Title: RTI Intervention Teams in Middle
1RTI Intervention Teams in Middle High Schools
Challenges and OpportunitiesJim
2Tier II Interventions
There are two different vehicles that schools can
use to deliver Tier II interventions Standard-Pro
tocol (Standalone Intervention). Group
intervention programs based on scientifically
valid instructional practices (standard
protocol) are created to address frequent
student referral concerns. These services are
provided outside of the classroom. A middle
school, for example, may set up a structured
math-tutoring program staffed by adult volunteer
tutors to provide assistance to students with
limited math skills. Students referred for a Tier
II math intervention would be placed in this
tutoring program. An advantage of the
standard-protocol approach is that it is
efficient and consistent large numbers of
students can be put into these group
interventions to receive a highly standardized
intervention. However, standard group
intervention protocols often cannot be
individualized easily to accommodate a specific
students unique needs. Problem-solving
(Classroom-Based Intervention). Individualized
research-based interventions match the profile of
a particular students strengths and limitations.
The classroom teacher often has a large role in
carrying out these interventions. A plus of the
problem-solving approach is that the intervention
can be customized to the students needs.
However, developing intervention plans for
individual students can be time-consuming.
3The RTI Team Definition
- Teams of educators at a school are trained to
work together as effective problem-solvers. - RTI Teams are made up of volunteers drawn from
general- and special-education teachers and
support staff. - These teams use a structured meeting process to
identify the underlying reasons that a student
might be experiencing academic or behavioral
difficulties - The team helps the referring teacher to put
together practical, classroom-friendly
interventions to address those student problems.
4The Problem-Solving Model Multi-Disciplinary
- A school consultative process (the
problem-solving model) with roots in applied
behavior analysis was developed (e.g., Bergan,
1995) that includes 4 steps - Problem Identification
- Problem Analysis
- Plan Implementation
- Problem Evaluation
- Originally designed for individual consultation
with teachers, the problem-solving model was
later adapted in various forms to
multi-disciplinary team settings.
Source Bergan, J. R. (1995). Evolution of a
problem-solving model of consultation. Journal of
Educational and Psychological Consultation, 6(2),
5RTI Research Questions
- Q Does a Problem-Solving Multi-Disciplinary
Team Process Help Children With Severe Learning
Problems? - The team-based problem-solving process (e.g.,
Bergan, 1995) that is widely used to create
individualized intervention plans for students
has been studied primarily for motivation and
conduct issues. There is limited research on
whether the problem-solving process is effective
in addressing more significant learning issues.
Source Bergan, J. R. (1995). Evolution of a
problem-solving model of consultation. Journal of
Educational and Psychological Consultation, 6(2),
111-123. Fuchs, D., Deshler, D. D. (2007).
What we need to know about responsiveness to
intervention (and shouldnt be afraid to ask)..
Learning Disabilities Research Practice,
6RTI Problem-Solving Teams at the Secondary Level
The Necessary Art of Satisficing
- The word satisfice was coined by Herbert Simon
as a portmanteau of "satisfy" and "suffice".
Simon pointed out that human beings lack the
cognitive resources to maximize we usually do
not know the relevant probabilities of outcomes,
we can rarely evaluate all outcomes with
sufficient precision, and our memories are weak
and unreliable. A more realistic approach to
rationality takes into account these limitations
This is called bounded rationality.
(Satisficing, 2008)
Source Satisficing (2008). Wikipedia. Retrieved
on July 2, 2008, from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki
7How Is a Secondary RTI Team Like a MASH Unit?
- The RTI Team must deal with complex situations
with limited resources and tight timelines, often
being forced to select from among numerous
intervention targets (e.g., attendance,
motivation, basic skill deficits, higher-level
deficits in cognitive strategies) when working
with struggling students. - The problem-solving approach is flexible,
allowing the RTI Team quickly to sift through a
complex student case to identify and address the
most important blockers to academic success. - Timelines for success are often short-term (e.g.,
to get the student to pass a course or a state
test), measured in weeks or months.
8Teachers may be reluctant to refer students to
the RTI Team because they
- believe referring to the RTI Team is a sign of
failure - do not think that your team has any ideas that
they havent already tried - believe that an RTI Team referral will mean a lot
more work for them (vs. referring directly to
Special Education) - dont want to waste time on kids with poor
motivation or behavior problems when more
deserving learners go unnoticed and unrewarded - dont want to put effort into learning a new
initiative that may just fade away in a couple of
9Teachers may be motivated to refer students to
the RTI Team because they
- can engage in collegial conversations about
better ways to help struggling learners - learn instructional and behavior-management
strategies that they can use with similar
students in the future - increase their teaching time
- are able to access more intervention resources
and supports in the building than if they work
alone - feel less isolated when dealing with challenging
kids - have help in documenting their intervention
10Secondary Level Classroom Performance Rating
Form Page 8
11Team Roles (pp. 23-24)
- Coordinator
- Facilitator
- Recorder
- Time Keeper
- Case Manager
12RTI Team Consultative Process (pp. 9-13)
- Step 1 Assess Teacher Concerns 5 Mins
- Step 2 Inventory Student Strengths/Talents 5
Mins - Step 3 Review Background/Baseline Data 5 Mins
- Step 4 Select Target Teacher Concerns 5-10 Mins
- Step 5 Set Academic and/or Behavioral Outcome
Goals and Methods for Progress-Monitoring 5 Mins - Step 6 Design an Intervention Plan 15-20 Mins
- Step 7 Plan How to Share Meeting Information
with the Students Parent(s) 5 Mins - Step 8 Review Intervention Monitoring Plans 5
13Secondary RTI Teams Recommendations
- Secondary RTI Teams should be multi-disciplinary,
to include teachers, administration, and support
staff (e.g., school psychologist, guidance
counselors). - Fixed times should be reserved each week for the
RTI Team to meet on student referrals. - Sufficient time (i.e., 30 minutes) should be
reserved for initial student referrals to allow
adequate discussion and intervention planning.
14Secondary RTI Teams Combining Consistency
- Schools should ensure that RTI Teams follow a
structured problem-solving model. - Schools do have flexibility in when and where
they use the RTI problem-solving model. For
example - If a person (e.g., school psychologist, school
administrator) is trained to facilitate an RTI
Team meeting, that meeting can be scheduled
during shared teacher planning times or during
parent-teacher conferences.
15RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Page 9
16RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Page 10
17RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Likely
Reasons for Student Concern(s) Page 10
18RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Page 11
19RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Page 12
20RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Page 13
21RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Student
Progress-Monitoring Page 14
22RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Student
Progress-Monitoring Page 15
23RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Student
Progress-Monitoring Page 16
24RTI Team Initial Meeting Form Secondary Student
Progress-Monitoring Page 17
25RTI Team Effectiveness Self-Rating Scale pp. 20-21
26Small-Group Activity Complete the RTI Team
Effectiveness Self-Rating Scale
- As a group, use the RTI Team Self-Rating Scale to
evaluate your current student problem-solving
teams level of functioning. If your school does
not have a formal problem-solving team in place,
rate your schools current informal
problem-solving efforts. - Appoint a spokesperson to share your findings
with the large group.