Mythology Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mythology Review


Apollo God of Light, Archery, Art, and Music Favorite of the Greeks and Romans Son of Zeus and Leta Athena Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge, sprung fully grown from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mythology Review

Mythology Review
Olympians and Titans
  • Apollo
  • God of Light, Archery, Art, and Music
  • Favorite of the Greeks and Romans
  • Son of Zeus and Leta
  • Athena
  • Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge, sprung fully
    grown from Zeus head in full armor
  • Her Roman name was Minerva
  • Artemis
  • Goddess of the Moon, Chastity, Hunting, and
  • Twin sister of Apollo and Daughter of Zeus
  • Her Roman name was Diana, or Diane

Olympians and Titans
  • Zeus-
  • King of the Gods, God of Thunder and Lightning,
  • Overthrew his father, Cronus, and the other
    twelve Titans
  • His Roman name was Jupiter, sometimes Jove
  • Hera
  • Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Motherhood and
  • Known for being vain, arrogant, and jealous,
    especially of the woman her husband had affairs
    with, and hostile to their offspring
  • Her Roman name was Juno

Olympians and Titans
  • Uranus-
  • sometimes known as Father Sky, he was the father
    of the Titans, the youngest of which, Cronus,
    castrated him with a sickle and overthrew him
  • Sometimes known as Ouranos
  • Gaia-
  • sometimes known as Mother Earth, she was the
    mother and wife of Uranus and the mother of the
    Titans, the youngest of which assisted her in
    freeing her children, which her husband Uranus
    had had imprisoned in the bowels of the earth,
    buried alive in Tartarus

Olympians and Titans
  • Cronus-
  • the youngest of the twelve Titans and all of
    Uranus offspring, castrated his father Uranus
    with an adamantine sickle.
  • His Roman name was Saturn, but he is also known
    as Father Time
  • Rhea-
  • the mother of the Olympian gods, she is the wife
    and sister of Cronus and the mother of Zeus,
    Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter

Olympians and Titans
  • Poseidon-
  • the brother of Zeus and a son of Cronus. Poseidon
    carried a trident made for him by one of the
    Cyclopes (the same who fashioned Hades helmet and
    Zeus thunder bolts)
  • After he and siblings defeated Cronus and the
    Titans, the cast lots for the heavens and earth,
    and Poseidon was given dominion over the seas
  • His Roman name was Neptune
  • Hades-
  • also the brother of Zeus, he was given dominion
    of the Underworld, which was named after him.
    Eventually, he fell in love with Persephone, the
    daughter of his sister Demeter, and kidnapped her
    and forced her to marry him.

Olympians and Titans
  • Prometheus-
  • sometimes known as the bringer of light, this
    Titan was the son of Iapetus, a brother of
    Cronus, and himself the brother of Epimetheus and
    Atlas. Zeus punished Prometheus for stealing fire
    and giving it to men by chaining him to a rock
    and having an eagle, or a vulture, tear out his
    liver, which grew back daily.
  • He is the father of foresight
  • Epimetheus-
  • the brother of Prometheus and Atlas, this Titan
    gave all the animals their gifts, but had none
    for man, which is the reason Prometheus felt
    sorry for men to begin with. His known as the
    Father of Excuses and Afterthought, or hindsight.

  • Hermes-
  • son of Zeus and grandson of Atlas, on his
    mothers side, this messenger of the gods was
    renowned for his wit and intelligence as well as
    his speed and athleticism. He had a winged pair
    of sandals and a winged cap, which lent him
    additional swiftness and speed
  • His Roman name is Mercury
  • Dionysus-
  • the son of Zeus and Semele, this Olympian is the
    god of wine, revelry, orgies, and drama
  • His Roman name was Baachus

  • Ares-
  • this god of war and battle was the son of Zeus
    and Hera. He was liked least by the Greeks, but
    very admired by the Romans. Once, he fell in love
    with Aphrodite and they had an affair.
    Hephaestus, Aphrodites wife, caught them and
    made fools of them in front of all Olympus.
  • His Roman name was Mars.
  • Aphrodite-
  • the Goddess of love, she was born when Cronus was
    castrated and part of him was flung into the sea.
    Aphrodite rose up from that divine sea foam. She
    was the most beautiful of the gods and plays a
    prominent part in the Trojan war as she gave
    Helen, another mans wife, to Paris in the first
  • Her Roman name was Venus.

  • Hephaestus-
  • this son of Zeus and Hera was crippled when his
    father threw him off of Mt. Olympus. He is the
    god of craftsmanship and his forge supposedly lay
    under Mt. Etna. He created an invisible net, in
    which he trapped his hussy of a wife and his
    ungrateful brother Ares while they were in a very
    private act.
  • His Roman name was Vulcan.
  • Eros-
  • the son of Cupid in some myths, and the son of
    Erebus and Nyx in others, Eros is the god of love
    and desire, and also of order and harmony in the
  • His Roman name was Cupid.

  • Demeter-
  • Demeter is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea and
    sister of Zeus by whom she became the mother of
    Persephone. When Persephone was abducted by
    Hades, lord of the underworld, Demeter wandered
    the earth in search of her lost child. During
    this time the earth brought forth no grain. The
    myth of Demeter and Persephone is an early
    attempt to explain the natural phenomenon known
    as Winter
  • Iris-
  • In Greek mythology, Iris is the personified
    goddess of the rainbow. She is regarded as the
    messenger of the gods to mankind, and
    particularly of the goddess Hera whose orders she
    brought to humans. Iris is the daughter of Titan
    Thaumas and the nymph Electra. She is portrayed
    as a young woman with wings and her attributes
    are a herald's staff and a water pitcher.

  • Themis-
  • Themis is one of the daughters of Uranus and
    Gaia. She is the personification of divine right
    order of things as sanctioned by custom and law.
    She has oracular powers and it is said that she
    build the oracle at Delphi. By Zeus she is the
    mother of the Horae and the Moirae. Themis is
    depicted as a stern looking woman, blindfolded
    and holding a pair of scales and a cornucopia.
    Her Roman name is Justitia.
  • Fates-
  • The Fates, or Moirae, were the goddesses who
    controlled the destiny of everyone. They were
    Clotho, the spinner, who spun the thread of a
    person's life, Lachesis, the apportioner, who
    decided how much time was to be allowed each
    person, and Atropos, the inevitable, who cut the
    thread when you were supposed to die. Even though
    the other gods were almighty, all were subject to
    the whims of the Fates. The Fates were very
    important, but it is still unknown to who their
    parents were.

Olympians and Titans
  • Furies-
  • The Furies, or Erinyes, who are the daughters of
    Gaia and Uranus. They resulted from a drop of
    Uranus' blood falling onto the earth. They were
    placed in the Underworld by Virgil and it is
    there that they reside, tormenting evildoers and
    sinners. However, Greek poets saw them as
    pursuing sinners on Earth. The Furies are cruel,
    but are also renowned for being very fair.
  • Graiai-
  • The three "old women" or "gray ones" from Greek
    mythology. They are the daughters of Phorcys and
    Ceto, sisters and guardians of the Gorgons. They
    were gray-haired from birth and have only one eye
    and one tooth, which they share among them. They
    are Enyo ("horror"), Deino ("dread") and
    Pemphredo ("alarm").

  • Pandora and Epimetheus
  • Pandora was the first woman and responsible for
    bringing sin and evil and sickness and death into
    the world
  • Pyrrha and Deucalion-
  • these two were the parents of humanity of after
    the flood. They threw stones over their shoulders
  • Perseus and Andromeda-
  • This couple hooked up after Perseus slew a giant
    a sea-monster

Other figures and heroes
  • Narcissus and Echo-
  • Narcissus was too much in love with himself and
    Echo was too much in love with Narcissus
  • Sirens
  • These crooning creatures were monsters who lured
    ships of sailors to rocky coasts with wonderful
    songs, and then devoured them when their ships
  • Nessus-
  • half-man and half-horse tricked Hercules wife
    into accidentally poisoning him with centaur blood

Stories of Human Behavior
  • Daedulus and Icarus-
  • architect father and bird-brained son try to
    escape crazy bull kings tower and the father
    makes it, but Icarus, prideful and not mindful of
    his elders like a good Greek boy, flew too high.
    Melted wax doesnt hold feathers. Gravity is a
    bbit of drag. Thats how Daedulus became single,
    engineer, bachelor

Stories of Human Behavior
  • Minotaur-
  • Poseidon makes Queen of Minos fall in love with
    the beautiful bull to punish Minos for going back
    on his promise. The bull is a symbol of power.
    The Queen falls in love with a symbol of
    powerhmmm. I wonder what ancient Greeks thought
    women really want?
  • King Minos
  • This ancient King wass ashamed of his half-bull,
    half man step-son and hides him in engineer
    Daedulus labyrinth, sacrificing maidens until
    Theseus and Ariadne put an end to the beasts

Sounds of Stories of Sorrow
  • Orpheus and Eurydice
  • Eurydice loved this rock-star and he loved her,
    so much so that he went to Hades, putting Hades
    three headed guard dog Cerberus to sleep and
    charming the normally unmoved Hades himself in
    order to get her back. But like most men, he
    didnt trust the god of the dead to keep his
    word. He looked back and Eurydice was lost
    forever. Reminiscent of the story of Lot and his
    wife, who was turned to a pillar of salt. Makes
    you wonder if Orpheus invented the blues

  • Achilles-
  • this legendary warrior chose to die early and
    leave a good looking corpse rather than be a
    long-living family man. Son of Thetis, this
    demi-god was killed by a divinely inspired arrow
    from a certain prince of Troy.
  • Hercules-
  • this prototypical Superman was strong, fast,
    determined, smart, and prone to violent rages. He
    killed many people, innocent and guilty, and
    ultimately went to Olympus instead of Hades.

  • Oedipus-
  • this clever cripple was the son of a king, whom
    he accidentally killed, and the husband of a
    queen, who incidentally turned out to be his own
    mother. Although smart and brave, the tragic
    warrior came to no good end.
  • Odysseus-
  • this crafty and egotistic King had it all,
    including a faithful wife and a crew, but it took
    10 years of fighting Trojans and 10 years of
    wandering on the seas of the Mediterranean before
    he finally came home.

  • Midas
  • GOLD
  • Pegasus
  • Power and Freedom
  • Eagle
  • Power and speed (Zeus)
  • Owl
  • Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Peacock
  • Pride and Arrogance
  • Snake
  • Evil
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