Title: OW That hurts. Will you stop pulling my hair
1OW! That hurts. Will you stop pulling my hair!
Well if you would sit still for just ONE second
of your life!!!
You guys are dorks!
2Billy! Stop hitting my arm! I am trying to finish
her hair before we go to class. Why do you
always have to be so annoying!!!
3CLASS SCHEDULE 9-930 Reading 1030-1130
Science Worksheets 1130 -12 Lunch and
Recess 12-1 MATH QUIZ!!!!
Class!!! Lets settle down! Today we are going
to talk about our end of the school-year play.
4CLASS SCHEDULE 9-930 Reading 1030-1130
Science Worksheets 1130 -12 Lunch and
Recess 12-1 MATH QUIZ!!!!
Billy! Stop that! Lauren can audition for the
role of the king if she wants! There are no
restrictions on what part people can play.
5That weekend
Hahahahaha!!!! Look at Quincy in those stupid
orange floaties!!!
610 years later
I have decided to pursue a career in education
for one primary reason Mrs. Garvey. There have
been many influential teachers in my life, but
there is one who simply stands above the rest
because of the way in which she really was able
to reach out to me.
7Her unorthodox teaching habits and absolute zest
for life and teaching were utterly amazing. She
made that extra effort with each one of her
students that made him or her feel as if though
he or she was an extremely important person with
unlimited potential to contribute to the class.
Even though I was only in fourth grade, Mrs.
Garvey gave me the confidence I would need to be
my own person and to stand up for my beliefs.
8To this day, I credit Mrs. Garvey with my
transformation from a timid, lost girl to a
lively, focused young woman. She and I stayed in
touch and she continued to be a very strong
presence in my life until she lost her struggle
with cancer years ago. Although she is no longer
with us, she will forever be a guiding force in
my life showing me that life can be anything you
make of it. She has motivated me to make a
difference with my future students like she made
such a significant difference in my life.