Title: Nonlinear Systems
1Nonlinear Systems
- Modeling some nonlinear effects
- Standard state equation description
- Equilibrium points
- Linearization about EPs
- Simulation and insight
- Equilibrium point design
2Some nonlinear effects
- Aerodynamic drag on a vehicle
- Rotodynamic pump
- Nonlinear spring effect
- Nonlinear geometry
- Check valve modeling
3Aerodynamic drag effect
Typical aerodynamic drag on a passenger vehicle
can be modeled by a drag force, Ra, given by
where ? is mass density of air, CD is drag factor
due to vehicle shape, Af is frontal (projected)
area, and Vr is vehicle speed
4Rotodynamic pump
A typical model for the outlet port of a
rotodynamic pump is given by
where P is outlet port pressure, N is shaft
speed, and Q is outlet port flow.
5Hardening spring
A typical relation for the characteristic of a
hardening spring is given by
where F is the spring force and d is the spring
deflection from free length.
6Nonlinear geometry
Mass, m
7Examples to illustrate nonlinear methods
- Pendulum with magnetic force applied
- Spring-loaded pendulum
- Hanging sign problem
- Print-head mechanism
8Formulation of standard equations
- Identify the state and input vectors X(t) and
U(t). - Formulate a set of system equations.
- Reduce the equations to the form
(If this is not possible then a different
approach needs to be taken which we will not
discuss here.)
9Equilibrium points
- We seek equilibrium points (EPs) under the
following conditions - Assume all inputs are constant, U(t) Uc.
- Assume all derivatives go to zero simultaneously.
- The equations become
- Solve the EP equations for Xep, given Uc.
(There may be zero, one or many EPs. Finding them
can be a daunting task on occasion. )
10Linearization about an EP
- To gain insight about the nature of a given EP we
can linearize the model about the EP. - We use a Taylor series method, expanding about
the EP. - The resulting linearized model can be written as
See Linearization a la Taylor notes.
11Simulation for insight
- To locate a stable EP in a difficult problem we
can sometimes simulate the dynamic response and
watch it go to the EP. - Once such an EP has been located we can simulate
the behavior in the vicinity of the EP to get a
feeling for the local behavior. - It is also possible to numerically approximate
the linearized A, B matrices at an EP.
See Hanging Sign example and Numerical
linearization notes.