated sovereign yield spread model
  • Goldman-segmented
  • Goldman-EHV hybrid
  • CSFB volatility ratio model
  • CSFB-EHV hybrid
  • Damodaran

Approaches to calculating the Cost of Capital in
Emerging Markets
  • Many of these methods suffer problems because
  • Method does not incorporate all risks in the
  • Assume that the only risk is variance, and fails
    to capture asymmetric downside risks
  • Assume markets are integrated and efficient
  • Arbitrary adjustments which either over or
    underestimate risk
  • Confusing bond and equity risk premia.

The Country Risk Rating Model
  • Erb, Harvey and Viskanta (1995)
  • Country credit rating a good ex ante measure of
    future risk
  • Some of the factors that influence a country
    credit rating are
  • political and other expropriation risk,
  • inflation, exchange-rate volatility and controls,
  • the nation's industrial portfolio, its economic
    viability, and its sensitivity to global economic
  • The credit rating may proxy for many of these
    fundamental risks as it is survey based
  • Impressive fit to data
  • Explains developed and emerging markets

The Country Risk Rating Model
The Country Risk Rating Model
  • Cost of Capital risk free intercept (slope
    x Log(IICCR))
  • Log(IICCR) is the natural logarithm of the
    Institutional Investor Country Credit Rating
  • Gives the cost of capital of an average project
    in the country in ).
  • If cash flows are in local currency, convert into
  • Calculate the difference between the multiyear
    forecasts of inflation in the host country and
    those in US
  • Use the difference to map out the expected
    exchange rates
  • Use calculated expected exchange rates to convert
    cash flows into
  • Adjust for industry risk
  • Calculate the country risk premium from ICCRC
  • Country risk premium
  • Country cost of equity capital US cost of
    equity capital
  • Calculate US industry cost of capital by using
    industry beta
  • Add the country risk premium to US industry cost
    of capital
  • Adjust for project specific risks that deviate
    the project from the average level of risk in the
    host country
  • Risks incorporated in cash flows or industry
  • Pre-completion technology, resource, completion.
  • Post-completion market, supply/input,
  • Risks incorporated in discount rate
  • Sovereign risk macroeconomic, legal, political,
    force majeure.

  1. What is Project Finance?
  2. How does project finance create value?
  3. Project Valuation
  4. Case analyses
  5. Recap

Case analyses
  • Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline
  • Petrozuata and Oil Field Development Project
  • Financing the Mozal Project

Chad-Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline
  • Background
  • Corporate finance vs. project finance
  • Why is there a difference between financing of
    field and export systems?
  • The role of World Bank
  • Assessment of project risks and returns
  • Real options
  • Project update

  • ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Petronas undertake a 4
    Billion petroleum development and pipeline
    project in Chad, which presented a unique
    opportunity to stimulate Chads economic
    development, and yet entailed environmental and
    social risks.
  • Corporate finance for the development of the
    field system and project finance for the
  • Debate on unstable political structure and how
    Chad would use its share of project revenues
  • WBs introduction of Revenue Management Plan to
    target Chad Governments returns from the project
    for developmental purposes, and debate on the
    likelihood of effectiveness of such a plan

Corporate financing for the field system
  • The lead sponsor, ExxonMobil had AAA debt rating,
    very strong balance sheet (145M assets) and 16M
    cash flow ? Could afford the field investment in
    a less costly way relative to project financing
  • ExxonMobil was actually a huge portfolio of
    upstream businesses (exploration, development,
    production of crude oil and natural gas),
    downstream businesses (transportation, marketing,
    and sales), as well as chemical byproducts and
    operations in mining. With less than perfect
    correlation among its assets, ExxonMobil might
    actually have been able to eliminate the
    idiosyncratic risks via adding a field
    development project to its portfolio. Corporate
    financing as opposed to project financing helped
    ExxonMobil keep the project as part of its
    portfolio and reduce the risks.
  • Besides, the vertically integrated business model
    made it a naturally cost-efficient choice for
    ExxonMobil to hold the assets collectively with
    corporate financing rather than individually with
    project financing
  • Corporate financing probably also enabled
    managerial flexibility and discretion over the
    use of oil wells, drilling equipment, etc. that
    constitute the field system

Corporate financing for the field system
  • Field development was the less risky part of the
    entire project for the sponsors, because upstream
    operations including field development and
    production was one of the core business areas
    where they were very strong at. This reduced the
    cost of bearing these risks themselves since they
    were better equipped than anyone else.
  • Project financing for a field development project
    would also not be a viable financing option, as
    the lenders generally would be reluctant to
    finance until after all reserves are proven and
    capable of production.
  • The crude oil prices for the last 18 months
    ranged from 9 to 42, averaging 20 per barrel,
    which, even after discounted for the lower grade,
    was considerably higher than the projects 5.20
    exploration and development costs. With a total
    proven plus probable reserves of 917M barrels,
    downside exposure to price and resource risk was
    already mostly eliminated ? No serious need to
    protect from the downside risk (via risk sharing
    )with project finance and incurring higher
    interest rates and loan fees.
  • Corporate financing probably also helped save
    both the costly delays at the development stage
    of the project and the structuring costs, which
    would be incurred in project financing

Project financing for the export system
  • Export system was the riskiest part of the
    project. Project financing for the export system
    mainly enabled the sponsors to spread the
    political risks as much as possible via the
    presence of outside lenders such as WB, IFC,
  • The expectation was that the Chad and Cameroon
    Govts would be less likely to take or tolerate
    adverse actions against the project in fear of
    jeopardizing future funding from the WB and other
    international financing institutions who were
    lenders of last resort
  • Additionally, it facilitated alignment of Govts
    interests with the project through equity
    ownership, which would not have been possible
    otherwise as Govts could not afford on their own
  • Project financing also created the opportunity
    for the pipeline companies (JV between Govts and
    the sponsors) to issue limited-recourse debt,
    guaranteed by the sponsors through completion
  • Project financing enabled external monitoring
    from the lenders
  • ExxonMobil also reduced total investment
    commitment to the project under the
    corporate/project finance structure, compared to
    that under a complete corporate finance structure

The role of World Bank
  • WB involvement assured sponsors the much needed
    protection against the political risk
  • Besides direct investment through A loans, it
    mobilized other funding sources like ECA and
    other banks through a syndicated B loan
  • WBs extensive lending and policy experience with
    Chad offered the leverage that sponsors did not
  • The project with potentially high returns and
    developmental impact for Chad was also aligned
    with WBs policy objectives
  • WB facilitated extensive consultation process
    including supporters and opponents The process
    helped sponsors restructuring the project to
    minimize the social and environmental impact
    (such as increasing the benefits to indigenous
    people and changing the pipeline route to protect
    the natural habitat)
  • WB also initiated a Revenue Management Plan to
    help prevent probable misuse of Chads revenues
    by the Govt, and target them for developmental
    purposes to increase welfare
  • Insisted on an open and transparent project
    planning process
  • Established capacity building programs to develop
    the infrastructure for a well-functioning
    petroleum industry and investment climate in both
    Chad and Cameroon

The role of World Bank
  • WB involvement also ensured that sponsors did not
    abandon the project due to huge political risks
    and looked instead for safer opportunities in
    other countries, leading to a missed opportunity
    for Chad
  • Without the WB, the Govt might turn to
    neighboring countries such as Sudan and Libya for
    partnering in oil export. This potentially would
    have adverse consequences in case the project
    revenues were utilized to finance
    non-developmental purposes such as war.
  • Such an alternative would mean longer and hence
    more expensive pipelines
  • The projects exposure to social risks would
    increase, as the pipelines would inevitably cross
    the northern part of the country with social
    unrest and upheavals.

Subjects of opposition
  • The environmental and social impacts were claimed
    to be irreversible
  • The revenue management plan was claimed to be
    flawed and to lack effective oversight
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