Title: premium denim jeans
1Denim Jeans for Men and women
- Denim Jeans for Men and women
- Denim jeans have become a rage among men and
women over the decades. The immense popularity of
the premium denim is an evidence of the fact that
it is here to stay and will always remain eternal
fashion attire in the closet of the young and the
old alike. The classic blue jeans has been
labeled as a must have for any individual.
Teamed with a white shirt, it makes you look
classy and stylish at the same time. However, we
now have a never ending range of denim jeans for
men and women available in the market. This
article brings out the best choices of denims for
both men and women. Lets have a look - Denim Jeans For Men
- Nowadays various styles of jeans are available
for men that they can choose from as per their
personality and body type. - Boot cut Jeans This kind of jeans is supposed
to be worn along with boots. These jeans will
give you a slimmer look as it is tight fitting
along the thighs and the bottom part is flared. - Straight cut Jeans The straightcut jeans is
best suited for men who have a consistent leg
shape right from the hip to the bottom. These
jeans have a slightly slim look through the
bottom. - Skinny Jeans - The skinny jeans is meant for that
guy with the perfect shaped body. The slim look
that you get after wearing this kind of jeans
makes you look like an epitome of male beauty.
These denim jeans are very popular among the
youngsters and college goers. - Flare Cut This kind of jeans is very much
similar to the boot-cut jeans except that it is a
bit tighter and the flares begin from the knees.
Usually these are low waist jeans that are
tightly fitted at the waist and the portion
around the ankles is very loose. - Baggy Jeans Rated as the most comfortable
denim, it is best suited for men who are tall and
have a body to die for. However, it is not
suggested for short and stout men as it will make
them look more dumpy and plump. - Loose Fit Jeans This is less baggy than the too
much baggy denims and are very comfortable. - Ripped Jeans - This is for the cool dudes who
like flaunting flesh and end up looking killer. -
- Denim Jeans For Women
- A woman wearing a pair of those perfect fitting
jeans takes her to a whole new level of
confidence. As women have the most tricky body
type choosing the correct fit of jeans is not a
cakewalk. Still, you have a wide range of denims
available for women in the market. -
- Skinny Jeans These jeans add a more feminine
touch to a womans body and make her look slimmer
and can be worn with any kind of long or short
top. - Colored Jeans This is probably the best thing
that has happened to fashion. A current hot trend
this style is more popular among teenagers who
are flaunting denims in shades of pink, red,
blue, green and what not colors are. - Scrunched Jeans This is skinny in shape with
scrunches throughout the length of the jeans. It
can make any girl look and feel beautiful about
2Its all in the Jeans
- Fruition of Jeans
- The clothing called jeans, which finds its place
every boys and girls closet these days has a
story of its own to tell. They are actually pants
or trousers that are made from dungaree cloth as
well as denim cloth. By the word jeans the common
picture that we get in mind is of the famous
blue jeans which was invented in the year 1873
by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis. The use of jeans
first started in Genoa, Italy and from there it
was exported to other parts of Europe. It was
then copied by several other manufacturers and
finally the end product that we got after much
evolution is the premium denim jeans of today.
By the ending of the nineteenth century this
premium denim jeans had arrived full fledged in
the United States of America. - Jeans were initially invented for cowboys and
then it started to be worn by the poor factory
workers because it was a long lasting and tough
fabric. Such goes the evolution of the famous
premium denim jeans which has now become a core
garment of fashion for people of all genders and
every age group. - Manufacturing Process
- Jeans are manufactured all over the world, but
mostly in Asia and South America. Premium denim
jeans come in factory-made as well as in
hand-made forms. A certain pattern is crafted for
the premium denim jeans to be made keeping in
mind the fabric and the fit and then that pattern
is sent to the cutting floor. That pattern is
placed on the denim and then the various parts of
the jeans like pockets. Accents, waistbands and
legs are cut from the denim. - These denims are then sent to the sewing
department and there they are sewn by immensely
skilled labors on hi-tech industrial machines.
Thousands of premium denim jeans are sewn in an
hour. Finally the stitched garments are washed
and processed for dyeing in various colors
accordingly. This process includes bleaching,
stone washing or lacing the garment with certain
embellishments. Finally the denim jeans are
labeled and tagged with price and brand names and
off they are sent to hit the shops and the malls
at our convenience. - Denim Jeans On Sale
- You enter a shopping mall and are bewildered by
the range of premium denim jeans laid out on the
stacks. You log onto an online shopping site and
the variety of denim jeans on sale amazes you to
no extent. Open a daily newspaper and the
assortment of denims being sold at 50 off prices
in the nearby shopping centre makes you hit for
your credit card instantly. In other words, the
market today is flooded with the sale of premium
denim jeans, that is not considered as an item of
clothing anymore but a statement of fashion for
the young and the old alike. The endless number
of denim jeans brands like Wrangler, Moustache,
Lee Jeans, Petrol, Pepe to name a few are
available at any store conveniently and can be
purchased at best prices meant for various
pockets. Pantaloons and Westside come out with
sale of denim jeans at various discount prices in
certain seasons of the year. Moreover the online
shopping sites like shoppersstop.com,
denimblog.com, flipkart.com, jabong.com and
myntra.com, etc are always available at your beck
and call allowing you to sit at home and purchase
that chic pair of denim jeans right from home.
3Premium Denim-Brands And Shopping
- Premium Denim- Brands and Shopping
- The most casual and chic item of clothing, a
fashion staple for every youngster is the premium
denim jeans that has evolved and improved
immensely over the years. This popular attire,
also known as The Cool Casual has hit the world
market for clothing with storm. With people of
all ages going crazy about jeans and youngsters
and teenagers going wild with their fashion
statements, the denim jeans has now become more
of an Oh Boy kinda style garment rather than
just a simple bottomwear. The classic blue
jeans has now metamorphosed into various cuts
and colors and fits. Different styles are
available in the market. You have a variety of
brands to choose the best jeans for yourself
according to your style and preference and body
fit. In this article we will be telling you about
some of the famous premium denim brands in the
world market. - Wrangler
- An American manufacturer of jeans, this brand is
one of the famous denim brands in the world. It
has an endless assortment of different styles of
jeans and affordable prices. - Pepe Jeans
- A genuine source for comfortable jeans, Pepe
Jeans is one of the leaders in the casual wear
segment. This brand offers colors like grey, tan,
olive, neon, khakis, pastel shade, etc. - True Religion
- This brand is based in Los Angeles and was
established in 2002. It offers a wide range of
style to choose from for both women as well as
men. - J Brand
- J Brand is an industry leader in the premium
denim market and is a favorite of many customers
including a wide range of celebrities. - Moustache
- If you want to make yourself different from the
mass of people, then you may prefer to flaunt a
perfect pair of Moustache Jeans that come in
prices that suit all pockets and a range which
offers a mammoth line of style and patterns. - Lee Jeans
- It is a British clothing company that operates
throughout the world. It has now become a
lifestyle brand. - Levi Strauss Jeans
- One of the expensive brands in the world market,
it is a prominent brand in denim and casual wear. - Gucci Genius Jeans
- It is a designer brand and falls in includes the
most luxurious range of jeans for both males and
females. The price range starts at hundred
dollars or more and can go upto thousand dollars. - Roberto Cavalli Jeans
4Premium denim jeans and levis
- Introduction
- Denim is just not a simple cotton fabric but it
is a lot more than that. It is a history itself,
it is an inspiration for the youth .It is the
oldest fabric but still it is so young that it is
easily compared with every fabric present at this
moment. - The origin of denim
- As from many books it has been found that it is
originated from a French word Nim which was a
fabric found in the city called Nimes. - Denim v/s jeans
- Denim was cotton made fabric but jeans were a
mixture of cotton, linen and wood blend. Although
both fabrics were too similar, but there was a
major difference that the denim was woven with
two different color but jeans was woven with same
color of two threads. - The beginning
- Denim was associated with Levis in the year
1873. The Levis jeans creator Levi Strauss
joined hands with Jacob Davis and as a result
denim was made. - Rise of denim
- Premium denim got its popularity due to the brand
name of Levis. As in 1920 Levis made a stronger
image in the market for its pant manufacturing
all over America, which made a clear platform for
denim to make its mark through it. The name and
advertisement made denim jeans so popular that it
made its mark to European countries also and
everyone wishes to have it. - Denim goes global
- During late 1950s denim got its own popularity
as it was spread all over the world thanks to
Levis which gave its a name. It was famous all
over the world wither it is America or Japan or
UK it was selling at a huge rate. It became
famous all over the world wither it is Asia or
America or Europe its demand was high all over
the world. - Denim as a style symbol
- Since 1950 to till date, denim has not lost its
magic as the craze of it is still ruling in the
peoples heart. Denim has specially effected
among youth, as it has became a style symbol and
shows a character of them so it was and now also
been favorite for them. In 1960s it was very
famous among Americans. Most of the college
student wore denim to show their status. -
- Denim The phoenix
- During 1970 denim made an important decision of
changing the fabrics. As it was looking like an
end for denim. But due to the negative response
to the new fabrics it survived. And premium
denim jeans company owner decided to bring it
back and again it rose up and showed everyone
that it was the only king of jeans. - Denim continues
- No other fabric has ever made such a long
impression among the heart of the people as denim
has done. Even now also it is gaining its
popularity day by day. Now also youth as well as
matured one loves to wear denim as it has been a
great product and hope it will always rule in the
future also.
5 Premium Denim
Jeans According to Customers Choice
- Origin of Denim jeans
- Denim has been the best fabric from many years as
from the day it was introduced to till date it
has been growing day by day. Whether it is 1950
or 1970 or 2000 or now 2013 it is still the same
and could be common in everyones wardrobe. It is
very comfortable to wear and also has got some
versatility in it. As the demand for it is rising
day by day but is still stuck with its old fabric
and just add some designs to it, which has been a
key to its success. According to some surveys it
is found that on an average every person has 7
pairs of denim. - Denim jeans are so popular because of three
reasons. - First is its price which is affordable to almost
every class of people. - The second reason is its style which always gets
changed with respect to time and fashion. In
1980s it was a fashion of bell bottom so it was
made in that form at that time and now there is
fashion of narrow so it comes in narrow style, so
its ability to change has also helped in its
growth. - And the third point is its fitting. Whether denim
jeans are for men or denim jeans are for women.
It is fitted easily for both of them. - Market reputation of denim jeans
- As the availability of many premium denim brands
is very easy, hence, it is expected that it these
denim is not going to lose its market in upcoming
years. As it is growing day by day, so the future
of it is going to be a brighter. As for its cost
whether it is high or low the demand for it is
never going to fall. As you can find many premium
denim brands like Gap, Levis, Diesel etc. in
this sector so you have got a choice to choose
your best among them. These new brands have made
the market cheaper because of the competition
among them and it has brought a huge benefit for
us. - Earlier jeans of Levis
- Earlier these denim jeans were only made by
Levis as it was the introducer of denim jeans in
the world. Levis provided the platform for these
denims to show its quality and it grabbed its
chance with both its hand and now is being the
undisputed king among all the fabrics from many
decades. - Latest use of denim jeans
- The new addition of denim is that not only you
can find this fabric in your pants but it is also
available for your jackets, shirts, T-shirts,
bags and even some shoe maker companies use it
for making shoes from it. It has become so common
among everyone now that you can find this fabric
used in every part of the world as it has become
a global brand. The new inclusion of goods made
from it has also increased its life span and it
is definitely going to rule in the future also
but it may get a new form of it. Even the
introduction of new fabric even cant affect it
because denim has got its own class and nothing
could be compared with it.