Title: Disclaimer
- The opinions expressed are those of the speaker
and do not reflect opinions of any other person
or agency
2WWII Total WarTotal Propaganda
3East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereAsians Initially
Welcomed Japanese as Liberators
- Why?
- Tajfel et al. (1971
- Sherif (1961)
4One Example Doolittle Raid
Psych. Effects of Air War
Variable Psych. Effects of Prolonged Aerial
5Nazis Über Propaganda
6Nissbett Wilson (1977)
Psychological Explanations for Rise of Hitler?...
(Psych. Explanations for Rise Nazism, contin.)
Availability Bias/Cascade
7Youth PropagandaBandura(1961)
8Obedience The Holocaust
- How could this happen?
- Milgram (1963) Obedience To Authority
9Conformity Without Explicit OrdersAutokinetic
Study (Sherif, 1935)
Conformity Asch (1952)
Social Influence
10Return to Nazis WWII
- Summary of Psych. Reasons for Rise of Nazism
- Social Crisis / Uncertainty
- Hitler Halo Effect
- Obedience to Authority
- Social Conformity
- Modeled Aggression
- Power Blunts Empathy / Compassion
- And of course, social identity and out-group bias
11U.S. Pacific Theater, Initial Morale
Leaving Nazi Psych
- Initial U.S. deception, continued losses
- Japanese militarism
- Both Sides Dehuminization of Out-group
12Was Propaganda!
The Most Famous War Picture Ever
13WW2 Outcomes
- Most Important Long-Term Developments
- Shift of Power Struggle to U.S. vs. USSR
- Massive influx of Jewish refugees into Palestine
14The Cold War (1946-1991)The World Psych War
I(Cold part now, hot spots like Korea
Vietnam later)
- Started Early Hiroshima as Psych. Warfare
against Soviets? - Back into the shadows (KGB vs. CIA)
- Iron Curtain
- Further into the strategic domain
- Low Intensity Conflicts
- Space Race
- The Great Communicator Star Wars
15Hot Parts of Cold War Part 1 Korea (1950-53)
- Retreat and Stalemate
- Wash Brain
- MK Ultra
16Back To Hot Parts of Cold War Part 2 Vietnam
- U.S. Involved 1965-1975
- The Uncensored War
- Containment Effect on Later Strategy?
17The Good Guys?
- Psychology
- Cognitive Dissonance
- Festinger Carlsmith (1959)
- My Lai (event 68, story 69)
18Vietnam Tet Offensive (1968)
- U.S. won ground war
- Viet Cong won media war
- U.S. lost resolve
19Yom Kippur War Egyptian Surprise (1973)
- Psychology Confirmation Bias Again!
20Fast Forward to Israel, 2009
- No approach has worked completely, not Hard Line,
Soft Line, or Status Quo (do nothing)
- Question for U.S. Realpolitik
- What is our strategic/tactical interest in
21Leaving Modern Israel
- Returning you to the 1970s now
22Afghanistan (1978-1988)
- Holy War
- All-out Soviet reaction
- U.S. Taliban both claimed the victory
- Psychology Internal Attribution Tendency?
- The biggest factors were situational
23Desert Storm (1990-91)
- Famously successful Psyops
Public Impression
- Intnl. Coalition Muslim Countries Behind Us
- Technological dominance
- Its over already?
24Somalia (1993)
- U.S. attack killing 73 clan elders
- Battle of Mogadishu
- Led to change in U.S. Policy
25Lect 2Focus on Terrorism
- Zealots Sicarri 1st century BC
- Muslim Assassins (1090 1256)
27Breakup of Empire / Decolonization
- Terrorists seek to provoke regime change or
popular revolt.
28Breakup of Empire
- Russian Rise of Terrorism (1904-07)
Terrorism Triggers World War I
29Algeria 1954 - 1961
- Modern Terrorism
- All-out Counter-Terrorism
30Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-81)
- U.S. seen as weak
- Rise of Theocratic anti-U.S. groups
- Fall of Jimmy Carter, Rise of Ronald Reagan
31Modern trends in terrorism
- Fewer attacks
- More violent attacks (increasing lethality)
32Global Struggle for moral high ground
21st Century War (2001)
- Twin Towers center of world trade
- Pentagon symbol of military power
33Psych. Problems w/ this New WarFirst, What Do
We Call It?
- Who are we fighting?
- When are we done?
- When are we in danger?
- How much danger? (human factors)
- Definitions of Terrorism Vary
34Psychological Media Impacts
- Media exposure to violence influences
- Opinion
- Attitude
- Emotional State
- False Consensus Bias (Projection Bias)
- Ross, Green, House (1977)
35Afghanistan War (2001-present)
The Partnership of Nations is Here to Help You
Demonizing the Taliban bin Laden
36Iraq 2nd Gulf War (2003-present)
Psychological See-Saw
37Where are the WMD? (Oct 2003)
- Sheehan, 2006
- Neutralizing an enemy leader helps
Kidnappings start 2004 (These hurt support)
38Does Terrorism Work?
39Arent We the The Good Guys? Haditha, Aug. 05
Abu Ghraib, April 04
Stanford Prison StudyZimbardo (1971)