What is Continental Philosophy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Continental Philosophy?


Critique, praxis, and emancipation Recap and Problem, Redux The Two Cultures: Critchley s view The Two Cultures: My view The Two Cultures: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is Continental Philosophy?

What is Continental Philosophy?
  • Kareem Khalifa
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Middlebury College

  • Failed definitions
  • Critchleys Wisdom-Knowledge Distinction
  • Historicity
  • Critique, Praxis, and Emancipation
  • Scientism versus Obscurantism

I. Failed Definitions
  • The Continental-Analytic Split
  • Bad Labels
  • Bad Caricatures

The Split
Are the labels correct?
  • Continental is a misnomer
  • Many key analytic figures are from Germany and
  • Analytic is a misnomer
  • Widespread consensus that there is no such thing
    as an analytic truth.
  • Pragmatism, naturalism are generally regarded as
    alternatives to analytic philosophy
  • So the labels arent correct.

Are the caricatures correct?
  • Continental philosophers use mathematical tropes
    and scientific concepts
  • Topology (Deleuze, Lacan), Set Theory (Badiou)
  • Much of contemporary science studies is
    Continental in its theoretical orientation
    (Latour, Pickering)
  • Analytic philosophers use literary and religious
    tropes and concepts
  • The Mystical (Wittgenstein) Frictionless
    spinning in the void (McDowell) Joycean
    machines (Dennett)
  • So the caricatures arent correct.

II. Critchley on the split
  • Knowledge versus Wisdom
  • Suggested amendment
  • Forms of Rationality versus Value of Cultural

Knowledge versus Wisdom
  • Analytic philosophers concerned with knowledge.
  • Theoretical concern about how one can be
    rational in accepting that things are the way
    they are.
  • Paradigm Science
  • Continental philosophers concerned with wisdom.
  • Practical concern about how to lead a good
    life, typically construed as life of reflection.

Virtue of Critchleys Distinction
  • Continental philosophers are concerned with
  • They are also rarely concerned with knowledge
    independent of wisdom
  • Ex. Foucault is interested in how forms of
  • Arise under specific social conditions
  • Serve as vehicles for controlling people
  • Ex. Habermas is interested in how scientific
    knowledge presupposes several practical interests

Problem 1 with Critchleys formulation
  • Analytic philosophers are concerned with ethical,
    social, political, aesthetic, and religious
  • Analytic studies of morality, applied ethics
    (bioethics, just war, etc.), justice, law,
    democracy, poverty, music, art, God, etc.
  • These dont seem terribly scientific or
  • These also seem important for leading a good

Problem 2 with Critchleys formulation
  • Search for Wisdom Search for meaning of life
  • Meaning of life is unfortunate phrase
  • Meaning has a long history in analytic
  • Life has both a cultural and a biological sense.

Proposed modification to Critchley
  • Analytic philosophers are concerned with forms of
  • Regardless of the topic (science, ethics, social
    and political philosophy), the concern is with
    providing reasons for a belief, doctrine, action,
    or policy
  • Continental philosophers are concerned with the
    value of cultural practices
  • A more precise gloss on whats meant by the
    meaning of life
  • Cultural practices include lifestyles, beliefs,
    folkways, traditions, etc.

III. Historicity
  • Recap, and lingering ambiguities
  • Historicity
  • Distance
  • Assessment of Critchleys historicity
  • Alternative account of historicity

Recap and a lingering problem
  • Thus far, Continental philosophy philosophy
    concerned with the value of cultural practices
  • However, analytic philosophy is also concerned
    with the value of cultural practices, such as
    science, law, biomedicine, government, etc.

Differences in method
  • Analytic philosophy is concerned with conceptual
  • Ex. External world, other minds, the objectivity
    of moral claims
  • Continental philosophy is concerned with
    contextualized problems
  • Ex. Heideggers conception of the external world,
    Husserls problem of other minds, the objectivity
    of Marxist moral claims

The biography objection
  • Contextualizing problems conflates biography and
    history with philosophy
  • Heideggers thinking that the external world is
    knowable doesnt tell us that the external world
    actually is knowable.
  • For the latter issue, we need rigorous
    argumentation that can tell us whether or not it
    is rational to believe in an external world

Historicity the argument against pure
conceptual problems
  • The historicity claim a persons beliefs,
    values, and problems are influenced by
    (embedded in) his/her historical context
  • This includes philosophers
  • Ex. Most analytic philosophers of science from
    the 18th through the early 20th century believed
    that causation was a metaphysically dubious
    concept now it is considered the most central
    concept in philosophy of science

The limits of the historicity claim
  • The historicity claim justifies contextualizing
    problems only if
  • There is always a significant distance between
    us and the people (philosophers) we interpret
  • i.e., only if our assumptions are very different
    than theirs
  • If not, then we can treat their problems as
    identical to our own
  • Call this the distance claim

Do historicity and distance justify
contextualizing problems?
  • Both the historicity and the distance claims
    depend on historical and social-scientific facts
    about us and the people we study
  • The historicity claim is probable
  • The distance claim is contingent, depending on
    who were interpreting
  • Thus, this shows only that in certain cases, one
    can contextualize problems productively
  • It does not show that one must always do so so
    sometimes the biography objection is

A stronger historicity claim
  • Recall analytic philosophy is concerned with
    forms of rationality
  • Forms of rationality depend on historical context
  • To be continued on Thursday
  • So analytic philosophy should contextualize
  • Though perhaps not in the same way as Continental

IV. Critique, praxis, and emancipation
  • Recap and lingering problem
  • The two cultures solution
  • Critique of the two cultures solution
  • A better solution critique, praxis, and
  • Crisis
  • Historicity again
  • Tradition

Recap and Problem, Redux
  • Recap Continental philosophy contextualizes
    problems concerning the value of cultural
  • Problem How does one contextualize a problem?
    How does one solve that problem?

The Two Cultures Critchleys view
The Two Cultures My view
The Two Cultures contextualizing and solving
  • Continental philosophy contextualizes problems
    concerning the value of cultural practices using
    quasi-artistic and spiritual hermeneutical
  • It solves those problems by reclaiming certain
    traditions that have been lost or forgotten

Problems with The Two Cultures model
  • Continental philosophy typically aims to be
  • Progressive by reclaiming traditions,
  • Critical by being hermeneutical
  • Pragmatic, spiritual, and aesthetic
  • Critical of forms of rationality by
    hermeneutically reconstructing them as
    presupposing values of cultural practices, etc.
  • How do we reconcile these dichotomies?

Critique, Praxis, and EmancipationThe Common
  • Key idea We reorient ourselves of our traditions
    to affect social change
  • We can thus overcome the dichotomies of the two
    cultures model
  • We can also elaborate how to contextualize and
    solve problems about the value of cultural

  • Producing a crisis (critique) consists of making
    people aware of the fact that some present set of
    practices (praxis) is
  • Taken for granted
  • Contingent (because of historicity claim)
  • Bad/Problematic and
  • Can be changed for the better (emancipation)

Critique, historicity, and praxis
  • If the historicity claim is correct, then all
    human experiences are contingent, in that if
    history had been otherwise, our cultural
    practices (praxis) may have been different.
  • Thus, historicity implies that the human being is
    a finite subject embedded in an ultimately
    contingent network of history, culture, and
    society (64).
  • This invites us to think about how our practices
    might have been better, i.e., to critique our

  • One can recover something from a past tradition
    that heightens awareness of a contemporary
  • This is a critical confrontation or (using
    Husserls term) reactivated experience of
  • It is contrasted with a dogmatic reception, taken
    for granted, or sedimented experience of
  • Resolves many of the Two Cultures dichotomies

What is Continental Philosophy?The Ultimate
  • Continental philosophy argues that certain
    cultural practices are
  • Taken for granted
  • Contingent
  • Bad/Problematic and
  • Can be changed for the better by having a
    reactivated experience of the tradition from
    which they arose

V. Scientism versus obscurantism
  • Continental philosophy of science
  • Anti-science versus Anti-scientism
  • Anti-science as obscurantism

Continental philosophy of science
  • Continental philosophers often hold that science
    consists of a set of practices that
  • Are easily taken for granted
  • Contingent
  • Problematic and
  • Can be changed for the better by having a
    reactivated experience of the tradition from
    which they arose

Example Heidegger
  • Science looks at physical objects in abstract and
    theoretical ways and forgets the practical
    value that they have in everyday practices.
  • This is one expression of how modern human
    existence is routinized, mundane, inauthentic,
    impersonal, etc.
  • Thus, we need to remind ourselves of how objects
    exist for us in everyday practice.

Scientism and Science
  • Scientism is (by definition) bad.
  • Exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods
    of natural science applied to all areas of
    investigation (as in philosophy, the social
    sciences, and the humanities)
  • Science can be good
  • Cures for diseases
  • But it also can be bad
  • Pollution
  • Critiques of scientism are often confused with
    critiques of science.

Ways of critiquing scientism
  • It privileges knowledge at the expense of wisdom.
  • It fails to recognize that science and technology
    play a role in alienating human beings from the
    world, e.g.,
  • By disenchanting the world
  • By turning all objects into commodities that can
    be traded without full appreciation of the deeper
    values they possess beyond a market structure
  • It fails to recognize that science has its own
    set of unjustified assumptions, and furthermore,
    there is no way that these assumptions can be
    justified scientifically.
  • Ex. Habermas critiques scientism on the grounds
    that it takes for granted the interests
    underlying the search for scientific knowledge

The Slippery Slope to Obscurantism
  • Scientisms faults are not sciences faults
  • Failure to appreciate this leads to obscurantism
  • A style characterized by deliberate vagueness or
    abstruseness typically opposed to the spread of
    knowledge or the exchange of ideas.
  • More precisely, Critchley characterizes this as
    the rejection of the causal explanations offered
    by natural science by referring them to an
    alternative causal story, that is somehow of a
    higher order, but essentially occult. (118)

VI. Conclusion
  • Continental philosophy argues that certain
    cultural practices are
  • Taken for granted, contingent, problematic and
    can be changed for the better by having a
    reactivated experience of the tradition from
    which they arose
  • Analytic philosophy argues that certain forms of
    thinking are more rational than others
  • These need not compete with each other

Useful connections
  • Continental philosophers must show that it is
    rational to accept that a cultural practice is
    taken for granted, contingent, problematic, and
    capable of improvement.
  • Analytic philosophy must examine the historicity
    of forms of rationality.
  • Productive disagreements distance claims and
    biography objections
  • Checks and balances against analytic philosophys
    scientistic tendencies and continental
    philosophys obscurantist tendencies
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