Title: War sayings: Proverbs about war
1War Sayings
Proverbs About War
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2For one general to succeed, the bones of ten
thousand soldiers lie drying. (Japanese Proverb)
3He who has a handsome wife, castle on the
frontier or a vineyard on the roadside is never
without war. (Spanish Proverb)
4If men become sheep, the wolf will devour them.
(English Proverb)
5When the bird is in a snare, its cry is peculiar.
(African Proverb)
6Hunger makes forts surrender.
7Control barbarians with barbarians.
(Japanese Proverb)
8Cavalry horses delight in battle.
(Chinese Proverb)
9Victory or defeat is the destiny of the moment.
(Japanese Proverb)
10War is pleasant to those who have not tried it.
(German Proverb)
11Those in quarrels interpose must often wipe a
bloody nose. (American Proverb)
12Everything above falls to earth at the end.
(African Proverb)
13A mouse with but one hole easily meets its
death. (African Proverb)
14Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to
break a thigh.
(Burmese Proverb)
15The gun is not to be held carelessly. (African
16A rat who gnaws at a cats tail invites
destruction. (Chinese
17The disagreements of women give birth to the wars
of men.
(Japanese Proverb)
18 A mouse with but one hole easily meets its
(African Proverb)
19A starved town is soon forced to surrender.
(Italian Proverb)
20Better to be eaten by a lion than by a hyena.
(Lebanese Proverb)
21Money is sharper than a sword.
(African Proverb)
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