Title: The Electronic Identity Card eID
1The Electronic Identity Card (eID)
- Peter Vanvelthoven State Secretary for State
2The Electronic Identity Card
- Special material
- Credit card size
- Many security devices (c.f. bank notes)
4State of affairs
- Belgium is world leader
- 11 pilot municipalities
- Council of Ministers 31-Mar-2004 general
roll-out - /- 10,000 cards each day
- Now 620,000 Belgians All but 4 municipalities
- 2009 8,000,000 Belgians aged 12 or over
5The chip
PIN Usage
Use without PIN
Digital signature
6eID information
- From a visual point of view, the information
shown will be the same as on the present identity
card - name
- first 2 Christian names
- first letter of third Christian name
- nationality
- place and date of birth
- sex
- place of issue
- start and end dates of validity
- card number
- owners photograph
- owners signature
- National Register Number
Visual identification of the owner
7eID information
- From an electronic point of view, the data on the
chip is the same as the information printed on
the card, plus - address
- identity and signature keys
- identity and signature certificate
- Certificate Service Provider
- security information (chip number, signature for
identity data, etc.) - (Currently) no encryption certificate
- No biometric data (yet)
- No electronic money device (Proton)
- No other data is stored
Electronic identification of the owner
8Advantages of eID
- Quick way to obtain data
- Hard identification no doubt regarding identity
- Electronic signature
10A quick way to obtain data
eID as a means of efficiently transferring
identity data
time-consuming inefficient error-prone
quick efficient exact copy
11(No Transcript)
12Hard identification/authorisation
eID as a means of strong electronic
The real world
The virtual world
Hello Jack!
Hello Jill!
13Electronic signature
eID as a means to legally sign electronic
The paper world
The electronic world
14At the recycling centre
Scenario 1 identification
Postcode not ok no access
Postcode control
Postcode ok access
Scenario 2 authorisation
Exceeded no access
Allowed waste volume
Not exceeded access
Scenario 3 signature
Payment contract for extra waste Electronic
15eID Applications
16Applications the sky is the limit
SIS Card (Social Security)
Medical dossier
Driving Licence
Court dossier
E-Counter Sports halls bookings Order CC
Tickets Change of Address Planning
permission Residents card Registry
Office Registry of Births, Deaths and
Marriages Notification of change of profession
Registered mail
Student card Library Staff card Car park access
Home Banking
Access Recycling Centre Library Swimming pool
Company network access Building access
- For civilians and companies
- Software to read and use the card
- http//eid.belgium.be Civilians Card
Reader - Equipment Software
- For developers
- Software to develop applications with eID
- http//eid.belgium.be Companies Card
Reader Toolkits
18Applications already developed
- Reading data from the chip
- Retrieving information from the National Register
- Signing text documents or mails
- Electronically sending/receiving registered
letters - Signing PDF documents
- Tax-on-web
- i-counter
- Flemish Parliament electronically submitting and
signing decrees - Trust²
19Applications already developed
- Reading data from the chip
20Applications already developed
- Retrieving information from the National Register
21Applications already developed
- Signing text documents or mails
22Applications already developed
- Electronically sending/receiving registered
23Applications already developed
24Applications already developed
25Applications already developed
26- Diepenbeek eID and i-counter demonstration
1. Online application document with eID for
identification 2. Official approves and digitally
signs document using eID 3. Download document 4.
Send to bank 5. Bank can verify on-line whether
the certificate is genuine
27Applications already developed
- Flemish Parliament electronically submitting and
signing decrees
28Applications already developed
Reading rights
Author defines rights to access a document and
sends the document by e-mail
Reading, writing and printing rights
CertiONE Trust2
Reading rights
29Applications already developed for business
- Office building access control
- Network access control
- Submission of expense reports
- Access to HR data (salaries, holidays)
- Access to PC on the network
- Hotel de Orangerie
- Police file
- Keytrade Bank
- Online trading
30Applications in development
- Town hall access and time registration
- Online access to libraries
- MSN Messenger
- Access to recycling centres
31Possible future applications
Medical dossier
Home Banking
SIS card (soc. sec.)
Driving licence
32Knowledge economy, security and card readers
33Contribution information society
- Microsoft Global knowledge centre
- Adobe European knowledge centre
US Bruce Chizen, CEO of Adobe, poses during a
joint news conference with Belgian State
Secretary for Computerisation of the State Peter
Vanvelthoven, Thursday 07 April 2005, in
Brussels. Adobe will take part in the Belgian
program of electronic identity cards.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates (L) poses for a
picture with Belgian State Secretary for
Computerisation of the State Peter Vanvelthoven
(R) and a Belgian electronic identity card,
Tuesday, 01 February 2005, in Brussels. Bill
Gates announced they will adapt MSN messenger to
electronic id for more security for children on
34eID security
- No information on the card
- Pin code
- In case of loss or theft Card Stop
35Card readers
- Website (end of May 2005)
- PCs with standard card reader (for professional
use) - Card readers for 12-year-olds (June 2005)
- Models without and with keyboard and screen
- http//eid.belgium.be
- http//www.e-gov.be
- http//www.petervanvelthoven.be