Title: Wheat Production
1Wheat Production
2History of Wheat
- One of the oldest cultivated crops, evidence of
cultivation 10 12,000 years ago! - S.W. Asia origin, adapted to regions all over the
world. - Triticum genus, many cultivated species.
3History of WheatExamples of cultivated wheat
- Common wheat, Triticum aestivum
- Club wheat, T. aestivum sub-species compactum
- Durum wheat, T. durum
- Spelt wheat, T. spelta
- Emmer wheat, T. dicoccon
- Wild emmer wheat, T. dcoccoides
- Poulard wheat, T. turgidum
- Polish wheat, T. polonicum
- Persian wheat, carthlicum
- Oriental wheat, T. turanicum
- Einkorn wheat, T. monococcum
- Timopheevi wheat, T. timopheevii
5Seedhead Morphology can vary
Awnless (beardless)
Awned (bearded)
6U.S.D.A. Classes
7Hard red winter wheat (HRWW)
- Main bread flour wheat
- Most acreage in U.S.
- Gluten a protein in the endosperm that gives
wheat its quality baking.
8Hard red spring wheat (HRSW)
- Bread flour wheat
- Colder climates
- Spring planted
9Soft red winter wheat (SRWW)
- Used in blends, biscuits, pancakes
- Southeastern and Eastern U.S.
- Fall planted
10Duram wheat
- Used in pasta
- Creamy yellow flour
- Grown mostly in the Dakotas, Canada
11White or club wheat
- Used in fine pastries and blends
- Soft and hard types
- Grown mostly in the Pacific NW
12Botany of Wheat
- Cool season annual.
- Needs vernalization (cold treatment during
seedling stage needed to trigger reproductive
growth). - Spike inflorescence.
- Has 2-15 tillers depending on species, variety,
plant density and N nutrition.
13Feekes Growth Stage Codes
14Feekes Growth Stages
Combines Roll!
15Production - Establishment
- Seeded in Oct. with grain drill.
- About 1.5 2 bu/ac
- Prepared seedbed or no-till
- Select two or more high yielding varieties with
different disease resistances
16Production - Fertility
- P, K applied in fall pre-plant ASTR
- N applied at Feekes 3-5
- Rates 60-135 all at once or split
17Production Weed control
- Main weeds are winter broadleaf, annual ryegrass,
wild garlic - Several herbicide options, some have to be
applied in fall to known weed problems
Ann. ryegrass
Wild garlic
Carolina Geranium
18Production Insect control
- Just a few insects to be concerned with
- Control by careful scouting during critical
growth and season of potential outbreaks - Timely use of approved insecticides if needed.
Greenbug aphid
19Production Insect control, Hessian fly
- Major pest
- Maggot kills wheat seedlings
- Controlled culturally by 1) planting after the
fly-free date and 2) resistant varieties
Hessian fly maggot
20Production Disease control
- Main types of disease organisms
- Rusts (stripe, stem, leaf)
- Blotches (leaf, glume)
- Mildews (powdery, downy)
- Virus (barley yellow dwarf, wheat streak mosiac)
- Others (take all)
Stripe rust
Stem rust
Glume blotch
Powdery mildew
Barley yellow dwarf virus
21Production disease control
- Select high yielding varieties
- Have good field drainage
- Dont over plant or over fertilize with N
- Plant different varieties with different disease
resistances and maturity - Scout, especially from boot stage on
- Timely use of approved fungicides if needed
22Wheat - Milling