Title: Number the Stars: Questions Chapters 9 to 12
1Number the StarsQuestions Chapters 9 to 12
By MacKenzie Acton Katie Allee
2In what ways is the funeral at Uncle Henricks
different from other funerals?
- The funeral at Uncle Henricks was different from
other funerals because it wasnt really a
funeral, it was a gathering of Jews and people
usually talk about the good times and bring food
for the family.
3Why might not knowing everything make it easier
to be brave? Why does Mama lie to Annemarie?
- Knowing everything might not make it easier
because you may get scared if you know
everything. Mama lies to Annemarie to keep her
safe and to protect her.
4What is the present that Ellen receives during
Great Aunt Birtes funeral? Describe Ellens
reaction to the surprise.
- During Great Aunt Birtes funeral, Ellens
parents come back. Her reaction to this is she
squeals and cries in delight. She also acts like
a little girl.
5How does Mama keep the soldiers from opening the
- Mama keeps the soldiers from opening the casket
by telling them that Great-Aunt Birte had typhus
and the germs might still be contagious.
6What is the meaning of the psalm read at the
- The meaning of the psalm read at the funeral was
to keep the Jews protected while they were on
their journey to Sweden. It also meant to help
rebuild the Jews homes.
7What is in the casket??
- Inside the casket there are bundles of warm
clothes for the Jews.
8What does Peter give to the baby? Why?
- Peter gives the baby anesthetics so it would go
to sleep and not cry during the night journey.
9Peter gives Mr. Rosen a paper-wrapped package.
What instructions does Peter give Mr. Rosen?
- Peter gives Mr. Rosen a paper-wrapped package and
tells him to give the package to Henrick
10Describe the plan that peter devises to get the
group safely away?
- The plan that Peter devises to get the group
safely away is to wait twenty minutes after he
leaves so that it doesnt look suspicious. Then
to come directly back to the house after youve
seen the Rosens to Henrick.
11How long is Mama supposed to be gone? How long is
Mama actually gone?
- Mama is supposed to be gone around an hour. But
Mama is actually gone for about two hours.
12What do you think has happened to Mama?
- We think that Mama falls and breaks or sprains
her ankle in the dark and she cant get up so she
has to drag herself back home.
13Describe what happens to Mama on the way back
form the boat.
When Mama was coming back from the boat she
tripped on a root and fell, which caused her to
sprain or break her ankle.
14What does Annemarie find next to the house?
- Annemarie finds the package that Peter gave to
Mr. Rosen the night of the funeral.
15What instructions does Mama give Annemarie
concerning the item she found next to the house?
- The instructions Mama gives Annemarie concerning
the item she found next to the house was to hide
it in a basket, and cover it with food. Mama also
told Annemarie that she had to act like a silly
little girl taking lunch to her forgetful uncle.
16What story does Annemarie think about on the path
to the boat?
- The story that Annemarie thinks about on the
path to the boat was Little Red Riding Hood.
17List the main characters in the story that
Annemarie thought about.
- The main characters that Annemarie thought about
were the Grandma, Wolf, and Little Red Riding
18How are the characters in Little Red Riding Hood
like the ones in Number the Stars?
- The characters in Little Red Riding Hood are like
the ones in Number the Stars because Annemarie
was carrying a basket to Uncle Henrick and it was
very important. In Little Red Riding Hood, Red
was carrying a basket to her Grandmother and the
contents of it were also very important.
19What are the instructions that Annemarie's mother
gives her in case she is stopped?
- The instructions that Annemaries mother gives
her in case she is stopped is to act like a silly
little, empty-headed girl.
20What does the German soldier find in the packet?
- The German soldier found a white handkerchief
in the package.
21What is the first thing Annemarie had to try to
do after returning to her uncle's house?
- The first thing Annemarie tried to do when she
got back to her Uncles house was to milk Blossom
, the cow.
22What is Uncle Henrik's definition of bravery?
- Uncle Henricks definition of bravery is thinking
of what you must do.
23How does Uncle Henrik get the Rosens to Sweden?
- Uncle Henrick gets the Rosens to Sweden by his
secret spot in his boats hull.
24What does Annemarie learn about Peter?
- Annemarie learns that Peter is part of The Free
Danes resistance group.
25What is the secret of the handkerchief?
- The secret of the handkerchief was that it had a
scent that attracted dogs and when they sniffed
it, they would lose their sense of smell.