Title: 2004 Hurricane Response NDMS
12004 Hurricane ResponseNDMS
- Prepared for
- MMRS 2005 Conference
- Homeland Security Mass Casualty Preparedness
By Gary Lindberg, FEMA Emergency Operations
Specialist Joe Lamoureux, LT MSC USN, Healthcare
- 2004/2005 MISSIONS
- Disasters 4 Hurricanes 3 Typhoons
- 1 Earthquake 2,300 NDMS Members.
- NSSEs 7 Events 1,500 NDMS Members.
- Exercises 35 3,000 NDMS Members.
3 Charley August
42004 Multiple Storm Tracks
LANDFALLS TS Bonnie Hurricane Charley
Hurricane Gaston (upgraded TS) Hurricane
Frances Hurricane Ivan TS Ivan
Hurricane Jeanne
Presented by DHS / EPR / FEMA
February 4, 2005
52004 a Record Setting Season 9 Named Tropical
Systems in the Atlantic Basin affect the U.S.
Hurricane Alex Tropical Storm
Bonnie Hurricane Charley Hurricane
Gaston Hurricane Frances Tropical Storm
Hermine Hurricane Ivan Tropical Storm Ivan
Hurricane Jeanne
Impacting 16 States 2 Territories
Resulting in 27 Presidential Disaster
Millions Evacuated
Presented by DHS / EPR / FEMA
February 4, 2005
6Hurricane Ivan - September 11th Escambia Bay
I-10 Bridge October 5th one side Re-opened
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8Presented by DHS / EPR / FEMA
February 4, 2005
9Special Needs Shelter
- DOH State of FL
- Dept of Elder Affairs
- State EOC
- EMS Local/County/State
- Law Enforcement
- OCCC Management
11OCCC Special Needs ShelterMission
- Provide medical and extended care to a displaced
population. Identified population included
skilled nursing home, assisted living and home
bound clients. Extra medical care maybe required
of ambulatory clients that may arrive at shelter
12Orange Count Convention CenterSpecial Needs
- 10 Sept 04 ESF8 Mission Assignment
- Capability of up to 8,000 patients
- NDMS set up and operate first 24 hrs
- 2 DMATs
- Additional Personnel
- 51 RNs, 3 NPs, 2 MDs, 1 Pharm, 2 RTs
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15NDMS Operates in Multiple States and Treat