Title: ARRRR! Drug Development and Discovery
1ARRRR! Drug Development and Discovery
- Access to Essential Medicines De-Cal
- Fall 2006- Week 2
2Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Drug companies make medicines that cost lots o'
doubloons My favorite pirate pick up line
Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger
is so Jolly?
- Evolution of the pharmaceutical industry
- Research development pipeline
- Identifying compounds
- Pre-clinical and clinical trials
- Production and distribution
- Marketing and sales
- The reality of Pharma
4Evolution of Pharma
- Previously unregulated
- Huge gains in basic scientific understanding the
1950s and 60s - Modern drug industry is centralized in about ten
major companies
5RD Pipeline
The Players
Contract Research Organizations
Basic research institutions
Small Biotech firms
Big Pharma
6RD Pipeline
- Step 1 Basic laboratory research
- Step 2 Preclinical testing after a promising
compound is found - Step 3 Investigational New Drug filing with FDA
- Three phases of clinical trials
- Step 4 New Drug Application (NDA)
- Step 5 Sale
7Clinical Trials
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Non-blind experiments for dosing
Single blind experiments for efficacy
Double blind experiments for efficacy
8Less of a pipeline, more of a funnel . . .
9Production and Distribution
- Developing production methods and creating
facilities - Distribution
- Enormous marketing expenditures
10The 800 million pill?
11Important concepts
- Generic drug manufacturers
- New Molecular Entities (NMEs)
- Bioequivalency
- Me-too drugs
- Lifestyle drugs
- Second indications
- Pharma companies are ruthless profit maximizers
12The Politics of Pharma
- Organized into PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and
Manufacturers of America - Huge political lobby
- In 2001 Name-brand pharma spent 75.4 million on
lobbying - That same year generics spent 2.4 million
- The providers for a society that increasingly
relies on drugs
13The Good
- In 2004 name-brand pharmaceutical firms spent
approximately 53 billion on RD - New medicines generated 40 of the two-year life
expectancy gain in 52 developed countries
F.R. Lichtenberg, The Impact of New Drug
Launches on Longevity, National Bureau of
Economics Research Working Paper No. 9754 (June
14The Bad
- In 2001 an estimated 1.9 to 2.2 million people
were driven in personal bankruptcy by health care
costs - In 2004 pharma spent approximately 1.25 billion
per NME in 1995 that number was 317 million
Health care costs main cause of bankruptcy,
study finds, The New Standard, at
emitemid1439 RD spending per NME Declines,
Drugresearcher.com, at http//www.drugresearcher.c
15The Questionable
- Decline in the efficiency of RD (i.e. less NMEs
per RD spent) - Mergers of big companies hurting RD
- The cost of marketing of pharmaceuticals
- Direct to consumer advertising
- Me too and lifestyle drugs
Arrr! That be questionable, matey