Title: West Virginia Chamber of Commerce Workers Compensation Symposium
1West Virginia Chamber of CommerceWorkers
Compensation Symposium
- Jane L. Cline
- Insurance Commissioner
2Selected Topics
- Management of the Old Fund
- Ensuring the Uninsured Fund remains viable
- Stabilizing and reducing premium rates
- Open Market beginning 2008
- PTD awards
3Employer Enforcement Overview
- OIC has duty of regulating employers
- regarding WC
- Monitoring assure employers are maintaining
mandatory coverage
- Administrative action take action against
employers in violation of law
- Collections Collect fines and money owed to Old
Fund and Uninsured Fund
4Employer EnforcementMonitoring
- OIC monitors states employers to assure
- Leads obtained from various sources
- Fraud unit
- Complaints from interested entities
- Information from other agencies
- Information from private carriers
- Leads followed up by OIC personnel
(investigators, credit analysts, attys., etc.)
5Employer EnforcementAdministrative Action
- OIC has numerous remedies
- Employer is placed on OICs default list
- Employer is fined up to 10k
- Employers job site posted
- Employers operating license is revoked by other
state agencies
- Injunctive action in Circuit Court
- Employer is liable to Uninsured Fund
6Employer EnforcementAdministrative Action
- Since assuming duties on 1/1/06
- Injunctions have been obtained against
non-compliant employers both old fund and
private market defaulters
- Employers have entered into repayment agreements
to avoid injunctions
- Employers work sites posted
7Employer EnforcementCollections
- OIC is charged with collecting debts owed to
- Premiums due to Old Fund
- Money owed to Uninsured Fund
- Methods for collections include
- Filing a judgment lien
- Prosecuting a civil lawsuit
- Collecting judgment against bank accounts and
other assets, forcing sale of assets, etc.
- Owners and Officers are equally liable
8Old Fund Claims Management
- OIC responsible for run-off of claims occurring
before 7/1/05
- Estimated liability of 3 billion
- Teams within OIC are identifying types of claims
and best practices for the handling of these
9Employer EnforcementHouse Bill 4513
- Passed during 2006 regular session in effect
since 3/11/06
- Significance regarding employer enforcement
- Clarified OIC has same remedies against
non-complaint employers as former WCC did
- Strengthened injunction language for default
employers now is non-discretionary with judge
- Gave OIC ability to waive interest and penalties
on money owed to Old Fund
10NCCI Conversion
- NCCI National Council on Compensation Insurance
- The oldest and largest provider of workers
compensation and employee injury data in the
- They currently operate in 37 states, entered West
Virginia this year
11Architecture of NCCI
- Sorting employers and employees by what they do
- SIC codes
- 4-digit industry identifiers
- NAICS codes (since 1997)
- 6-digit industry identifiers
12Architecture of the NCCI (continued)
- Similar to industries, we classify job titles in
much the same way
- Nationally, there are 574 classes of workers
- In West Virginia, there will be about 450 classes
of workers.
- 6 of these will be specific to WV
13Advantages of NCCI
- There were 94 industry codes
- This did not give us specific enough data
- Moreover, since NCCI is national, this will put
us in step with other states
- Also, this makes us more attractive to employers
with workers in many states
14Reducing Premium Rates
- OIC continues working closely with BSI to assure
rates are adequate but no excessive
- WV employers saw an approximate 15 aggregate
reduction in WC rates 1/1/06
- Further, the OIC approved an overall 10 decrease
in loss costs for WC rates effective 7/1/06
15Open Market 2008Overview
- WC insurance is now a form of casualty insurance
in WV
- BrickStreet is sole writer of WC insurance until
- On 7/1/08, other licensed casualty companies can
write WC insurance in WV
16Open Market 2008Other Carriers
- OIC in contact with casualty insurance trade
- Other carriers showing a high degree of interest
in entering market in 2008
- Goal is to foster competition among insurers to
provide competitive rates
- As with all insurance carriers, the OIC will
monitor WC carriers
- To assure financial solvency
- To assure claims are being handled properly
- Rates and Forms
17Open Market 2008Residual Market
- Beginning 7/1/2008, BrickStreet will not be
required to write WV employers
- WV employers that are denied coverage will go to
the assigned risk pool
- These employers will be known as the residual
- Assigned risk pool will be in place prior to
7/1/2008 to cover residual market
18Benefit Reforms
- SB 2013 passed in 2003 with substantial benefits
- The elimination of the rule of liberality
- Elimination of the 5 presumptive impairment
rating for any finding of OP in a claimant
- Elimination of annual adjustments in WC awards
for claimants for increased standard of living
- Permitted the ongoing monitoring of PTD claims by
insurers or self-insured employers
19Benefit Reforms (continued)
- All benefit reforms in SB 2013 are currently
being aggressively implemented by carriers and
- State Code allows for the review, re-opening, and
vacating of PTD claims
- The privatization of Workers Comp will be a
growth engine for West Virginias business
- We have made significant progress in a short
period of time and continue to work to make
improvements to the system.
211-888-TRY-WVIC www.wvinsurance.gov
A copy of this presentation is available on
the Offices of the Insurance Commissioner's
website at www.wvinsurance.gov.