Writing Your Masters Dissertation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing Your Masters Dissertation


Barack Obama ... complex circuits: an And2 gate, a multiplexer and a 1 ... with only one, four and five logic gates respectively they were easy to draw out ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing Your Masters Dissertation

Writing Your Masters Dissertation
  • David A Watt

  • Structure
  • Content
  • Writing
  • Formatting
  • Submission

Structure (1)
  • First decide the structure of your dissertation
    how it will be divided into chapters (and
  • You might decide to subdivide some chapters into
  • You might even subdivide some sections into
    subsections. (But avoid subsubsections!)

Example structure (1)
Title page Acknowledgements Abstract Table of
Contents 1 Introduction 2 Survey 3 Requirements 4
Design 5 Implementation 6 Evaluation 7 Conclusion
A Requirements B Design Documents C Evaluation
Results Bibliography
  • Typical structure for a development project

Example structure (2)
  • Typical structure for a research project

Title page Acknowledgements Abstract Table of
Contents 1 Introduction 2 Survey 3 4 5 6 Eva
luation 7 Conclusion A B Bibliography
Structure (2)
  • Expand your structure into a synopsis. Under each
    chapter title, write brief notes summarising what
    the chapter will cover.
  • Use the synopsis to check
  • that all essential topics are covered
  • that no topic is covered twice
  • that the topics are covered in an orderly fashion
    (avoiding forward references where possible).
  • Ask your supervisor to comment on your synopsis
    before you start writing chapters.

Example synopsis
  • Possible synopsis for a development project
  • IntroductionContext motivation for the project
    problem statement outline of dissertation.
  • SurveyReview of relevant literature review of
    similar software products.
  • RequirementsHow requirements were captured
    discussion of major requirements (referring to
    Appendix A for details).
  • DesignHow the product was designed, with
    discussion of design alternatives (referring to
    Appendix B for details).

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents
  • Development project
  • Research project
  • Plagiarism vs acknowledgement
  • Supplementary material and attached CD
  • For advice on bibliography and citations, re-read
    Writing Your Masters Proposal Report.

Content title page
Managing an Election Campaign Barack Obama A
dissertation presented in part fulfilment of the
requirements of the Degree of MSc in Information
Technology at The University of Glasgow November
authors full name
Content abstract
  • The abstract is a short summary of the
  • Its purpose is to catch the readers attention
    is this dissertation worth reading in full?
  • It should be ½1 page long.
  • It should briefly outline the context of your
    project, its goals, and its achievements. It
    should highlight any novel aspects of the project.

Content table of contents
  • The table of contents lists the chapters of the
    dissertation (showing each chapters number and
    title, and the number of its first page).
  • Similarly, it lists the abstract,
    acknowledgements, appendices, bibliography, etc.
  • If chapters are subdivided into sections, these
    should also be listed (showing each sections
    number and title, and the number of its first
  • Section details should be indented and less

Example table of contents
5 Implementation 34 5.1 Model 34 5.2 User
interface 39 5.3 Controller 43 5.4 Test
strategy 46 6 Evaluation 48 6.1 Methodology 48 6
.2 Results 50 7 Conclusion 59 A Requirements 63 B
Design Documents 67 C Evaluation
Results 71 Bibliography 93
Table of Contents Acknowledgements iii Abstract
v Contents vii 1 Introduction 1 2 Survey 6 2.1
Literature 6 2.2 Software products 13 3 Requireme
nts 20 4 Design 23 4.1 Class design 23 4.2 User
interface design 30
Content development project (1)
  • In the introduction, briefly explain the context
    of your work, state the problem that you
    addressed, and explain why this problem was worth
  • In the survey chapter, present an overview of
    relevant previous work including articles and
    existing products. Critically evaluate the
    strengths and weaknesses of this previous work.
  • In the requirements chapter, explain how you
    captured the requirements.
  • But dont include a full statement of
    requirements here!

Content development project (2)
  • In the design chapter, discuss the main
    features of your design and how it evolved,
    highlighting any novel features.
  • But dont include design documentation here!
  • In the implementation chapter, discuss the main
    algorithms and data structures and how they
    evolved, highlighting any novel features. Also
    discuss your testing strategy.

Content development project (3)
  • In the evaluation chapter, describe how you
    evaluated your product. Summarise the evaluation
    results, and use them to critically evaluate your
    own work. Be honest about any shortcomings.
  • In the conclusion, describe the status of your
    product. Summarize what you have achieved,
    compared to what you originally set out to
    achieve. Relate your work to relevant previous
    work. Suggest further work that you think would
    be worthwhile.

Content research project (1)
  • In the introduction, briefly explain the research
    context of your work. Clearly state the research
    problem that you addressed. Explain why this
    research problem is worth solving.
  • In the survey chapter, present an overview of
    the literature relevant to the research problem.
    Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses
    of the work reported in the literature.

Content research project (2)
  • In the next few chapters, describe the research
    itself, and its results. Include enough technical
    detail to enable a reader to judge the accuracy
    and originality of your work. This description of
    your research should be the largest part of your
    dissertation how it is divided into chapters
    will depend on the nature of your work.
  • In the evaluation chapter, critically evaluate
    your research results and assess their

Content research project (3)
  • In the conclusion, summarize what you have
    achieved, compared to what you originally set out
    to achieve. Relate your work to other relevant
    work. Suggest further work that you think would
    be worthwhile.

Content plagiarism vs acknowledgement (1)
  • Every project builds on previous work. You should
    have evaluated previous work in your project
  • It is normal to use previous work in your
    project, but you are also expected to contribute
    something new. (You will be assessed on your own
  • Whenever you use another persons work, you must
    acknowledge its source.
  • Failure to acknowledge a source is plagiarism.
    This means presenting another persons work as if
    it were your own.

Content plagiarism vs acknowledgement (2)
  • Wherever you use another persons words exactly,
    include quotation marks as well as a citation.
  • It is usually better to paraphrase the other
    persons words (using your own words) but still
    include a citation.

Content plagiarism vs acknowledgement (3)
  • Wherever you reuse another persons code,
    acknowledge the source in the code itself (as a
    comment) and in your dissertation.
  • Wherever you use another persons idea, design,
    data, table, figure, image, etc., acknowledge the
    source in your dissertation. E.g.

Table 4.1 Annual growth rates (The
Economist 2008).
Content supplementary material
  • Supplementary material includes code,
    documentation, detailed evaluation results, etc.
  • Do not include supplementary material in the
    chapters of your dissertation.
  • Put supplementary material
  • on the CD that accompanies your dissertation
  • in an appendix (but only if it is essential to
    understanding of the dissertation, and only if it
    is not too bulky).
  • Include references to the supplementary material
    where necessary in your dissertation.

Content CD
  • Suggested CD structure and contents
  • Dissertation PDF of your dissertation
  • Code executable or script all source code
    files any required data files
  • Documentation statement of requirements
    design documentation code documentation
  • Evaluation task sheet(s) questionnaire
    form(s) questionnaire returns

a single file, named MSc_project_nnn.pdf or
MRes_project_nnn.pdf (nnn your surname)
essential, to make it easy for the reader to run
your software
  • Knowing your readers
  • Tense
  • Voice and first-person pronouns
  • For advice on terminology, acronyms, grammar and
    spelling, re-read Writing Your Masters Proposal

Writing knowing your readers
  • Know who will read your dissertation, and think
    about what they know already
  • Do not patronise readers by explaining things
    that they certainly know already.
  • Do not bamboozle readers by failing to explain
    things that they might not know already. (Include
    a brief explanation, and/or cite a suitable
    textbook or article.)
  • Who might read your dissertation?
  • internal and external examiners
  • future masters students
  • interested readers elsewhere (if it is very

Writing tense
  • Write about your project activities (e.g.,
    analysis, evaluation) in the past tense.
  • Write about your projects product in the present
  • Write about planned further work in the future

At the time of submitting your dissertation, the
project activities have been completed.
At the time of submitting your dissertation, the
product exists.
At the time of submitting your dissertation, the
further work has not yet been done.
Writing voice and first-person pronouns
  • Most technical writers prefer to write in the
    active voice (e.g., I did this, then I did
  • But this forces the writer to use first-person
    pronouns (I, me, etc.) when referring to
  • Using I frequently is egocentric use it
  • Using we is pretentious (unless there are
    multiple authors).
  • Some technical writers prefer to write in the
    passive voice (e.g., this was done, then that
    was done).
  • This avoids the problem of first-person pronouns,
    but sentences tend to be vague or awkward.

Example voice and first-person pronouns
Formatting word processors
  • Use a good word processor, such as Word or LaTeX.
  • Use the word processors built-in styles. Define
    your own styles where necessary.
  • Using styles helps to ensure consistent (and
    easily-modified) formatting
  • You can define a style once, then apply it to
    many paragraphs.
  • You can modify the style once, then all these
    paragraphs are automatically reformatted.
  • Manually setting the style of each paragraph
    makes formatting of a large document much more

Formatting chapter/section headings
  • A chapter heading must be extremely prominent, at
    the top of a new page. A section heading should
    be very prominent, and a subsection heading
    fairly prominent.
  • To make a heading prominent, use bold face, a
    large font size, and ample spacing above and
    below. Suggestions
  • Chapter headings 30pt bold, page break above,
    48pt below.
  • Section headings 18pt bold, 36pt above, 12pt
  • Subsection headings 14pt bold, 24pt above, 12pt
  • Text 12pt.

LaTeX has built-in styles \chapter, \section,
Word has built-in styles Heading 1, Heading 2,
Heading 3. You can modify them.
Example chapter/section headings
Formatting chapter/section numbering
  • Chapters should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • Sections within Chapter 7 (say) should be
    numbered 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, etc.
  • Subsections within Section 7.8 (say) should be
    numbered 7.8.1, 7.8.2, etc.
  • Appendices should be numbered A, B, C, etc.

LaTeX numbers chapters and section automatically.
It also handles cross-references.
Word doesnt help with numbering. You must update
cross-references whenever you insert, delete, or
reorder chapters or sections.
Formatting floats
  • A float is a figure or table that is not anchored
    to a particular position in the text. A float can
    be positioned at any suitable position on the
  • Every float must have a number, so that it can be
    cross-referenced. Floats within Chapter 7 (say)
    should be numbered 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, etc.
  • Every float should have a caption, to make it
  • A float should be separated from the text by
    ample spacing, so that it doesnt interrupt
    reading of the text. Position it at the top or
    bottom of a page, or at the end of a (sub)section.

Example floats
  • Plan to start writing your dissertation at least
    3 or 4 weeks before the deadline.
  • Submit one PDF copy of your dissertation, to
  • Submit one printed copy of your dissertation, in
    a black spring-bound folder. Enclose your CD in a
    sleeve attached to the inside cover.
  • Deadline Wednesday 9 September 2009 at 1400.
  • Late penalty 1 band per day (or part of a day).

Exemplary dissertations
  • A collection of excellent (grade A) masters
    dissertations from previous years
  • www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/daw/masters-projects/Hall-of-Fa
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