Title: Women’s Health and Wellness
1Womens Health and Wellness
- Lisa Zaynab Killinger, DC
2Overview of Womens Issues
- Leading health concerns
- Heart Disease-1 Killer of women
- Cancer- 2nd leading cause of death
- Stroke- 3rd leading cause of death
- Osteoporosis- Common to almost all older women
- Dementia- Leading cause of nursing home placement
- Menopause-A quality of life issue for 1/3 of
women - Concerns of younger women Menstrual issues,
nutrition, fertility, overweight, exercise
3Heart Health in Women
- Heart disease Leading cause of death
- Whats special about women?
- Women are twice as likely to die if they have a
heart attack, than a man - Womens heart attacks are often
missed/mis-diagnosed - Disproportionate of heart attacks happen at 9
am Monday morning - Many women dont recognize or believe they are
having a heart attack - Heart attacks present differently in women-
- Neck, jaw or arm pain (or no pain)
- Panicky or uneasy feeling
- Shortness of breath
- General discomfort or tightness in chest
- Sweating
- Any of the above, exacerbated by exertion or
4Why are heart attacks more deadly in women?
- Women have smaller blood vessels with thinner
walls (fragile) - Emergency room staff and medical professionals
often miss the diagnosis due to unusual/mild
symptoms - Women, often too busy to go to the doctor, may
endure pain/discomfort in silence.
5Heart Disease Prevention ?
- Advise patients to quit smoking
- Keep patient adjusted
- Recommend regular physical activity
- Monitor/control blood pressure cholesterol
- Manage stress effectively-yoga, relaxation
techniques, biofeedback, exercise
6Heart Disease and Nutrition
- Mediterranean Diet-Shown to lower risk of heart
attack (More fruit, veggies, grains, less animal
fat/red meat, more fish, etc.) - Whole bran foods-Oats, Wheat bran etc. (increase
fiber intake) - Lower sodium intake
- Vitamin E, other antioxidants, selenium
7Heart Health Nervous System
- The Heart is innervated by
- Related Spinal Levels are
- Thoracic spine T4-6
8Cancers and Women
9Lung Cancer
- Leading cause of cancer death in women
- Very preventable!
- Most cases are related to smoking or radon
- Have home checked for radon gases
- Advise pts to quit smoking
- Provide good smoking cessation materials
- http//www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/quits.htm
10Lung Dis-ease and the Spine
- Lungs are Innervated by
- Spinal Levels Related to Lung
11Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer-
- 200,000 cases/year 40,000 deaths/year
- Risks
- Obesity, sedentary lifestyle
- Alcohol use
- High fat diet
- Family history (only 10 of cases)
- Genetics (BrCA1 and BrCA2 genes)
12Breast Health and the Spine
- Breast tissue is innervated by
- Related spinal levels are
13Colo-Rectal Cancer
- Third leading cause of cancer death
- Prevention recommendations
- Diet high in fiber
- Diet low in animal fat
- High calcium intake
- Resources www.cancer.org
14The Colon the Nervous System
- The Colon is innervated by
- The related spinal levels are
15Stroke The 3rd Leading Cause of death in women
- Risks
- Smoking
- Overweight
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Use of oral contraceptives/hormone replacemt.
- High blood pressure or cholesterol
16Stroke Patient Presentation
- Headache or neck pain-Severe
- Dizziness
- Speech disturbance (may be mild or none)
- Vision disturbance (may be mild or none)
- Unusual weakness, numbness, etc (not injury
17Strategies for Stroke Prevention in Chiropractic
- Adjusting Strategies
- In patients with risk factors
- Avoid extension and rotational vectors
- Employ a least invasive to most invasive strategy
- Do not adjust if stroke symptoms are present
- Recommend Stroke Prevention For Your Patients
- Exercise!!
- Quit Smoking
- Increase fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
- Decrease animal fat and red meat
- Consume more fish
18Osteoporosis The silent thief
- Osteoporosis is silent
- Often patient knows nothing about their bone loss
until a fracture occurs - 1/3 of women over 70 have osteoporosis
- 84 of women over 70 have low bone mass
(osteopenia) - Osteoporosis is PREVENTABLE
19Identify who is at riskControllable
risks Uncontrollable risks
- Low calcium intake
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Hi caffeine intake
- Alcohol use
- Smoking
- Soda pop drinks
- European or Asian descent
- Fair skinned
- Sm. framed/lo weight
- Family history of OP
- Early hysterectomy
20Recommendations for Bone Health
- Exercise Walking or other axial loading
exercises, weight lifting - Calcium Supplementation 1,200-1,500 mg/day
- Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, soda pop, etc
- 1/3 of women in the US are menopausal
- Process starts in mid forties w/ pre-menopause
- Night sweats, mood swings, depression, sexual
changes. - Patients seek help!
22Menopause and Health
- Post menopausal increase in risks
- Breast, uterine, cervical, ovarian cancer
- Osteoporosis
- Heart Disease/Stroke
- Dementia/memory problems
23Help Natural remedies
- Isoflavones
- Black Cohosh
- Red Clover
- DongQuai
- Alfalfa
- Passion Flower
- Wild Yam
- Black Cohosh ltRemifemingt Used for relief of
general menopausal symptoms, nervousness,
anxiety, hot flashes, vaginal dryness - Resources Whiting, Clouston, Kerlin. M J
Australia 2002177(8)440-443. - Leiberman J Womens Health 19987(5)525-529.
25What herbs for what?
- Herbs For Bone Loss
- Wild Yam natural progesterone source
- Chaste Berry-LH/Progesterone stimulant
- Red Clover All 4 isoflavones
- Daidzen, Genistein, Formononetin, Biochanin
- Source Nestel et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
1999 84(3)895-8.