Title: Physical Chemistry 2 CH4003 Dr. Erzeng Xue
1Physical Chemistry 2 CH4003Dr. Erzeng Xue
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
2Course General Information
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
- Lectures Monday 9am Room No. BM015
- Friday 9am Room No. SG16
- Lecture Notes Available at the class and on the
ULs web - Tutorial Wednesday 2pm, Room C2062 (to be
arranged) - Labs Group 2A Monday 4-6pm, Room No. A3-009,
- Group 2B Thursday 1-3pm, Room No. A3-009
- Weeks 3,4,5,7,8,9,10 (both groups)
- Attendance is MANDATORY
- MUST have white lab coat and safety specs
- Assessment 75 End term Exam
- 25 Lab. Attendance/Reports
3CH4003 Course Syllabus
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
Course General Information
- Rate laws, integrated and differential forms
- Zero, first and second order rate laws
- Mechanism of reaction, steady state approximation
- Lindemann hypothesis, role of equilibria
- Arrhenius equation, collision theory, activated
complex theory - Ficks law, diffusion
- Photochemistry, fast reactions, polymerisation
- Langmuir adsorption isotherm
- Catalysis,
- Michaelis-Menten kinetics, Monod kinetics
- Applications to selected examples of industrially
important reactions - Basis of IR and UV spectroscopy, fluorescence and
4Recommended Texts
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
Course General Information
- Prime Texts
- Atkins P.W., 2002, Physical Chemistry, 7th ed.,
Oxford University Press. Atkins P.W., 1998,
Physical Chemistry, 6th ed., Oxford University
- Other Texts
- Atkins P.W, 2001, The Elements of Physical
Chemistry, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press. - Alberty, R.A. and Silbey, R.J., 2000, Physical
Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley. - Banwell, C.N. and McCash, E.M., 1994
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th ed.
McGraw Hill.
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
Course General Information
- There are 7 experiments
- 1. Kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate
studied by conductance measurements. - 2. The effect of temperature on reaction rate
Application of the Arrhenius equation to the
kinetics of oxidation of iodide by persulphate. - 3. The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide. - 4. Viscosity measurements in solution phase
chemical kinetics. - 5. Adsorption isotherms.
- 6. The kinetics of a reversible, first-order,
consecutive reaction the reduction of Cr(VI) by
glutathione. - 7. Excited state properties of 2-naphthol
excited state acidity constant. -
- Note A Laboratory Manual will be available
for purchase in the UL Print Room before
laboratory sessions commence in Week 3.
6What Does CH4003 Cover?
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
System A
System B
Extent equilibrium of change
driving force and direction of change
Process of change
The rate of change
7Methods of Study
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
- Fundamental laws
- The way various energies change
- Mathematics models
- Experiment validation
8Success !
CH4003 Lecture Notes 1 (Erzeng Xue)
9Thermodynamics - Review
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
- Thermodynamics is the science of ENERGY
- Properties of matter in terms of energy (micro-
or macroscopic) - The energy exchange in a process (quantity,
direction and limit) - Object of study in thermodynamics - SYSTEM
- System - a quantity of matter or a region in
space chosen - Closed system - no mass crosses system boundary
but energy can be exchanged with surroundings. - Open system - there is mass or energy exchange
with its surroundings - System contains MATTER, has a BOUNDARY and is
always in some STATE
Process of change
state A
state B
10Fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- First Law of Thermodynamics - ENERGY CONSERVATION
- One of many expressions
- Energy cannot be created or destroyed. In a
process energy changes from one form to another
form and the total amount of energy remains
constant. - Second Law of Thermodynamics - DIRECTION of
change in a process - One of the several expressions states
- Processes occur in a direction of decreasing
quality of energy. - Third Zeroth Laws of Thermodynamics
-Temperature definition measurement - Third Law - Entropy definition
- The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at
absolute zero temperature is zero. - Zeroth Law - Temperature measurement
- If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a
third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium
with each other.
11State of System
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- State
- A state represents a snapshot of a system at a
given time - All the system properties have fixed values at a
certain state - (but you dont have to write down all system
properties to specify a state, only a few
independent properties are sufficient, the number
depending on the system) - Change of state
- For a change of state, one needs to specify
- the initial state and the final state
- the path of process of change
- if it is a reversible or irreversible process
- Equilibrium
- A special state at which no more change is
12Properties of System
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- Properties of system - characteristics of system
- Intensive properties - independent of the system
size - e.g. Temperature, pressure, density etc. (value
does not change by the division) - Extensive properties - dependent on the system
size - e.g. mass, volume, internal energy etc. (value
changes by the division)
13Basic System Properties
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- Temperature, T
- T is the measurement of the hotness of a
substance/system - Several scales are in use C, F, K and R (less
common). - Pressure, P
- P is the force exerts by a fluid to a system per
unit area - absolute pressure and gage pressure
- Several units are commonly used (Pa, bar, mmHg,
psi, atm.) - Volume, V
- The volume of a system
- Entropy, S
- S is a measure of molecular disorder, or
molecular randomness - S has an energy unit but is NOT a form of energy
- important S is not conserved in a process.
14Other System Properties
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- Other properties used to define a system state
and to describe a process - enthalpy, h,
- internal energy, u,
- Helmholtz function, a
- Gibbs function, g
- Most important basic property functions
- 1st Gibbs equation du T ds - P dv (derived
from entropy definition) - 2nd Gibbs equation dh T ds v dP (derived
from enthalpy definition) - Helmholtz function da -s dT - P
dv (Helmholtz definition) - Gibbs function dg -s dT v dP (Gibbs
definition) - Maxwell relations
15Substance in a System
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- Substance
- Pure substance - has a fixed and uniform chemical
composition. - Mixture of pure substances
- properties of a mixture depend on the properties
of each individual component / constituent and
the amount of each in the mixture - Phases of substances
- solid molecules are arranged in 3-D pattern that
is repeated throughout. The attractive forces
between molecules are large and keep the
molecules in fixed positions - liquid The molecular spacing is in the same
order as in a solid and molecules remain ordered
structure but the molecules position is not
fixed in 3-D structure - gas Molecules are far apart they move freely
and collide each other - The energies contain in the various phase
following the order gas gt liquid gt solid. - Property-relation diagrams
- Type of diagrams commonly used to describe
property-relations of a substance - T-V, P-V, P-T, P-V-T, T-S and H-S diagrams.
16Thermodynamics of Chemical Reaction Systems
CH4003 Lecture Notes 2 (Erzeng Xue)
Thermodynamics Review
- Energies transferred during a process
- Sensible energy - P, T
- Latent internal energy - energy associated with
phase change - Chemical internal energy - energy associated with
destruction and formation of a chemical bond of
molecules - Thermodynamics of chemical reaction systems
- Study the energy transfer process in chemical
reactions - Predict the direction of a chemical reaction and
the energy transfer associated with the reaction - Predict the final state (equilibrium) of a
chemical reaction system, and - Study factors that affect the characteristics of
the final state (not the process!) of a reaction
system - Chemical reactions
- For most gas-phase reactions occurring at elevate
T. - the gases can be treated as ideal gases - Many reactions proceed continuously at a constant
P - can be treated as steady-flow process - Many reactions are carried out at a constant T
(very common) - these are isothermal process - Many batch reactions are carried out at constant
volume (T and P may vary) - The reactions take place in a well-insulated
chamber is usually treated as an adiabatic
non-chemical energy
17Chemical Reaction - The Process
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
- Consider a chemical reaction A B C D
- meaning molecules A react with molecules B,
producing molecules C D
Step 3 A reacts with B giving CD
Step 4 C D move apart
Step 1 Add A B
Step 2 A meets B
activation reaction
product molecules travel to apart
reactant molecules travel to meet
Reaction Process
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
- The process for a molecule to travel through the
pool of molecules is called diffusion. - The reactant A can be molecules in a gas phase or
a liquid phase or a solid phase so can reactant
B, the products C and D - The media (pool of molecules) for either reactant
molecules or product molecules to diffuse through
can also either be a gas, a liquid or a solid - The rate of diffusion (diffusivity) has an order
of gasgtliquidgtsolid. Most industrial reactions
take place either in gas phase or in a liquid
phase, or multi-phases
19Rate of Diffusion vs. Rate of Reaction
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
- It is important to remember that the practical
rate of a reaction cannot be larger than the
rates of diffusion, which means that - when the theoretical rate of a reaction is lower
than the rate of diffusion, the maximum rate of
reaction is then determined by the rate of the
chemical reaction - - we say reaction is kinetic control
- when the theoretical rate of a reaction is higher
than the rate of diffusion, the maximum rate of
reaction which can be achieved is the rate of
diffusion - - we say the reaction rate is diffusion control
- both the rate of reaction and the rate of
diffusion can vary with the reactor design
reaction conditions applied (e.g. T, P, pH etc.)
however, the dependence of the reaction rate
differs from that of diffusion rate on those
reaction parameters.
20Molecular Diffusion
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
- Molecules travel randomly in all directions
- Change direction upon collisions
- Net effect is molecule A diffusing from high
density (concentration) region (1) to low density
(concentration) region (2) - Molecular diffusion involved at least 2
components - The model is valid for both gas and liquid systems
21Diffusion Equation - Ficks Law
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
(2) CA2 CB2
(1)CA1 CB1
t0 CA1 gt CA2 and CB2 gt CB1. A will start to
diffuse from (1) to (2) and B from (2) to
(1). tt For a close system when reaching
equilibrium CA2tt CA1tt and CB1 tt CB2
tt At steady-state, A and B are supplied at a
steady rate to the system A to point (1) B to
point (2) so that the diffusion of A (and B in
rev. direction) is constant
JA - flux of A mol s-1 m-2 CA - concentration
of A mol m-3 CB - concentration of B mol m-3 x
- direction of molecular diffusion m DAB - diffus
ion coefficient (of A in B) m2 s-1
Note - Mass is transferred in the direction of x
from high C to low C, thus minus sign in the
equation - For equimolar counter-diffusion DABDBA
22Application - Ficks Law of Diffusion
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
- Ficks Law of diffusion (1-D)
- Integrating for steady-state situation using
boundary conditions of - CACA1 at x0 and CACA2 at xL
- When the distance L and the concentrations at
the two points under concern, mass diffusion flux
can easily be calculated, provided that the value
of DAB (the diffusion coefficient) can be found
or predetermined. - Finding diffusion coefficient
- From literature
- Experimental determination
- Estimation/Prediction of diffusion coefficient
from known theory
23Diffusion Coefficients of Gases at 1 atm.
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
System Temp C Diffusivity cm2/s
System Temp C Diffusivity cm2/s
- Air-NH3 0 0.198
- Air-H2O 0 0.220
- 25 0.260
- 42 0.288
- Air-CO2 3 0.142
- 44 0.177
- Air-H2 0 0.611
- Air-C2H5OH 25 0.135
- 42 0.145
- Air-CH3COOH 0 0.106
- Air-n-hexane 21 0.080
- Air-benzene 25 0.0962
- Air-toluene 26 0.086
- Air-n-butanol 0 0.0703
- 26 0.087
- H2-CH4 25 0.726
- H2-N2 25 0.784
- 85 1.052
H2-benzene 38.1 0.404 H2-Ar 22.4 0.83 H2-NH3 25 0.
783 H2-SO2 50 0.61 H2-C2H5OH 67 0.586 He-Ar 25 0.7
29 He-n-butanol 150 0.587 He-air 44 0.765 He-CH4 2
5 0.675 He-N2 25 0.687 He-O2 25 0.729 CO2-N2 25 0.
167 CO2-O2 20 0.153 N2-n-butane 25 0.0960 H2O-CO2
34.3 0.202 CH3Cl-SO2 30 0.0693 (C2H5)
2O-NH3 26.5 0.1078
24Application - Ficks Law
CH4003 Lecture Notes 3 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction Process
- For a gas system
- From Kinetic theory
- Chapman-Enskog equation (semi-theoritical)
- For a liquid system
- for solute molar weight gt 1000
- for solute molar weight lt 1000
u - average speed of molecule l - mean free path
length kB - Boltzmann constant P,T - pressure,
temperature m - mass of molecule or sphere d -
molecule diameter
P - pressure T - temperature MA, MB - molar
weight of A and B sAB - average collision
diameter WD,AB - collision integral
m, mB - viscosity of solution and solvent VA -
solute molar volume at its normal boiling
point f - associate parameter, value varies with
solvent used
25Chemical Reaction - The Equation
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
- Reaction equation for A reacting with B forming C
and D - A B C D (1) - general
expression of a reaction - vAA vBB vCC vDD (2) - quantitative
representation of a reaction - vAA vBB D vCC vDD (3) - representing an
equilibrium controlled reaction - Reaction stoichiometry
- vA, vB, vC and vD are numbers, called
stoichiometry coefficients - The concept of mole (the number of molecules) in
a chemical reaction - Determination of stoichiometry coefficients -
balancing equation (equal number of each atom on
both sides of the equation) - e.g. 2NO O2 2NO2 we have 2 N, 4 O on both
sides -
- Q. For the same reaction can we write the
equation as - 4 NO 2 O2 4NO2 or
- NO ½O2NO2 ?
26Direction of a Reaction
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- Q. A reaction A B C D. Will it proceed in
the direction indicated? - Is there a general way to know reaction
direction? - A. We can tell from the change of Gibbs free
energy in a reaction, DG -
- The 2nd Law of Thermodyn. - Processes occur in a
direction of decreasing quality of energy. - We need to study reaction system in terms of
energies and their changes - The energies associated with a reaction system
- Many energy terms, a, U, H, G, - all depend on 4
basic parameters P, T, V, S - Usually P, T, V are specified by given reaction
conditions. S is related to the substances in
the reaction (reactants/products) and reaction
conditions (P, T, V) - Knowing P, T, V and S, all other energy terms can
be determined. The most important ones in
relation to chemical reactions are H and G.
27Entropy of Reaction System
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- Entropy definition meaning at T, change of S
is proportional to change of heat - Entropy calculation
- Basis of S calculation 3rd Law of
thermodynamics S0 at absolute temperature0 - Assign standard entropy of a substance (1 mole,
at 1 atm. 25C) as - (S298 value of common substances are available
in most chemistry / chem. engg handbooks.) - The entropy change in a reaction at T, P
- reaction vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- If a reaction is adiabatic, it can only proceed
when DSgt0 (rxn reaches equilibrium when DS0). - Usually S analysis of a reaction system is
complicated and less convenient to use.
This term becomes zero if there is no phase
change during the reaction
28Enthalpy of Reaction System
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
gas phase (ideal gas) at const. T P g-l, g-s or
g-s,l mixture at const. T P liquid or solid
- Enthalpy definition
- Enthalpy calculation
- Standard enthalpy of formation, Hf
- Assign Hf of all stable substances (O2, N2, CO2
H2O etc.) at 298K 1atm as 0 (not at 0K as for
S) (H298 values of common substances are
available in most chemistry / chem. engg
handbooks.) - Enthalpy of combustion, Hc -Often used for
combustn process, similar to enthalpy of
formation - Enthalpy change when 1 mole of substance
combusted completely (reacted completely with
O2). - The enthalpy change in a reaction at T, P
- reaction vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- DH is a direct measure of the reaction heat
associated with a reaction (if only chemical
energy change exists). When DH lt 0 - the
reaction is exothermic and when DH gt 0 is the
reaction is endothermic. - Reaction heat is of critical importance in
reaction engineering (reactor process design).
The DH of phase transformations including g-l-s
or crystalline phase change
29Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction System (1)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- Gibbs free energy (also called Gibbs function)
definition - G U PV -TS H - TS Þ DG DH - TDS
at constant T,P - Gibbs free energy calculation
- Standard Gibbs free energy, G298
- Similar to S and H, the standard Gibbs free
energy of formation of a substance, G, is
defined at reference state of T298 K and P1 atm
- (G298 values of common substances are available
in most chemistry / chem. engg handbooks.) - Gibbs free energy change in a reaction at T, P
- reaction vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- or, DGT can be determined directly from
value of each individual substance
value from overall reaction
30Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction System (2)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- DG is one of the most important thermodyn.
properties for a chemical reaction system. - It determines the direction of reaction to
proceed - DGlt 0 is the pre-condition which MUST be met for
any process (not limited to chemical reaction
systems) to occur (spontaneous process). - DGlt0 indicates a specified reaction has tendency
to proceed however, it CANNOT tell how fast that
reaction will occur - reaction kinetics tell the
rxn rate. - A process/reaction proceeds always in the
direction of MINIMISING Gibbs free energy. This
is a very important concept. - A process/reaction will stop at DG0, this is
called equilibrium state.
31Important Notes about DS, DH and DG
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- DS, DH and DG are widely used in analysing
various systems. Our current discussion of these
function is limited to the application to a
reaction system. - A clear definition of the reaction conditions is
necessary before start calculation of these
properties. - There are many ways these thermodynamic
properties can be determined. Only most commonly
used ones in relation to a chemical reaction are
given. - It is very important to understand the study a
chemical reaction by means of thermodynamics
tells only state - a snapshot of system, and
how a process proceeds from one state to another
(reversible-irreversible, with or without work
done / exchange heat with surrounding). There is
no factor of time involved.
32Home Work
CH4003 Lecture Notes 4 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction
- Calculate the DH and DG values at 25 C, 200
C, 400 C and 600 C and constant pressure of 1
atm. of reaction - 2NO(g) O2(g) 2 NO2(g)
- Determine from your results
- a) can the reaction proceed at all given
temperatures? - b) is the reaction endothermic or exothermic?
33Chemical Reaction - The Equilibrium (1)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
- For a chemical reaction vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- when GT 0, we say the reaction is in chemical
reaction equilibrium - - What is a chemical reaction equilibrium?
- Example 1 NH3(aq)H2O(l) D NH4(l)OH-(aq)
- At constant T and P, when t
- Example 2 2NO(g) O2(g) D 2NO2(g)
- At constant T and P, when t
- The concentration of a gas is usually measured
as partial pressure - At an equilibrium the reaction quotient becomes
reaction quotient
34Chemical Reaction - The Equilibrium (2)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
- Chemical reaction equilibrium
- vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- An equilibrium is a state at which no further
change is possible under that specific set of
reaction system parameters - An equilibrium is a dynamic process, meaning that
the rate of forward reaction is equal to that of
reverse - At equilibrium GT 0
- i.e.
- Any change of reaction parameters will redefine a
system leading to a new equilibrium, which may
not be the same as that before the change - Kp indicates only the relation between the
partial pressures of reactants and products at
equilibrium, how fast a reaction proceed is
controlled by reaction kinetics.
35Equilibrium Constant (1)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- Definition of equilibrium constant, K
- The equilibrium constant is the reaction
quotient at GT 0. - Expressions of equilibrium constant for various
reactions - gas phase 2NO(g) O2(g) D 2NO2(g)
- gas-solid phase CaCO3(s) D CaO (s)CO2(g)
- liquid phase NH3(aq)H2O(l) D NH4(l)OH-(aq)
- liquid-solid Cu(OH)2(s) D Cu2(aq)2OH- (aq)
- gas-liquid NH3(g)H2O(l) D NH4OH(aq)
- general vAA vBB D vCC vDD
36Equilibrium Constant (2)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- Equilibrium constant, Kp, and Gibbs free energy
DG - A gas phase reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD
- When at equilibrium, assuming all the gases
follow the ideal gas law - at P1 atm, DGS(viGi)prod-S(viGi)reac0
and at any P(¹1) DGS(viGi)prod-S(viGi)reac0 - when reaction occurs at constant temperature
(isothermal reaction) - dGVdP-SdT dGVdP dGRTdP/P
DGRTln(P/P0) - G is defined at P01 atm, so that
DGG-GRTln(P/1) GiGiRTlnPi - S(vi(GiRTln(PCPD))prod-S(vi
(GiRTln(PAPB))reac0 - S(viGi)prod-S(vi Gi)reac-S(viRTln(PCPD))prod
-S(vi RTln(PAPB))reac - By definition
37Equilibrium Constant (3)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- Equilibrium constant, Kc, and Gibbs free energy
DG - Ideal solution (liquid and solid)
- Raoults law PixiPi or xiPi / Pi
where - thus for a solution we can also write
Gi(GiRTln xi) (compare to gas GiGiRTlnPi) - which lead to, in a similar way, the relation
between DG and Kc, - Summary of G calculation for ideal gas and
solution - For a pure substance at const T
P, GGRTlnP (1) - For a mixture of ideal gas at const T and P G
SGiS(GiRTln Pi) (2-1) - For a mixture of ideal solution at const T and
P G SGiS(GiRTln xi) (2-2) - For a situation that a mixture (gas or solution)
under concern is not ideal, the Pi or xi cannot
be related to G by expressions (2-1) (2-2). How
do you calculate G?
Pi - vapour pressure of component i xi - mole
fraction of component i in solution Pi - equil.
vapour pressure of pure component i
38Equilibrium Constant (4)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- Real mixture (Non ideal substances)
- For a real gas Pi,real ¹ Pi,ideal, we define
the effective pressure, f, - f is called fugacity
- For a real solution Pi,vap,real ¹ Pi,vap,ideal,
we define the effective concentration, ai - a is called activity
- Chemical potential, m
- Using the same relation of G with Pi and xi for
ideal gas and solution, but G is replaced by a - new term, m, called chemical potential ,
representing the non-ideal situation - ideal gas GiGiRTlnPi real gas mi
miRTlnPi,real miRTlnfiPi,ideal - ideal solution GiGiRTlnxi real solution
mi miRTlnxi,real miRTlnaixi,ideal - Values of f and a for real gases and solutions
can be found from literature - Chemical potential can also be used to describe
an ideal gas or solution, i.e. Gm - i.e. for ideal gas mimiRTlnPi and for ideal
solution mimiRTlnxi
39The Equilibrium (5)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- A chemical reaction,if in equilibrium (Dm0)
- vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- ideal gas
- real gas
- ideal solution
- real solution
- When solids or liquids are present either as
reactants or products, their vapour pressures, at
constant T, are usually constant - thus can be
included in the Kp without appearing in the
expression. - e.g. CaCO3(s) CaO(s) CO2 (g) Kp
40Equilibrium Constant (6)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 5 (Erzeng Xue)
Chemical Reaction equilibrium
- The equilibrium constant, K, is a function of
temperature - The effect of inert on the equil. composition -
depending on the reaction stoichiometry - Dv vC vD - vA - vB
- When Dvgt0, a high P push the equilibrium to the
direction of more completion,and visa verse - The expression of equilibrium constant depends on
the way reaction equation is written - For a reverse reaction its equilibrium constant
- vAA vBB D vCC vDD
- vCC vDD D vAA vBB
- For reaction equation written with different
stoichiometery coefficient - 2NO(g) O2(g) D 2NO2(g) NO(g) ½ O2(g) D
41Chemical Reaction - The Rate
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
- What is reaction rate?
- The rate of a chemical reaction refers to the
reactant consumption or the product formation per
unit time. - It is a quantitative measure of how fast a
reaction can proceed. - some reactions proceed very fast, other reactions
may proceed very slow - In thermodynamics where only the starting and
ending states are characterised - Why study the reaction rate?
- in industry we need to know how long do we need
to produce a certain product - the size and type of a reactor
- we also need to know what is the best reaction
conditions we should apply - using proper conditions such as T, P,
concentration etc. to speed up the desired
reaction - to suppress undesired side reactions
- when apply a catalyst how effective it is on the
desired / undesired reaction - A study of reaction rate often reveal information
on the reaction mechanism - A good understanding of reaction mechanism helps
us to find a more effective way to carry out a
reaction and sometimes leads to discovery of new
means of reaction - A study of reaction rate is often referred as a
study of Reaction Kinetics
42Definition of Reaction Rate
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- For a reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD
- The reactant consumption or the product formation
per unit time can be written as -
- similarly we can write (eqn.1)
- Are these the same rate?
- Depending on the stoichiometry coefficients. The
equivalent rate is - e.g. N2 3H2 2NH3
- The appearance of rate expression depends on the
way reaction equation is written. We use the
format (eqn.1) if there is no need to specify the
equivalent rates.
43Rate Equations (or Rate Laws) (1)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- For a reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD (1)
- Consider molecules in a reaction system
- The more reactant molecules in the system, the
more chance for reactant molecules to meet - the
more effective collision between these molecules,
which lead to reaction to occur, thus - rate µ AB (2a)
- Reactant A molecules may differ from B molecules
in leading to reaction, this may be written as - rate µ AaBb (2b)
- If a reaction approaches equilibrium conversion,
the more product molecules in the system, the
more chance for product molecules to meet -
causing the reverse reaction, thus - reverse rate µ CD or rate µ 1/CD
C-1D-1 (3) - Considering the effectiveness of product C and D
molecules in causing the reverse reaction, we
have rate µ C lDd - Reaction rate, ri, in relation to
reactant/product i, in general form - where k is reaction rate constant
44Rate Equations (2)
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- Different appearances of rate equation
- For a reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD (1)
- If reaction is far away from equilibrium
conversion, the reverse reaction is negligible, - If reactant A in large excess, which means that
the conc. of A can be considered as constant, - Some reactions do not depend on the concentration
of neither reactant nor product, - There exist other more complicated forms of rate
equations. - How do we study different types of reaction? Or,
how we characterise these rate equations?
45Reaction Order
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- Definition
- Reaction order with respect to a specific
component (either reactant or product) to which
the conc. of that component is raised in the rate
eqn - For a reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD (1)
- If rate equation is
- the order w.r.t. A is a, the order w.r.t. B is
b, the order w.r.t. C is l, etc. - Overall Reaction order - is the sum of orders of
all reactants products - The overall order of the above reaction is
N(ab ld) - Note 1) A reaction order do not have to be an
integral, it can be a fraction. - e.g. C4H103.5O2C4H2O34H2O
- 2) Some rate eqns. are very complicated - we do
not use the term reaction order. - e.g. COH2OCO2H2
46Reaction Rate Constant
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- For a reaction vAA vBB vCC vDD
- The general form of rate equation
- k is the reaction rate constant
- Independent of reactant / product concentration
- Dependent on the reaction temperature
- The unit of k depends on the unit of all other
terms in the rate equation - e.g. (mol g-1 h-1), and Pi is the partial
pressure in bar - the unit of k
- Initially k is found to be temperature dependent,
further study shows that -
- or often written as
47Rate Constant Arrhenius Equation
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- The Arrhenius Equation (1)
- where A pre-exponential factor
- Ea is the reaction activation energy
- R is the gas constant
- T is the reaction temperature in Kelvin
- Eqn.1 was initially found from fitting
experimental results. After molecular kinetic
theory was established, the relation can be
derived directly from the theory - Usually A is related to the molecule collision
frequency or thermodynamically to the entropy - Ea is an energy term which related to the
- energy barrier for a reaction has to overcome
Arrhenius parameters
48Exp. Determination of Arrhenius Parameters
CH4003 Lecture Notes 6 (Erzeng Xue)
Reaction kinetics
- From the Arrhenius Equation (1)
- To determine A and Ea
- Take log
- Compare with linear equation yabx, where
ylnk, a lnA, b-Ea/R and x1/T - If when can measure k at various temperature Ts
- Note As k is a function of temperature, the k
value measured - at each T as mentioned above should be
different. - Therefore, the above method, strictly speaking,
gives - average values of Ea and A within the Ts