Structure and function of liver and gallbladder - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Structure and function of liver and gallbladder


Structure and function of liver and gallbladder Romana lamberov , M.D. Ph.D. Liver Largest organ in the body Contributing about 1/50 of the total body weight ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Structure and function of liver and gallbladder

Structure and function of liver and gallbladder
Romana Šlamberová, M.D. Ph.D.
  • Largest organ in the body
  • Contributing about 1/50 of the total body weight
    (about 1.5 kg in adults)
  • Basic functional unit of the liver is the liver
    lobule (0.8 -2 mm in diameter 50-100 thousands
    in the liver)
  • High blood flow - 1350 ml/min to liver sinusoids
    (1050 ml from the portal vein, 300 ml from
    hepatic artery) functional and nutritive blood
  • Physiologically low vascular resistance (small
    difference between pressures in the portal vein
    and hepatic vein) - in case of pathological
    changes (steatosis or cirrhosis), the vascular
    resistance increases, blood flow decreases
    (portal hypertension, ascites)

Function of the liver
  • Liver is the largest gland in the body
  • 1. Formation and secretion of bile
  • 2. Detoxication of various substances
  • Metabolic products of intestine microbes
  • Exogenous toxins (medicaments, alcohol, poisons)
  • Hormones (thyroxine, estrogen, cortisol,
  • 3. Synthesis of plasma proteins
  • Acute-phase proteins
  • Albumin
  • Clotting factors
  • Steroid-binding and other hormone-binding

Function of the liver (2)
  • 4. Coagulation (synthesis of most of the
    coagulating factors).
  • Vitamin K is required for the formation of
    Factors II (prothrombin), VII (proconvertin), IX
    (Christmas factor), X (Stuart factor).
  • 5. Blood reservoir filtration and storage of
    blood (450 ml almost 10 of the bodys total
    blood volume). In cardiac failure it can be
    stored there up to 1 l of blood.
  • 6. Immunity (Kupffer cells macrophages)
  • 7. Vitamins - metabolism and storage of vitamins
    A, D and B12
  • 8. Relation to blood formation
  • storage of vitamin B12
  • metabolism of iron and its storage as ferritin
    (hepatic cell contains apoferritin and when
    excess of iron in the blood it forms ferritin)
    blood iron buffer
  • participation on production of erythropoietin

Function protein metabolism
  • Deamination of amino acids
  • Formation of urea for removal of ammonia from
    the body fluids
  • Formation of plasma proteins (90 of all plasma
    proteins, up to 50 g of plasma proteins daily)
    not gamma globulins (cirrhosis very low
    albumins ascites and edema)
  • Interconversions of the various amino acids and
    synthesis of other compound from amino acids

Function protein metabolism (2)
  • Protein metabolism disorder in hepatic diseases
  • Ammonia detoxication disorder and failure of urea
    formation (ammonia comes from bacterial
    degradation of nitrogen substances in intestines,
    from intestine mucosa during glutamin
    degradation, from degradation of aminoacids in
    kidneys and muscles )
  • Hyperamonemia increase of ammonia blood
    concentration (gt50 µmol/l)
  • Hepatic encephalopathy toxic effect of ammonia
    in the brain (? Binding of ammonia to glutamate
  • Mental changes (capriciousness, disorientation,
    sleeping disorders, chaotic speech, personality
  • Motoric changes (increased in muscle reactivity,
    hyperreflexion, tremor)
  • Hepatic coma to death
  • Endogenous viral hepatitis and poisoning
    (hepatic cells desintegration)
  • Exogenous final status of chronic cirrhosis
    (ammonia and other toxic substances bypass the
    liver through the extrahepatic anastomoses)

Function carbohydrate metabolism
  • Maintaining a normal blood glucose concentration
  • Storage of glycogen (1-4 ) removing excess of
    glucose from blood, storage, fast return when the
    blood concentration decreases Glucose buffer
  • Conversion of galactose and fructose to glucose
  • Gluconeogenesis
  • Formation of many chemical compounds from
    intermediate products of carbohydrate metabolism
  • Pentose phosphate pathway is source of the NADPH
    (reduction synthesis) and ribose (synthesis of

Function carbohydrate metabolism (2)
  • Carbohydrate metabolism disorder in hepatic
  • Hyperglycemia in patients with cirrhosis after
    carbohydrate rich meal (50 has glucose
    tolerance, 10 has hepatic diabetes mellitus)
  • Combination of pathological glucose tolerance
    test, hyperinsulinemia, and increased insulin
    tolerance (liver insuficience ? decrease of
    glucose utilization ? hyperglycemia ?
    hyperinsulinemia ? down-regulation of insulin
    receptors ? insulin rezistence)
  • Hypoglycemia in alcohol abusers alcohol
    suppresses citrate cycle and thereby impairs
    gluconeogenesis from aminoacids. After depletion
    of glycogen storages comes hypoglycemia that
    threatens the patients life.

Function fat metabolism
  • Oxidation of fatty acids to supply energy for
    other body function
  • Synthesis of large quantities of cholesterol (80
    of cholesterol synthesized in the liver is
    converted into bile salts), phospholipids, and
    most lipoproteins
  • Inactivation of steroids and their excretion of
    the body
  • Synthesis of fat from proteins and carbohydrates

Function fat metabolism (2)
  • Fat metabolism disorder in hepatic diseases
  • Dyslipoproteinemia
  • Hypertriacylglycerolemia - ? LDL from decreased
    activity of hepatic lipase
  • ? IDL (intermediate density lipoprotein) and ?
    HDL from decreased production of LCAT
    transformation of VLDL to LDL cirrhosis
  • ? cholesterol decreased esterification of
    cholesterol when decreased activity of LCAT
  • ? cholesterol decreased excretion of
    cholesterol in bile due to cholestasis or
    increased synthesis due to decreased intestinal
    resorption of lipids causes steatosis of the
  • Hepatic steatosis accumulation of TAG minimaly
    in ½ of the hepatocytes (if less steatosis of
    hepatic cells)
  • Toxic substances including alcohol and
  • Nutrition (obesity, malnutrition, kwashiorkor)
  • Metabolic disorder (DM, hyperlipoproteinemia,
  • Inflammation of intestines

Amount of abused alcohol and its level in the
Drunk up at once on an empty stomach 0,4 in
Acute intoxication with alcohol
Stage 1 Signs of drunkenness are not necessary
evident Basic symptom is euphoria. Patient is
talkative or in contrast silent more than
usually and has subjective feeling of increased
mental activity. Objectively decreased reflex
reactions and working performance Stage 2
Selfcontrol disorders Inattention and talking
problems Unsteady walking Increased
self-confident Loss of emotions control
increased aggressiveness or tearfulness
Increased libido, decreased capability.
Decreased reflex reaction Dangerous for car
Acute intoxication with alcohol (2)
  • Stage 3 High muzziness
  • Unsteady walking or unable to walk
  • Unclear talking
  • Often nausea and vomiting
  • Falling a sleep
  • Stage 4 Deep sleep followed by coma
  • Cold skin
  • Bradypnoa a tachycardia
  • Coma
  • Death due to failure of breeding and vasomotor

  • secreted by cells of the liver into the bile
    duct, which drains into the duodenum.
  • Between meals the duodenal orifice (m. sfincter
    Oddi) is closed and bile flows into the
    gallbladder, where it is stored (50 80 ml).
  • The bile is concentrated in the gallbladder from
    97 to 89 of the water (osmotic gradient)
  • m. sfincter Oddi opens by food intake within 30
    minutes, the presence of aminoacids and fatty
    acids in duodenum activates the cholecystokinin,
    which causes gallbladder contractions and
    excretion of bile
  • production of 500-1000 ml of bile daily
  • pH 7,1-7,3

Composition of bile
  • Water 97
  • Bile salts (0.7) primary bile acids are
    transported to the bile as sodium and potassium
  • Cholic acid (converted by colon bacteria to
    Deoxycholic acid)
  • Chenodeoxycholic acid (converted by colon
    bacteria to Lithocholic acid)
  • Function
  • reduction of surface tension
  • responsible for the emulsification of fat
    preparatory to its digestion and absorption in
    small intestine
  • tend to form micelles, because of their
    amphipathic character (have both hydrophilic and
    hydrophobic domains)

Composition of bile (2)
  • Bile pigment (0,2) glucuronides bilirubin and
    biliverdin (golden-yellow color of bile)
  • Cholesterol (0,06) raises in patients with
    obstructive icterus
  • Inorganic salts (0,7)
  • Fatty acids (0,15)
  • Lecithin (0,1) the main phospholipide of bile
  • Fat (0,01)
  • Alcaline phosphatase

Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts
Daily synthesis of bile salt to replaced the
lost 0.2 0.4 g/day The total bile salt pool
3.5 g Recycling the entire pool recycles 6-8
times / day (2 times / meal)
  • Micelles cylindrical discs formed by bile salt
  • Function Keeping fat in solution and
    transporting fat to the brush boarder of the
    intestinal epithelial cells, where they are
  • Hydrophilic surface and hydrophobic interior with
    fat inside (fat acids and cholesterol).

Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts (2)
  • 90-95 of the bile salt are absorbed from the
    small intestine some by nonionic diffusion, most
    by Na - salt cotransport in the terminal ileum).
  • 5-10 of the bile salt enter the colon and are
    converted to deoxycholic acid (from Cholic acid)
    or lithocholic acid (from Chenodeoxycholic acid).
  • Deoxycholic acid is absorbed back and transported
    back to portal vein of the liver.
  • Lithocholic acid is insoluble and is mostly

Bilirubin Metabolism Excretion
  • Formed in the tissues by the breakdown of
  • In the circulation bound to albumin.
  • In the liver bilirubin dissociates and free
    bilirubin enters liver cells, where it is bound
    to cytoplasmic proteins.
  • Bilirubin diglucuronide is more water-soluble and
    is mostly transported to the bile canaliculi and
    to the intestines and changes to Stercobilinogen
    and after oxidation to Stercobilin. Only small
    amount escapes into the blood and is excreted by
    the urine as Urobilin (oxidized form of

Icterus (Jaundice)
  • Detectable when the total plasma bilirubin gt
    2mg/dl (34 ?mol/l)
  • Reasons
  • excess production of bilirubin (hameolytic
  • decreased uptake of bilirubin into hepatic cells
  • disturbed intracellular protein binding or
  • disturbed secretion of conjugated bilirubin into
    the bile canaliculi
  • intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct

Icterus (2)
  • Non-conjugated icterus (hemolytic) due to reasons
    1-3 the free bilirubin rises
  • Conjugated icterus (obstructive) due to reasons 4
    or 5 bilirubin glucuronide regurgitase into the
  • Differentiation
  • van den Bergh reaction (rate conjugated/non-conjug
    ated bilirubin in the blood)
  • From urine (non-conjugated bilirubin is not
    present in urine, conjugated bilirubin turns
    urine foam when shaking to intense yellow)
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