Title: PSPICE Tutorial
1PSPICE Tutorial
- Part 1 Installing, Project creation, Schematic
Circuit set-up, Edit PSpice Model
2When installing Orcad Lite 9.2
- In Orcad Lite Set Up - Enable both Capture and
3Lets simulate the discrete CS amplifier example
- Phase 1 Project Creation ? Schematic
Creation ? Components Libraries Configuration ?
Components Layout ? Wiring ? Components Values ?
Simulation Profile Creation
4Creating New Project
- File New ? Project
- In New Project window project name is
arbitrary, note Using and Location entries.
5(No Transcript)
6Two windows Project Manager and Schematic
7Project Manager operations
- Enable by clicking on (), and it turns to (-).
- Enable both project and Schematic.
- Right-click on Schematic1 to rename it.
8Clicking on the Schematic page brings up the
right toolbar
- Most frequently used icons
- First Place Part
- Second Place Wire
- Third Place net alias (i.e. node labeling)
- Eighth Place Ground
9Click Place Part icon ? Click Add Library ?
In Browse File box right-click-drag to select
all libraries ? Click Select ? Finally click
Cancel to leave this mode
This process needs to be done only once per
project. Libraries are then configured for all
10Only one ground type will do!
- Click on Place Ground ? Click Add
Libraries ? Open PSpice folder ? Open Source
library ? Select 0 ? Click Cancel
11Lets start by placing an NMOS in the schematic
Click OK to place the part. Right-click and
then End Mode to stop parts production.
- Click Place Part ? Select Breakout library
? Scroll to and select MbreakN (for a
4-terminal NMOS). For PMOS take MbreakP.
12Placing all the parts
- R,C from Analog library VDC,VSIN from
Source library 0 from the Ground library.
13Click-select part to move it, or after
right-clicking to rotate it
14Wiring the components -1
(Can stop mid-way if need to route wire by 900
more than once)
- Click Place Wire ? Drag cross-hair to a
component terminal ? Left-click and let go ?Drag
to next terminal and left-click to establish wire
15Wiring the components - 2
(If you short circuit Source to Substrate too
close to the component you may not be able to
undo it)
- Red dots show up when two wires meet
electrically. Red dots in unwanted or odd places
may indicate spurious wires that need to be
removed (i.e. selected and deleted)
16Double-click on components value to change it
(In PSPICE 1MO is written 1meg. 1M 1
17Adding Node Labels
- Click on N1 icon ? Type name, such as in or
out, etc ? Move label frame so that it touches
the respective wire. - By clicking on components name (say R1), can
change its name to, say, RG1.
18Transistors parameters -1
- Click-select NMOS. Then? Edit PSpice Model ?
Model Editor opens up.
19Transistors Parameters - 2
- First, create a new name for the component
- Place cursor to left of and put in some
descriptive name. - Dont save yet.
20Transistors Parameters - 3
- Next, type in the SPICE code (in the right field)
- SPICE code starts with symbol. No spaces.
- Full list of permissible parameters can be found
in the PSPICE Reference Manual (one of the
on-screen documentation files that came on your
21Transistors Parameters - 4
- Note that KPs units are A/V2!
- Units of W,L are meter. Therefore, L4u means
L4µm. - When you are done typing the code, Save.
- Before leaving Model Editor, you may want to
display the parameters on the circuit schematics.
22Displaying Transistors Parameters Method 1
- Return to the Schematic page.
- In upper toolbar click Place, and select
Text. - A Text Edit window opens up. Type the MOSFET
parameters LEVEL1, VTO1V,. You may press
CtrlEnter to start text new lines, for a more
compact presentation. - Place text block somewhere near transistor. You
may also place a line (using PlaceLine) to
connect textbox to the right transistor.
23Displaying Transistors Parameters Method 2
- Return to the Schematic page.
- Double-click on the MbreakN component to open a
Property Editor. - Click Add New Column, and type LEVEL, add a
value 1. Select both cells and click Display.
Select Name and Value. - Repeat for each parameter.
24Resulting Displays