Title: Public health workforce, economics and human rights
1Public health workforce, economics and human
- Presentation by
- Lanny Smith, MD, MPH, DTMH
- Montefiore Residency Programs in Primary Care and
Social Medicine, AECOM - Peoples Health Movement, PHM
- Doctors for Global Health, DGH
- 28 April 2009
- WFPHA 12th World Congress on Public Health,
2Health Human Rights
- Article 25.
- (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of
living adequate for the health and well-being of
himself and of his family, including food,
clothing, housing and medical care and necessary
social services, and the right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability,
widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in
circumstances beyond his control. - (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to
special care and assistance. All children,
whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy
the same social protection.
3brain drain intercontinental, continental or
within country
- Article 13. UDHR.
- (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
and residence within the borders of each state. - (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country.
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5Public Sector spending caps (resulting in caps on
state-employed public health professionals and
their pay) imposed by the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund part of Structural
Adjustment Programs and Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers
6- "Blocking Progress How the Fight against
HIV/AIDS is being Undermined by the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund" A policy
briefing by ActionAid International USA, Global
AIDS Alliance, Student Global AIDS Campaign, and
RESULTS Educational Fund - 28 September 2004
- Latvia has suffered most dramatically, with the
IMF withholding a promised loan installment of
200 million last month because public spending
was not being cut fast enough. "Our economy is
falling apart they say it will shrink 12
percent this year, our government has cut the
budget by 40 percent but the IMF is demanding a
deficit target of 5 percent of GDP! To reach
this we will have to shut down our hospitals and
cut pensions. People are scared, and they are
taking to the streets to protest these draconian
measures," said Inga Paparde of the Latvian AIDS
activist group Association HIV.LV.
8- But Latvia is not alone. Surveys of credit and
loan arrangements for countries ranging from
Pakistan to Malawi demonstrate that while the IMF
is supporting fiscal stimulus for industrialized
countries, it is demanding that most of the world
cut public sector expenditures, hike interest
rates, and reduce deficits the opposite of the
cure recommended for the United States and
9School of Americas/Western Hemisphere Institute
for Security Cooperation
- Operation Condor was founded in secret and
remained a mystery until after democracy had
returned to South America. According to documents
later discovered in Paraguay, it was established
at a military intelligence meeting in Chile on 25
November 1975 - Gen Pinochet's 60th birthday.
Delegates from five other countries were there
Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and
4.stm - Over its 59 years, the SOA has trained over
60,000 Latin American soldiers in
counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training,
commando and psychological warfare, military
intelligence and interrogation tactics. These
graduates have consistently used their skills to
wage a war against their own people.
10Military/Industrial/ Humanitarian/Development
- More than 2,000 doctors have been kidnapped or
murdered since 2003 and 12,000 doctors have fled
the country, according to the Brookings Institute
Iraq Index. - "The Iraq health system is bleeding," said Salam
Ismael, a doctor with the humanitarian group
Doctors for Iraq, from Baghdad.
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12the purposeful under-training and relentless
head-hunting of health professionals by the
industrialized world
- Shortage of Doctors an Obstacle to Obama Goals
- The Obama administration is pouring hundreds of
millions of dollars into community health
centers. But Mary K. Wakefield, the new
administrator of the Health Resources and
Services Administration, said many clinics were
having difficulty finding doctors and nurses to
fill vacancies. - April 26, 2009
- Physicians from Africa appear to be especially
likely to serve the US inner-city poor. Some
93 of physicians from sub-Saharan Africa
working in the USA practice in urban areas,
compared to 87 of US-born physicians.383
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- The perfect reimbursement mechanism would take
into account full effects of brain drain. The
medical education costs alone would not fully
compensate the source country in terms of the
most important measure, which is not the
financial loss, but the health impact.
17Doctors for Global Health (DGH)www.dghonline.org
- Works at the synergy of health, human
rights, education and art - In Kisoro, Uganda, with Mbarara University of
Science and Technology and the Health Ministry - Together with Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, AECOM.
- Articles of the NGO Code of Conduct for
- Health Systems Strengthening
- I. NGOs will engage in hiring practices that
ensure long-term health system sustainability. - II. NGOs will enact employee compensation
practices that strengthen the public sector. - III. NGOs pledge to create and maintain human
resources training and support systems that are
good for the countries where they work. - IV. NGOs will minimize the NGO management burden
for ministries. - V. NGOs will support Ministries of Health as they
engage with communities. - VI. NGOs will advocate for policies that promote
and support the public sector.
19Peoples Health Movement, PHM www.phmovement.org
- Pushing the international health research agenda
towards equity and effectivenessThe Lancet,
Volume 364, Issue 9445, Pages 1630-1631D.McCoy,
D.Sanders, F.Baum, T.Narayan, D.Legge - IPHU, International Peoples Health University
20- Marcha Blanca in El Salvador against
privatization, 23 October 2002, had more than
15,000 participants
- artÃculos 65 y 66 Es deber del Estado garantizar
el goce de la salud, mediante un sistema de
Seguridad Social financiado por patronos,
trabajadores y el estado mismo, asà como
proporcionar un servicio de salud gratuito a
quienes no se incorporen en él.
21AIDS Activists protest to IMF/World Bank 2004
- Dear Mr. Rato and Mr. WolfensohnWe are people
with AIDS and their advocates from over 35
countries. We write to express our concern that
policies driven by macroeconomic concerns are
constraining the money available to combat
HIV/AIDS and meet other critical needs of
populations in developing countries. Even before
a new policy is adopted, we urge you to
immediately encourage flexibility in budget
ceilings in health, education, and other sectors
central to human development, as well as to urge
that countries implement a moratorium on any
restrictions on hiring, salary, and benefits in
these sectors.
22- Fight the power on Youth AIDS Day
- By Emily Hoffman, On behalf of the Student Global
AIDS Campaign - On Feb. 26, 2005, more than 4,000 students and
young people from across the country converged on
Washington, DC for the Student March Against AIDS
organized by the Student Global AIDS Campaign
(SGAC) with partner organizations. Rallying first
at the White House and then marching two miles up
Constitution Avenue to a closing rally at the
Capitol, student marchers could be heard chanting
from blocks away as traffic was halted and
tourists flocked to the streets to see what was
going on.
23Latin American Medical School, ELAM, Havana, Cuba
- 104 Americans on full scholarships currently
studying medicine in Cuba alongside their peers
from 27 countries - 300 graduates from Brazil
- gt4,500 graduates from 30
- ELAM is a 6-year program, 10 semesters 9,094
hours, - On July 25, 2008 the Medical Board of California,
USA, granted recognition of ELAM
24Tesshekkur ederim! For Information on PHM and
- PHM www.phmovement.org
- Liberation Medicine, see Doctors for Global
Health www.dghonline.org - Social Medicine, see www.socialmedicine.info
- And Montefiore RPSM www.socialmedicine.org
- lannysmith_at_post.harvard.edu