Title: 159.235 Graphics & Graphical Programming
1159.235 Graphics Graphical Programming
- Lecture 20 - 3D Shapes Polygons
2Polygons -Outline
- What are polygons?
- Types
- Convexity/concavity
- Triangles
- Storage of vertices and edges
- Rendering wire-frames as lines and points
3Polygonal Surfaces
- Polygon surfaces are a simple form of
representation used in most applications - Used in all real-time displays as fast to process
- Other descriptions such as Splines might be used
in some applications but are generally reduced
to polygons for processing. - Polygon surfaces readily integrated with
scan-line algorithms.
4Scan Conversion of Polygons
- Fill the polygon with colour.
- Incorporate in a scan conversion algorithm.
- We may not be drawing actual pixels due to
anti-aliasing - jargon is that we tile the
polygon with pixel fragments.
5Common Types of Polygon
- Concave
- Convex
- Triangles
- Trapezoids
- Quadrilaterals
- Self-intersecting
- Multiple loops
- Holes
6Convexity/Concavity Definition
- A polygon is convex if for all edges, all other
vertices lie on the same side of the edge - Otherwise it is concave.
- Concave polygons often difficult to process
(algorithms get stuck or miss bits)
7Triangles Always Convex
- Mathematically, uses simple linear equations.
- Three points guaranteed co-planar by definition!
- Any polygon can be decomposed into triangles
- Triangles can approximate arbitrary shapes
- For any orientation on screen, a scan line will
intersect only a single segment (scan).
8Polygon decomposition into Triangles
Convex polygons easy to decompose but if not
convex may have to add extra vertices to avoid
overlaps or intersection ambiguities
9Arbitrary shapes with triangles
Any 2D shape, or 3D surface, can be approximated
with locally linear polygons. To improve just
increase the number of edges
10Quadrilaterals are simple too and often mixed
with triangles
11Java Swing and Java 3D
- Swing has various 2D shape classes that allow
us to implement various geometries - Point3d and Vector3d objects are a convenience
- Java 3D is a Sun Microsystems (currently free)
graphics library that builds on the 2D stuff
from Swing - Supports some very sophisticated 3D rendering
- Start by building our own 3D simple renderer
12Polygon Representation
- Could store all vertices explicitly - for each
polygon - Makes it hard to edit the vertices (multiple
copies) - Easier to store a table of vertices
- Index into the vertex table for each polygon
- Need to search for adjacent polygons
- Do end up drawing edges twice
- Tradeoffs!
- Store all polygon vertices explicitly.
- Inefficient
- Cannot manipulate vertex positions.
Polygonal Geometry.
13Common Polygonal Data Structures
14Drawing a Wire-frame 3d Polygon
- Break down into vertices and edges
- For each edge determine the two vertices
- Project the vertices from world space or model
coordinates to screen coordinates
- Draw the projected line (edge)
- Repeat for each polygon under given projection
15Filling, or tiling a triangle.
- Calculate bounding box for triangle.
- Loop through pixels in box
- Test for points lying inside the triangle
- Draw pixel fragment if inside box
- Lets us colour in the shape (Java 2D or Swing
will do this part for us)
Bounding box
16Polygons - Summary
- Various sorts of Polygons
- Convexity often an important property
- Triangles often useful simplest polygonal form
- Can store polygons (or triangles) in various
ways - tradeoffs depending upon algorithm - Render wire-frame by decomposing into
points/lines - need transform to screen