Title: LIFE
2In life there are moments, when you miss someone
so much, that you wish you could grab them out
of your dreams and hug them tight!
3When a door closes, Another one opens, But often
we stand there so long lookingat the closed
door, That we do not see that one thats opened.
4Do not look at physical appearances, they can
be deceiving. Do not look at riches, For they are
only temporary. Look for someone who makes you
smile. Because sometimes it only takes a
smileto brighten up a very dark day. Look for
someone who makesyour heart sing.
5Dream what you want to dream Go where you want
to go Try to be who you really are Because
life is short,and often only gives one chance
to do things..
6I wish you in life a lot of luck to feel
good Many trials to remain strong Some tears
to remain human Lots of hope, to become happy.
7The really lucky people do not necessarily have
the best of everything They are the ones who
make the most of whatever life throws at them.
8The most splendid future will always depend upon
the necessity to release the past You cannot
move forward in life unless you learn from your
past mistakesand move on.
9When you were born you were crying, while
everybody around you was smiling. Always live
your life smiling even when other people around
you are crying.
10Send this message to people whom you really
care about.
11Like I just did.
12 to those who have made an impact on you
in some way or another.
13 to those who made you smile whenyou really
needed it
14to those who make you see the positiveside of
everything just when youvehit rock bottom.
15.to those whose friendship you care about.
16 to those whom you cant do without.
17And even if you dont send it to anyone, do not
worry, nothing bad will happen.
18You just waste the possibility of brightening
upsomeones life for a day!
19Life is not measured with the quantity of
breaths you take,but with the quantity of
moments that took your breath away!
21Hang in there baby !!
22Keep an eye out for The adventures in life That
await you.
23And always remember that Life is beautiful And
so are you.