Title: Chapter 5 Fuel Cell
1Chapter 5 Fuel Cell
- Introduction
- Historical Notes
- Types of Fuel Cells
- Fuel Cell Electrochemistry
- Advantages of Fuel Cells
- Applications of Fuel Cells
- Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- Advanced Hydrogen Transport and Storage
25-1 IntroductionWhat is a Fuel Cell
- A fuel cell ? an electrochemical device that
combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce
electricity, with water and heat as its
35-2 Historical NotesFinally Coming of Age
- In 1839, Sir William Grove reasoned that it
should be possible to react hydrogen with oxygen
to generate electricity. - In 1889, fuel cell was coined by Ludwig Mond and
Charles Langer, who attempted to build the first
practical device using air and coal gas.
45-2 Historical Notes Finally Coming of Age
- In early 20th Century, fuel cells were forgot
- A lack of understanding of materials and
electrode kinetics. - Internal combustion engine was developed.
- Petroleum was discovered and rapidly exploited.
55-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- In 1932, the first successful fuel cell device
was built by engineer Francis Bacon. - He improved on the expensive platinum catalysts
employed by Mond and Langer with a
hydrogen-oxygen cell using a less corrosive
alkaline electrolyte and inexpensive nickel
65-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- Until 1959, Bacon and his coworkers were able to
demonstrate a practical five-kilowatt system
capable of powering a welding machine. - In October of that same year, Harry Karl Ihrig of
Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company demonstrated
his famous 20-horsepower fuel cell-powered
75-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- In the late of 1950s, fuel cells were noticed
- NASA began to search some electricity generator
for space mission. - Nuclear reactors as too risky, batteries as too
heavy and short live, and solar power as
cumbersome, NASA turned to fuel cells.
85-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- In 1960s, fuel cells would be the panacea to the
world energy problem. The some qualities that
make fuel cells idea for space exploration were
considered. (ex. Small size, high efficiency, low
emission.) - Nearly 30 years US1 billion in research have
been devote to address the barriers to the use of
fuel cells for stationary application.
95-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- Fortunately
- A number of manufacturers have supported numerous
demonstration initiatives and ongoing research
and development into stationary application. - Phosphoric acid fuel cells is being offered
commercially, and more advanced designs, such as
carbonate fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells,
are the focus of major electric technologies. - Full-sized (commercial) cells and full-height
stacks have been successfully demonstrated for
the carbonate fuel cell design.
105-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
- It has taken more than 150 years to develop the
basic science and to realize the necessary
materials improvement for fuel cells to become a
commercial reality. The fuel cell is finally
coming of age!!
115-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
125-2 Historical NotesFinally of Coming Age
135-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Fuel Cells generate electricity through an
electrochemical process in which the energy
stored in a fuel is converted directly into DC
electricity. - Electrical energy is generated without combusting
fuel, so fuel cells are extremely attractive from
an environmental stand point.
145-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Attractive fuel cell characteristic
- High energy conversion efficiency
- Modular design
- Very low chemical and acoustical pollution
- Fuel flexible
- Cogeneration capability
- Rapid load response
155-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Basic operating principle of fuel cells
- An input fuel is catalytically reacted in fuel
cell to create an electric current. - The input fuel passed over the anode where it
catalytically splits into ions and electrons. - The electrons go through an external circuit to
serve an electric load while the ions move
through the electrolyte toward the oppositely
charge electrode. - At electrode, ions combine to create by-products,
primarily water and CO2.
165-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- The figure of basic operating principle
175-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Fuel Cell Characteristics
185-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
195-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Four primary types of fuel cells which are based
on electrolyte employed - Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
- Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
- Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
205-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- A comparison of the fuel cell types
215-3 Types of Fuel CellsOverview of Fuel Cells
- Fuel cells are typical grouped three section
225-3 Types of Fuel CellsPhosphoric Acid Fuel Cells
- The most mature fuel cell technology
- Among low temperature fuel cell, it was showed
relative tolerance for reformed hydrocarbon
fuels. - It could have widespread applicability in the
near term.
235-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The sketch of PAFC operation
245-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The components of PAFC
- Electrolyte liquid of acid
- Electrolyte carriers Teflon bonded silicone
carbide matrix (pore structure?capillary action
to keep liquid electrolyte in place) - Anode platinum catalyzed, porous carbon
- Cathode platinum catalyzed, porous carbon
- Bipolar plate complex carbon plate
255-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The most designs of PAFC
- The plates are bi-polar in that they have
grooves on both side - one side supplies fuel to anode of one
cell, and the other side supplies air or oxygen
to the cathode of the adjacent cell.
265-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The PAFC reactions
- Anode H2 ? 2H 2e-
- Cathode ½ O2 2H 2e- ? H2O
275-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The characteristics of PAFC operation
- Some acid may be entrained in fuel or oxidant
streams and addition of acid may be after many
hours of operation. - The water removed as steam on the cathode by
flowing excess oxidant past the back of
285-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- The temperature effect to PAFC
- The product water removal procedure
required that the system operated at temperature
around 375F (190C). - At lower temperature the water will dissolve in
the electrolyte and not be removed as steam. - At high temperature (approximately 410F
(210C) the phosphoric acid begins to
295-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- How does excess heat be removed
- Proved carbon plates containing cooling channels.
- Air or liquid coolant, can be passed through
these channels to remove heat.
305-3 Types of Fuel CellsPAFC Design an Operation
- PAFC performance characteristics
- Power density 160 to 175 watts/ft2
- Thermal energy supplied at 150F (only a
portion at 250F to 300F) - Efficiency
- With pressurized reactants 36 to 42 (HHV)
- Supply usable thermal energy 31 to 37 (HHV)
315-3 Types of Fuel CellsProton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cells (PEMFC)
- The introduction of PEMFC
- PEMFC has higher power density than any other
fuel cell system. - PEMFC has comparable performance with the
advanced aerospace AFC. - PEMFC can operate on reformed hydrocarbon fuels.
- PEMFC uses a solid polymer electrolyte eliminates
the corrosion.
325-3 Types of Fuel CellsProton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cells
- The introduction of PEMFC
- 5. Its low operating temperature (70-85 oC)
- a. provides instant start up 50 maximum
power immediately at room T full operating
power within 3 min. - b. require no thermal shielding to protect
personnel. - 6. Advances in performance and designs offer
the possibility of lower cost.
335-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The sketch of PEMFC operation
345-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The sketch of PEMFC operation
355-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The components of PEMFC
- Electrolyte polymer membrane.
- Anode thin sheet of porous, graphitized paper.
(water-proofed with PTFE or Teflon, with one
surface being applied with a small amount of
Pt-black) - Cathode (the same as above).
- Bipolar plate graphite.
365-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The features of the electrolyte
- Electronic insulator, but an excellent conductor
of hydrogen ions. - The acid molecules are fixed to the polymer, but
the protons on these acid groups are free to
migrate through the membrane. - Solid polymer electrolyte?electrolyte loss is not
an issue with regard to stack life. - Be handled easily and safely.
375-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The heart of PEMFC
- The electrolyte is sandwiched between the
anode and cathode, and the three components are
sealed together under heat and pressure to
product a single membrane/electrode assembly
(MEA, lt 1mm thick).
385-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The features of the bipolar plates
- The bipolar plates are called flow field
plates. - They make electrical contact with the back of the
electrodes and conduct the current to the
external circle. - They supply fuel to the anode and oxidant to the
395-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- Useable fuel for PEMFC
- Pure hydrogen
- Reformed Hydrocarbon fuels
- Without removal or recirculation of by-product
CO2. - The traces of CO produced during the reforming
process must be converted to CO2 (a simple
catalytic process).
405-3 Types of Fuel Cells PEMFC Designs and
- The PEMFC reactions
- Anode H2 ? 2H 2e-
- Cathode O2 ? 4H 4e- ? 2H2O
415-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The characteristics of PEMFC operation
- The electrode reactions are analogous to those in
PAFC. - The PEMFC operates at about 175F (80?).
- The water is produced as liquid water and is
carried out the fuel cell by excess oxidant flow. - Fully operating power is available within about 3
minute under normal condition.
425-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
435-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The performance of PEMFC recently
- At 0.7V/cell on hydrogen and oxygen, 65psia
850A/ft2 (0.91 A/cm2) - At 0.7V/cell on hydrogen and air, 65psia
500A/ft2 (0.54 A/cm2)
445-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The performance of Ballard/Dow PEMFC
- At 0.7V/cell
- At 65psia, hydrogen/oxygen 2000A/ft2
- At 65psia, hydrogen/air 1000A/ft2
- At 0.5V/cell,
- At 65psia, hydrogen/oxygen 4000A/ft2
? - 2000 W/ft2
455-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The power density of PEMFC
- a factor of 10 greater than other FC systems ? a
significant reduction in stack size and cost. - In 5kW production fuel cell stacks, 0.7V at 650
A/ft2 on hydrogen/air at 45psi, stack dimensions
9.8 9.8 16.7 in stack-only power density of
over 5.4 kW/ft3 - 1.25 kW/ft3 on hydrogen/air at 45psi, if
including fuel/oxidant controls, cooling, product
water removal - Approaching 14.2 kW/ft3 are certainly feasible.
465-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- When HC/air are to be used, higer T FC, the MCFC,
SOFC, and to some extent, PAFC, have an
efficiency advantage over PEMFC. - ?
- waste heat can be used to drive air
compressors, reforming of HC fuels, electric
generation or other thermal load
475-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- Using either air or liquid cooling
- ?
- a compact power
generator - and the excess heat of PEMFC is be used for
- space heating or residential hot water
- utility cogeneration applications
485-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- The pressure effects to all fuel cells
- Performance is improve by pressuring the air.
- Find an balance about the energy and financial
cost associated with compressing air and the
improved performance. - Rule of thumb lt 45 psia
- ?PEMFC uses a solid electrolyte
- ? a significant pressure differential can
be maintained across the electrolyte?low P fuel
higher P air
495-3 Types of Fuel CellsPEMFC Designs and
- A very significant cost penalty of PEMFC as
compared with PAFC - The PEMFC uses platinum at both the anode and
cathode. - presently, 0.001 oz/in2 0.6 oz/kW for H2/air
- Los Alamos National Lab Texas A M Univ.,
0.00007 oz/in2 0.042 oz/kW for H2/air or 0.021
oz/kW for H2/ O2 - Be expected to reduce platinum requirement to
0.035 oz/kW (1 g/kW) or about 2/kW.
505-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel
- The goals of developing MCFC
- Operating directly on coal, but that seems less.
- Operation on coal-derived fuel gas or natural gas
is viable.
515-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The sketch of MCFC operation
525-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The component of MCFC
- Electrolyte a molten carbonate salt mixture,
consist of lithium carbonate and potassium
carbonate. - Anode a highly porous sintered nickel powder,
alloyed with chromium. - Cathode a porous nickel oxide material doped
with lithium. - Electrolyte carriers a porous, insulating and
chemically ceramic matrix.
535-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The MCFC reactions
- Anode H2 CO3-2 ? H2O CO2 2e-
- CO CO3-2 ? 2CO2 2e-
- Cathode O2 2CO2 4e- ? 2CO3-2
- require a system for collecting CO2
545-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The MCFC compares with PAFC
- As the operating temperature increases, the
theoretical operating voltage for a fuel cell
decrease and with it the maximum theoretical fuel
efficiency. - The operating voltage of the MCFC is higher than
the PAFC at the same current density. - As size and cost scale roughly with electrode
area, a MCFC should be smaller and less expansive
than a comparable PAFC.
555-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The relations of high operating temperature and
MCFC - Operating at between 1110F(600?) and
1200F(650?). - In combined cycle operation, electrical
efficiencies are in excess of 60(HHV). - At the high operating temperature, the gaseous
hydrocarbon fuel such as natural gas would be
reformed to produce hydrogen within the fuel cell
565-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- The relations of high operating temperature and
MCFC - 4. At high operating temperature(1200F), noble
metal catalysts are not required. - 5. At high operating temperature(1200F), the
salt mixture is liquid and is a good conductor. - 6. The cell performance is sensitive to
operating temperature. - A change in cell temperature from 1200F to
1110F results in drop in voltage 15.
575-3 Types of Fuel CellsMCFC Design and Operation
- How does excess heat reuse and remove
- The temperature of excess heat is high enough to
yield high pressure steam, which may be fed to
turbine to generate additional electricity. - To achieve sufficient of conductivity of the
electrolyte, a higher volume of air is passed
through the cathode for cooling purpode.
585-3 Types of Fuel CellsSolid Oxide fuel cells
- The introductions of the SOFC
- The SOFC uses a ceramic, solid-phase electrolyte
which reduces corrosion considerations and
eliminates the electrolyte management problems
associated with the liquid electrolyte fuel
cells. - To achieve adequate ionic conductivity in such a
ceramic, however, the system must operate at
about 1830 F (1000 C). - At that temperature, internal reforming of
carbonaceous fuels should be possible, and the
waste heat from such a device would be easily
utilized by conventional thermal electricity
generating plants to yield excellent fuel
595-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- The sketch of SOFC operation
605-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- The SOFC reactions
- Anode H2 O-2 ? H2O 2e-
- CO O-2 ? CO2 2e-
- CH4 4O-2 ? 2H2O CO2 8e-
- Cathode O2 4e- ? 2O2-2
- It is significant that the SOFC can use CO as its
direct fuel.
615-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- The components of the SOFC
- Electrolyte solid ceramic.
- Materials dense yttria-stabilized zirconia
- It is an excellent conductor at high
temperatures. - Anode a porous nickel/zirconia cermet
- Cathode magnesium-dope lanthaum manganate
625-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- SOFC performance Characteristics
- It development cells and small stacks 0.6V/cell
at about 232 A/ft2 - Lifetimes are over 30000(hr).
- The efficiencies of unpressurized SOFCs 45
(HHV) - The efficiencies of pressurized SOFCs 60
(HHV) - Using the waste heat, could add fuel efficiency
of the SOFC system.
635-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- How does manage temperature
- Maintain proper volume of the air stream into the
645-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- The relations of high operating temperature and
SOFC - The SOFC operates at approximately 1830F
(1000C). - The high operating temperature offers the
possibility of internal reforming. - The SOFC can tolerant several orders of magnitude
more sulfur than order fuel cells. - The SOFC requires a significant start-up time.
655-3 Types of Fuel CellsSOFC Design and Operation
- The relations of high operating temperature and
SOFC - The cell performance is very sensitive to
operating temperature. - A 10 drop in temperature ? 12 drop in cell
performance - 6. The high temperature also demands that the
system include significant thermal shielding to
protect personnel and to retain heat.
665-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistryinternal reformer
- In a conventional fuel cell system, a
carbonaceous fed to a fuel processor where it is
steam reformed to produce H2. - Methane and steam reforming reaction
- CH4 H2O ? CO 3H2
675-4 Fuel Cell ElectrochemistryMCFC
- The electrochemical reactions occurring in MCFCs
- Anode H2 CO3-2 ? H2O CO2 2e-
- Cathode ½ O2 CO2 2e- ? CO3-2
- Overall H2 ½ O2 CO2 (cathode) ? H2O CO2
(anode) - The reversible potential equation
- E E RT/2F ln(PH2/PH2O)
- RT/2F ln(PCO2,c/PCO2,a)
685-4 Fuel Cell ElectrochemistrySOFC
- The electrochemical reactions occurring in SOFCs
- Anode H2 O2-2 ? H2O 2e-
- Cathode ½ O2 2e- ? O2-2
- Overall H2 ½ O2 ? H2O
- The corresponding Nernst equation
- E E RT/2F ln(PH2PO21/2 /PH2O)
695-5Advantages of Fuel Cells Environmental
- Because fuel cells are so efficient, CO2
emissions are reduced for a given power output. - Example
- By 2000, decrease CO2 emissions by 0.6 MMT of
carbon equivalent. - Emissions of SOx and NOx are 0.003 and 0.0004
705-5Advantages of Fuel Cells Efficiency
- Dependent on type and design, the fuel cells
direct electric energy efficiency ranges form 40
to 60 percent (LHV). - Characteristics
- Operates at near constant efficiency.
- Efficiency is not limited by the Carnot Cycle.
- For the fuel cells/gas turbine system, the
efficiency achieves 70 percent (LHV). - When by-product heat is utilized, the efficiency
of the fuel cell systems approach 85 percent.
715-5Advantages of Fuel Cells Distributed Capacity
- Distributed generation reduces the capital
investment and improves the overall conversion
efficiency of fuel to end use electricity by
reducing transmission losses. - Losses presently 8-10 percent
- Many smaller units are statistically reliable.
725-5Advantages of Fuel Cells Permitting
- Permitting and licensing schedules are short due
to the ease in siting.
735-5Advantages of Fuel CellsModularity
- The fuel cell is inherently modular.
- Be configured in wide range of electrical output,
form nominal 0.025 to greater than 50-megawatt
(MW) for a natural gas fuel cell to greater than
100-MW for the coal gas fuel cell.
745-5Advantages of Fuel Cells Fuel Flexibility
- The primary fuel source for the fuel cell is
hydrogen, which can be obtained from - Natural gas
- Coal gas
- Methanol
- Landfill gas
- Other fuels containing hydrocarbons.
- Advantage of fuel flexibility
- The power generation can be assured even when a
primary fuel source unavailable.
755-5Advantages of Fuel CellsCogeneration
- High-quality heat is available for cogeneration,
heating, and cooling. - Fuel cell exhaust heat is suitable for use in
residential, commercial, and industrial
cogeneration application.
765-6Applications of Fuel CellsIntroduction
- In theory, a fuel cell can power anything that
runs on electricity. The following applications
can take particular advantage of a fuel cell's
775-6Applications of Fuel CellsCars, Trucks, and
- Most vehicles today rely on an internal
combustion engine (ICE). - Electric motors are much more suitable
- They deliver their maximum torque at low rpm,
just when a vehicle needs it most. - A driver heads downhill or puts on the brakes, an
electric motor can double as a generator to
recapture that energy and covert it back to
electricity for subsequent use.
785-6Applications of Fuel CellsCars, Trucks, and
- The choke point of electric motor
- The short range and tedious recharging of the 1st
generation - A fuel cell powers the vehicle's electric motor
- These problems can be overcome. A hydrogen tank
can be refueled in about five minutes. - It has a similar range to a conventional
795-6Applications of Fuel CellsBusinesses and
- The reasons of fuel cells are attractive in
stationary applications - They deliver unparalleled fuel efficiencies,
especially in Combined Heat Power (CHP)
applications. - Fuel cells offer a new level of reliability
- If a blackout occurs, they will keep essential
mechanical components and external landmark
signage online. - Fuel cells offer highly reliable, high-quality
805-6Applications of Fuel CellsLaptops, Cell
Phones, and other Electronics
- Fuel cells will find their first widespread use
in portable electronics - These "micro fuel cells" offer far higher energy
densities than those of comparably sized
batteries. The typical laptop can operate
unplugged for ten hours or more. - Micro fuel cells also offer the added appeal of
eliminating the need for battery chargers and AC
adapters, as they require refueling instead of
815-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- Introduction
- Hydrogen is a clean, sustainable resource with
many potential application. - Hydrogen is now produced primary by steam
reforming of natural gas. - This is relatively expensive process that uses
electric current to dissociate water. - Three process of producing hydrogen
photobiological, photoelectrochemical,
825-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- Most photobiological system use the natural
activity of bacteria and green algae to produce
hydrogen. - Two significant limitation
- Low solar converting efficiencies.(56 of suns
energy to hydrogen energy) - Nearly all enzymes are inhibited in their
hydrogen production by presence of oxygen.
835-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- 3. The way to overcome oxygen intolerance and
increase conversion efficiencies - A green algae the Chlamydomonas strain ?
product hydrogen and oxygen simultaneously. - Cell free process theoretical efficiency
approach 25
845-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
TECHNOLOGY - PEC production uses semiconductor technology in
one-step process of splitting water directly upon
sunlight illumination. - A PEC system
- a photovoltaic cell ? produce electric current
when exposed to light - Electrolyzer
855-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
TECHNOLOGY - Advantage producing low-cost renewable
hydrogen. - The two limited factor of an efficient and
cost-effective PEC system - The high voltage required to dissociate water.
- The corrosiveness of aqueous electrolytes.
865-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
TECHNOLOGY - The way to overcome limits
- The structure ? the multijunction device
- Material
- Gallium based (GalnP2, GaAs) ? efficiency is more
than 25 , but is expensive. - Amorphous silicon ? efficiency is more than 13
, but cost is low.
875-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
TECHNOLOGY - 4. The sketch of a multijunction device
885-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- Gasification and pyrolysis using heat to
produce a vapor from which hydrogen can be
derived use a conventional steam reforming
process. - Pyrolysis
- Biomass is break into highly reactive
vapors and carbonaceous resident, or char. - The vapors, when condensed into pyrolysis oil,
can be steam reformed to produce hydrogen.
895-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- The char is burn to provide the required heat for
the pyrolysis reaction. - The fast way to produce hydrogen is directly
linked to a steam reformer.(1217 hydrogen by
weight of dry biomass) - Advantage the lowest cost production methods,
but it needs catalysts.
905-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- Gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW)
- It is low-cost, sustainable source of hydrogen
production. - MSW, on average, consist about 70 by weight of
biomass material. - Gasification result in an clean fuel gas from
which hydrogen can be reformed.
915-7 Advanced Hydrogen Production Technologies
- The Texacos high-temperature gasification
- Result in a high yield of hydrogen and produces a
non-hazardous, glass-like ash byproduct.