Title: Casemix and E-Health – enablers of health reform
1Casemix and E-Health enablers of health reform
Casemix Conference Fran Thorn Secretary,
Victorian Department of Human Services Chair,
National E-Health Information Principal
Committee 17 November 2008
2Health expenditure in Australia
3Health system challenges
- Gap between advantaged disadvantaged
- Ageing population
- Incidence of chronic disease
- Consumer demand
- Health workforce
4Focus of reform
- Cost effectiveness of healthcare spending
- Safety quality
- Availability of information
5What is E-Health?
- the combined use of electronic communication
and information technology in the health sector. -
- World Health Organisation
6E-Health Strategies
- Short term vs long term
- National E-Health Strategy
- Foundations
- E-Health solutions
- Change adoption
- Governance
7Elements of a strategic approach
Establishing the core foundations for electronic
information exchange across the health sector
Stimulating investment in high priority computer
systems and tools
E-Health Solutions
Encouraging health sector participants to adopt
and use high priority systems and tools
Change and Adoption
Ensuring the effective coordination and oversight
of the national E-Health work program
8Casemix and E-Health Complementary aims
- Using information to improve health care
- Patient-centric
- Equity
- Safety quality
- Transparency accountability
- Sustainability
9Data quality a key constraint for casemix
- Accuracy of the data in general
- Time delays
- Benchmarking
- Clinical data
- Standardisation of DRGs
- Cost data
- funding vs cost
10Improving data quality through E-Health
- Standardisation of
- Data elements/categories
- Reporting models
- Information management systems
- Allows data comparisons and benchmarking
- Data linkage capacity
- Information technologies real-time data
flexibility of data
11Key opportunities
- Prevention
- Models of care
- Workforce productivity
- Rationalisation of information
- Secondary uses