Title: Distributed Computing with Python
1Distributed Computing with Python
- Carlos Varela
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2Distributed Computing with Python
- Using standard TCP/IP (or UDP) sockets
- Using high-level libraries for remote method
invocation - XML-RPC
- Pyro (PYthon Remote Objects)
3Networking with Python Sockets
- Resembles C socket API
- Can use UDP (datagrams) or TCP (streamed
connections) - Does not require non-standard libraries
- Low-level, yet relatively easy to use and
portable - Enables more efficient communication and is
programming language independent. - New features require protocol extensions
4Sockets An Echo Server
from socket import def main() s
socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((,
50007)) port number s.listen(1) conn,
(remotehost, remoteport) s.accept() print
'connected by', remotehost, remoteport while
1 data conn.recv(1024) buffer
size if not data break
conn.send(data) conn.close() main()
5Sockets An Echo Client
from socket import def main() s
s.connect((localhost, 50007)) port number
s.send(Hello World) data s.recv(1024)
buffer size s.close() print
data main()
6Remote Procedure Calls with Python XML-RPC library
- XML-RPC is programming-language/O.S. independent
- Uses XML as message format for parameters and
return values, e.g. - ltparamsgt
- ltparamgt
- ltvaluegtltstringgtHello Worldlt/stringgtlt/val
uegt - lt/paramgt
- lt/paramsgt
- Uses HTTP as the transport protocol.
- Enabling technology for building web services.
- Example requires downloading xmlrpcserver.py
library - http//svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Demo/xmlrp
7XML-RPC An Echo Server
import SocketServer import xmlrpcserver import
xmlrpclib class EchoReqHandler(xmlrpcserver.Reques
tHandler) def call(self, method, params)
print "Dispatching ", method, params
try server_method getattr(self,
method) except raise
AttributeError, No method s" method
return server_method(params) def echo(self,
value) return xmlrpclib.dumps(value) ser
ver SocketServer.TCPServer(('', 8000),
EchoReqHandler) server.serve_forever()
8XML-RPC An Echo Client
import xmlrpclib echosvr xmlrpclib.Server("htt
p//localhost8000") print echosvr.echo("Hello
World") print echosvr.echo(10)
9Distributed Computing with Python Remote Objects
- Resembles Java RMI Server Daemon, Client Proxy
- To find remote objects
- By name, e.g., PYRONAME//echo, requires name
server - By location, e.g., PYROLOC//localhost7766/echo
- By URI, e.g., PYRO//
27841288b1892e90a71 - Method arguments, return values, and exceptions
marshalled (pickled) over the network - Example code requires downloading and installing
Pyro at - http//pyro.sourceforge.net/
10Pyro An Echo Server
import Pyro.core class Echo(Pyro.core.ObjBase) d
ef __init__(self) Pyro.core.ObjBase.__init__(se
lf) def echo(self, string) return
string Pyro.core.initServer() daemonPyro.core.D
aemon() uridaemon.connect(Echo(),"echo-object") p
rint "The object's uri is",uri daemon.requestLoo
11Pyro An Echo Client
import Pyro.core echoProxy Pyro.core.getProxyFo
rURI( "PYROLOC//localhost7
766/echo-object") print echoProxy.echo("Hello
12Python Remote Objects (PYRO)
- Python programming language-dependent
- Event server for publish-subscribe communication
- Mobile code, but BEWARE No security guarantees!
- Compare the round trip time of the Echo
application using - TCP/IP
- Pyro
- Use the XML-RPC client in Python to connect to an
existing web service (e.g., Google) - http//www.xmlrpc.com/googleGateway
- Modify the echo example in Pyro to use the name
service. What are alternative ways to get to the
name server? - Does Pyro support distributed garbage collection?