Title: The Access Grid
1The Access Grid
Rick Stevens, Terry Disz, Lisa Childers, Bob
Olson Argonne National Laboratory www.mcs.anl.gov/
fl/accessgrid (fl-info_at_mcs.anl.gov)
2Origins of the Access Grid
3Evolution of the Grid Concept
- Metacomputing late 80s
- Focus on distributed computation
- Gigabit testbeds early 90s
- Research, primarily on networking
- I-WAY 1995
- Demonstration of application feasibility
- PACIs (National Technology Grid) 1997
- NASA Information Power Grid 1999
- DOE Science Grid 2001
- Commercial Startups
4Related Work
- Berkeley and LBNLs Mbone Tools (Jacobson et al.)
- Xerox PARC MOO and Jupiter Projects (Curtis, et
al.) - Argonne/NEUs Labspace Project (Evard/Stevens et
al.) - EVLs CAVERsoft (DeFanti, Leigh, et al.)
- ANLs CAVEcomm and ManyWorlds (Stevens et al.)
- ANL and ISI Globus Project (Foster, Kesselman et
al.) - UNCs Office of the Future (Fuchs et al.)
- DOEs Collaboratory Pilots (Zalusec et al.)
5Some Questions We are Interested In
- What kinds of future collaboration environments
are possible? - How might teleimmersion enhance scientific
collaborations? - What is the value of persistence and spatial
metaphors in collaboration and virtual
environments? - How can we cost-effectively improve group
oriented collaboration environments ? - What is needed from networking and middleware
infrastructure to effectively support wide area
collaboration and distributed visualization ? - What are good software architectures to enable
collaborative work systems?
6Our Approach
- Attack Research Questions in the context of real
world experience - Build Working Infrastructure as well as Prototype
Software - Involve multiple groups in deployment, use and
research - Participate (lead) in directions for new uses and
applications - Release software early and often (use open source
model) - Contribute to the Community Code base
7An Overview of the Access Grid
9 Physical Node Design
Presenter mic
Presenter camera
Ambient mic (tabletop)
Audience camera
- Spaces for small groups
- Wide field of view
- Comfortable
- Persistent connection
- Hands free
- No click to talk
- No searching for microphones
- Never have to think about microphones
- Interactive
- Interrupt other speakers
- Multiple conversations at the same time
- Full duplex
- Clear
- No background noise
- Rich-sounding speech
- No feedback
- No echo
- Scale of imagery life-sized
- Highest quality, but affordable
- Multiple video streams
- Presenter close-up
- Audience view
- Audience close-up
- Display wall
- Shared
- Powerpoint
- Visualization
- Archived
- Voyager
- Hardening multicast infrastructure
- http//beaconserver.accessgrid.org9999/
- Large-scale networking testbed
- Higher bandwidth
- QoS
- Networking people active members of the AG
14The Muds
- Two muds are used in the AG community
- Access Grid Hangout Room
- Character generation is controlled
- Characters reside there permenantly
- Long-term social relationships have developed
- Access Grid Venue
- Character generation is automatic
- Characters come and go
- Usage is event-driven
15Virtual Collaboration Spaces
Virtual Venue
- A persistent location on the grid
- Not a physical space
- A dimension in which several physical spaces can
be co-located - A place that can be entered and exited
- Supports multiple interaction modalities
- Text, audio, video graphics, animation, VR
- A scoping mechanism to support multiple
concurrent meetings - A resource that can be reserved
16The Workspace Docking Concept
Private Workspaces - Docked into the Group
17Access Grid Project Goals
- Enable Group-to-Group Interaction and
Collaboration - Connecting People and Teams via the Grid
- Improve the User Experience Go Beyond
Teleconferencing - Provide a Sense of Presence
- Support Natural Interaction Modalities
- Use Quality but Affordable Digital IP Based
Audio/video - Leverage IP Open Source Tools
- Enable Complex Multisite Visual and Collaborative
Experiences - Integrate With High-end Visualization
Environments - ActiveMural, Powerwall, CAVE Family, Workbenches
- Build on Integrated Grid Services Architecture
- Develop New Tools Specifically Support Group