Title: All About Surgical Site Infections
1All About Surgical Site Infections
- Lessons learned from the SSI surveillance pilot,
SSI mini grant program, and the data presentation
Andrea Alvarez, MPH HAI Program
Coordinator Virginia Department of
Health Jacqueline P. Butler, CIC Dir, Infection
Prevention Control Sentara Healthcare November
10, 2011
2SSI Surveillance Pilot Purpose
- Public reporting expectations increasing
- Multiple factors to consider when choosing a SSI
for public reporting - Troubleshoot issues with surveillance definitions
- Quantify time requirements for surveillance
- Gather lessons to help prepare other facilities
for reporting
3Perceived Pilot Benefits
- Increase awareness of SSIs
- More focus on prevention practices, monitoring
associated outcomes, physician awareness of
surveillance definitions - High profile, high risk, high priority procedures
- Providing standardized benchmark data
- Prepare for future reporting requirements
- Gain more experience in NHSN data entry
- Increase upload or electronic capabilities
- Quantify the time associated with procedure
surveillance - Identify demands for reporting to facilitate
processes to reduce burden - Feed data back to those who can make a difference
4SSI Pilot Methods Selecting Hospitals and
- Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), hip
replacement (HPRO), knee replacement (KPRO)
surgeries - Consumer interest, experiences of other states,
morbidity - Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP)
antibiotic measures - Align process measures with outcome measures
- Pilot feasibility of publicly reporting
procedure-specific SCIP data - 18 hospitals
- Randomly selected by bedsize category and number
of procedures performed - Voluntary participation
- Incentives educational stipend (conferences,
journal subscriptions, etc.)
- 18/18 facilities responded (100)
- Well prepared
- 100 enrolled in NHSN and used NHSN definitions
- 94 calculated SSI rates
- Relatively well prepared
- 2/3 currently collected patient-level information
- Prevention efforts already underway
- SSI surveillance deemed high or medium priority
- Not well prepared
- One facility was currently entering data into
NHSN for the pilot procedure - No facilities currently uploaded denominator data
- Limited communication between surgical and IP
databases - 50 perceived surveillance to be somewhat or very
6Methods - Training
- Partnership with APIC-VA for training and
distribution of incentives - One-day training (June 9, 2010)
- Case studies prepared by APIC-VA
- Monthly conference calls
- Surveillance QA
- Data import discussions
- Feedback of data
7Some Surveillance Pointers
- Definitions Ensure the latest version of the
definitions are being used - Deep incisional vs. organ space
- Increases consistency and standardization
- SSIs are attributed to the date of the operation
- For SSIs identified on readmission, on the event
form use the date of admission and discharge for
the surgery visit - All surgical procedures must be entered into NHSN
- Not only procedures with an event (like CLABSIs)
- Only need to report the required sensitivities
- To report a pathogen that is not on the list of
common pathogens, right-click in pathogen field
8NHSN Clarifications
- Deep incisional vs. organ space
- If an incision is opened, the infection is
counted as deep incisional no matter where it
travels - A knee that has never been operated on before is
always a primary regardless of whether it is a
total or partial surgery - Transplant
- Includes internal staples
- Does not include a blood transfusion
- SSI standardized infection ratios (SIRs) only
include primary sites
9Methods Data Reporting
- Monthly entry of procedures and infection events
into NHSN - Procedures from July Dec 2010 with 6 months of
post-discharge surveillance - Quarterly submission of SCIP data
- Jan-June 2010 (baseline), July-Dec 2010 (pilot)
- Time and effort
- Time spent on surveillance
- Number of staff involved with surveillance
10Electronic Upload Methods ASCII File
- Comma delimited ASCII file (.txt or .csv) created
by the facility - Can be generated from different external sources,
such as infection prevention databases or
hospital information systems - Requires assistance of operating room and/or IT
staff - Specifications for values, format, and data
requirements must be followed - Specifications and instructions available on NHSN
website - http//www.cdc.gov/nhsn/PDFs/ImportingProcedureDat
11Electronic Upload Methods CDA
- Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
- Health Level 7 (HL7) standards used to provide a
consistent format framework for electronic
documents - Not all vendors have the capacity to create
documents in this HL7 framework - Specifications and instructions available on NHSN
website - http//www.cdc.gov/nhsn/ CDA_eSurveillance.html
- Examples of vendors with CDA compatibility
- Atlas Development Corporation
- BD Diagnostics (formerly known as AICE or ICPA)
- CareFusion / MedMined from Cardinal Health
- Cerner Corporation
- EpiQuest
- ICNet International Limited
- RL Solutions
- SafetySurveillor by Premier
- Sentri7 by PharmacyOne
- TheraDoc Hospira, Inc.
List compiled by APIC
12SSI Pilot Time and Effort per Facility
Readmission/post-discharge only
13SSI Pilot Time and Effort per Person
Readmission/post-discharge only
14Results SCIP Data
- SCIP 1 Timely receipt of antibiotic prior to
surgery - SCIP 2 Receipt of appropriate antibiotic
- SCIP 3 Timely discontinuation of antibiotic
after surgery
15Results SSIs Identified
- 2,388 procedures conducted
- 25 SSIs included in SIR calculation
- Secondary infections are not included in SIR
- - All CABG (N5)
- 64 CABG, 24 KPRO, 12 HPRO
- ASA score and duration of procedure highest for
CABG - 3 occurred gt 30 days after procedure (all KPRO)
- SIR 0.72
- Interpretation The pilot facilities identified
28 fewer SSIs than expected based on the
national experience. - Not statistically significant
- 14/18 facilities responded (78)
- Facilities more prepared for public reporting
- Staff review SSI definitions more closely
- IT changes
- Many facilities changing or considering changing
vendors - Changes to administrations prioritization of
SSI surveillance (4 facilities) - No change in IPs perspective of the magnitude of
the problem of SSIs in their facility
17Benefits to Participation
- 93 - Helped to prepare for future reporting
requirements - 79 - Gained more experience in NHSN data entry
- 57 - Facilitated process needed to meet pilot
demands and future reporting - 50 - Demonstrated how much time was associated
with HAI surveillance to find ways to decrease
burden on workload - 43 - Automated upload and/or increased
electronic capabilities - 43 - Increased awareness of SSIs
18Barriers Encountered
- 50 Learning curve
- Data entry
- Importing data
- 43 Time/resource limitations
- Data entry
- Staffing
- 29 No barriers
- 14 Post-discharge surveillance
- 14 Consistency between facilities
19Electronic Upload to NHSN
- Pre-survey 0 facilities End of pilot 9
facilities (50!) - 6 facilities submitted feedback on upload process
- 4 used Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
technology - 3 BD/AICE, 1 unspecified vendor
- Decreases in monthly surveillance effort after
implementing CDA - 8 hours to 2 hours
- 8 hours to 1 hour
- Time required to set up import averaged several
months - 2 used .CSV file
- Decreased monthly surveillance effort in one
hospital from 5 hours to 1 hour - Took 2 months for one hospital to set up its file
transmission - 2 hospitals used DICON to help with their
electronic import - 4 of these hospitals used Meditech for their
patient medical records
20Lessons Learned / Challenges
- Electronic medical record system (EMR) is
necessary for the electronic upload and any
movement towards increased use of EMR would be of
help to the facility - Helpful to talk to other facilities using the
same systems and see if they have been able to
set up a file transfer - Sometimes easier for facility IT staff to talk to
each other rather than IP trying to explain to IT
what is needed - Importance of monitoring all exported data for
21Lessons Learned / Challenges
- Operating room system capability and
compatibility - Writing the data dictionaries challenge!
- Concern about changing dictionaries/remapping
elements if NHSN amends definitions or changes
required fields - Team approach required (quality, IT, other
departments) - Establish importance of support of the infection
prevention program on a local level first - IT support is critical for implementation and to
address data quality - Vendor representatives can play a beneficial role
23Experiences of a Large System
- Sentara Healthcare (SH)
- gt23,000 staff, gt100 care giving sites,
including 10 acute care hospitals with a total
of 2,349 beds - Sentara Norfolk General Hospital / Sentara Heart
Hospital - Patients receive comprehensive cardiac services -
from diagnostics to open heart surgery and
transplants. - State-of-the-art hospital features all-private
rooms, including 112 inpatient beds and 45
pre/post procedural rooms for patients undergoing
interventional cardiac procedures. - Houses 5 cardiac operating rooms designed to
accommodate 2,000 cardiac surgeries a year.
24Timeline of Sentaras Pilot Period
- Calm down
- Education June 9, 2010
- Define current surveillance process for CABG
- Develop a Team (IT, Contracted Vendor, Cardiac
Auditors, Leadership, IPC) to research ability
to electronically export denominator surgical
data to NHSN - Contracted Cardiac Vendor building a background
program to develop a report off the STS Cardiac
Surgery Database (CSD) for exporting - Began reporting requirements for pilot project
(numerator data, denominator data export, SCIP
measure data, time effort measures) September
1, 2010 for July 2010 data - Completion ongoingWhy stop a good process?
25Sentaras Experiences
- Pit Falls
- Took time to map SH surgical denominator
components (STS CSD) to NHSN template for export - Time allotment for cardiac abstractors to review
surgical patients - Contracted vendor - Armus
- Experience
- Positive
- Demonstrated SHs ability to address issues of
mandatory reporting
26Building in a Collaborative
- Requirement of ARRA funding
- Create a project to be flexible and responsive to
acute care IPs workload - Collecting data presentation templates
- Sharing best practices for data feedback
- Monthly conference calls
- Survey given to IPs and unit-specific staff to
capture the various perceptions of data utility
27Data Presentation Survey
- Collect baseline of knowledge regarding data
presentation practices targeted to direct care
staff - Sent to IPs, direct care staff in a selected
unit/area - 18 facilities (100) 17 IPs and 84 staff
- General statements about use of data to lower HAI
rates or impact infection prevention compliance - Types of staff and their perceived awareness of
HAI data and compliance with infection prevention
practices - Outcome and process measures staff want to see
and are currently provided - Types of data and whether they are easy to
understand, useful, and currently presented
28Data Presentation Survey Results IP and Staff
- Awareness of HAI data promotes dialogue among
staff and impacts infection prevention compliance - IPs more likely to think that SSI rates were
improving (65 vs. 48) - Most respondents thought unit-specific HAI data
were valid and reliable, easy to understand,
timely, and shared at least quarterly
29Survey Results (contd)
- Color coding, comparisons (to average, benchmark)
most useful to staff - Color coding, comparisons, HAI rates, number of
HAIs, and number of days since last infection
were most easy to understand - SIR used in some hospitals (20), useful (38),
easy to understand (26) - HAI data most often presented HH, CLABSI
- Staff want environmental cleaning compliance
data however, it is least likely provided to
30Survey Results (contd)
- Differences in awareness of what data are
presented (IPs vs. staff receiving data) - Perceived differences in awareness of data and
infection prevention compliance by type of staff - Most aware and compliant nursing leadership,
unit nurses - Least aware and compliant physicians
- IPs share data most often with units and
Infection Control Committee - gt75 of respondents present HH, BSIs, SSIs, UTIs,
VAPs - gt75 of respondents present comparison HAI data
31SSI Pilot SIR by Time Period
More infections than predicted
(statistically significant) Observed
number of infections similar to predicted
Fewer infections than predicted (statistically
significant) No infections ---SIR 1.00
when observed predicted
32SSI Mini-Grant Program
- Any activities that support implementation of the
NHSN Procedure-Associated Module, including but
not limited to - Equipment and services, such as administrative
and informatics costs - Example upgrading or modifying internal systems
- Training and education
- Example training for staff responsible for
collecting and/or entering surgical site
infection surveillance data - Consultative and technical assistance
- Example programmer support to help create an
electronic file to upload surgical procedure data
directly into NHSN - Administrative support
- Applications reviewed by VDH and Virginia
Hospital Healthcare Association (VHHA) - 22 hospitals
- Total of 290,000
- Monies dispersed by July 2011
35Sentara A Systems Approach
- Total funding 145,000 for System
- Technical assistance (IT) 124,000
- Training Infection Prevention Control (IPC),
Data Auditors - 21,000 - Implementation goals
- Develop and implement an electronic export
process for reporting of surgical procedure data
directly into the NHSN database - Provide training / technical assistance to staff
to facilitate successful implementation of the
exporting process - Create super users / trainers who will
disseminate the process throughout the Sentara
Healthcare System
36Sentara A Systems Approach
- Time Line
- Awarded mini-grants - May 2011
- Immediately developed Team (IT, Leadership,
Finance, IPC) to address goals of funding - IT Team began meeting with an action plan based
on components (IT, Training) - June 2011 - Hired Consultant to develop IT components from
PICIS OR Manager and background data fields -
July 2011 - Pit Falls
- Other IT priorities (EPIC Go Live)
- Contracted IT staff
- Time line finances
- Experience
- Frustration
37Next Steps for Sentara
- Activity reports (facility-specific) and unused
funding submitted to VDH/VHHA - November 15, 2011
- Implementation of final IT product
- November 2011
- Trial use of IT product by IPC
- December 2011
- Validation of process by IPC
- December 2011 - January 2012
- Use of product beginning with Jan 2012 surgical
patient population with successful export of data
to NHSN - February 2012
38Lessons Learned Other Facilities
- Electronic medical records are great but present
documentation challenges - Surgeons do not use ICD-9 codes
- Mapping of required denominator components time
consuming - IT needs special handling
39Resources/Take Home Messages
- Challenge of converting CPT codes to ICD-9 codes
- Crosswalk soon available!
- NHSN forms for Procedure-Associated Module
- http//www.cdc.gov/nhsn/psc_pa.html
- Map entire facility in NHSN infections can
happen anywhere - Resources to Help Build Business Case for
Electronic Upload (VDH document) - Future training opportunities APIC-VA and NHSN
- VDH Dana Burshell, Carol Jamerson, Diane
Woolard - VHHA Barbara Brown
- SSI pilot participants
- SSI mini-grant recipients
41The Purpose of Our WorkThe names of the
patients whose lives we save can never be known.
Our contribution will be what did not happen to
themDonald M. Berwick, MD, MPPFormer
President and CEO of IHICurrent Administrator of
804-864-8097 JPButler_at_sentara.com