Title: Why Do a Literature Review?
1Why Do a Literature Review?
- Acquaint with area
- Show link to the development of the area
- Establish credibility
- Integrate
- Learn techniques, approaches, problems
- Identify gaps
2Types of Literature review
- Context
- History
- Theory
- Methods
- State of current knowledge
3Purpose of Literature Review
- What has been done
- Who are the experts
- How how have people went about the study
- Where are the problems
- What the debates and controversies
- Which hypothesis have been tested
4Identifying Variables
Mass Media influence
Interpersonal influence
Socio - economic
Why teenage girls smoke?
What is to be measured how is data collected?
5Quality of Literature
- Authority
- Accuracy error free, reviewed, facts checked
- Objectivity bias!
- Currency up to date
- Coverage breadth and depth
- Value
- Refereed journals
- Text books
- Working papers
- Web ?????
- Trade Press Newspapers
- Positive
- Fast
- Convenient
- Find related areas
- Cheap
- Negative
- Question over authority
- Easy to miss area
- Too voluminous
- Plagiarism
- E journals access using Athens
- www.athens.ac.uk for help contact
- Keith Walker email k.walker_at_napier.ac.uk
- Science Direct
- Sage
- Emerald Full Text
- Wiley Interscience
- ABI/Inform
- Positive
- Can follow paper trail
- Find other articles by chance
- Studious atmosphere
- Get help
- Negative
- Expensive
- Tiring
- Limited stock
See http//nulis.napier.ac.uk/
10Referencing Material
Use the Harvard System
See http//nulis.napier.ac.uk/StudySkills/CompB
Should be referred by name
and date in the text and listed alphabetically in
the bibliography at the end of the
dissertation. For example, the statement may
appear This finding is supported by Smith
(1990) and Jack (1987). This would appear in
the bibliography as Jack, B. 1987. Quality
Improvement, Wiley, Chichester i.e. for a book,
name, date, title, publisher, where
published. Smith, V.T. 1990 - Improving
Quality, International Journal of Quality
Improvement, 6, 2, 10-21. Web pages should be
author, title, wed address and when last
accessed. GROS, www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/statistics
/ (February, 2005)
11Referencing Cont.
- If there is more than two authors then in text
refer to them using et. al. which is Latin for
and others - e.g. Chen et. al. (2000) discuss theories on
motivation. - Chen Y., Box G.H., Amin K. and Fox T., 2000,
Motivation at Work, Psychology Review, 7,1, 39-57
12Critical Reading
- What has been done and its worth
- Rationalising the significance of the problem
- Understand the structure of the problem
hierarchy and classification - Identify variables
- Understand uncertainties
- Help determine sample sizes
- Identification of methods and techniques
- Placing in historical context
13Being Critical
- Analysis dismantle, understand, evaluate
- Synthesis build, join ideas together
- Comprehension understand, explain, distinguish,
interpretation - Knowledge define, classify, problem solve
14Typical Review
- Chapter 2
- Section 1 background
- Sections 2.2 2.? Particular aspects
- Section 2.x Methodologies Used
- Final bit Link to aims reaffirmation of
research questions lead in to next chapter - Around 20 to 30 pages - at least 20 references