Title: 30th Kitchener Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers
130th Kitchener Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers
Dear Parents Apple Day is fast approaching
creating an opportunity for your child to
participate in fund-raising for the unit. Each
participant will be supervised as they stand at
various store fronts offering apples to the
public. Apple Day this year is Friday October
13th from 4-900 p.m. and Saturday October 14th
from 900 a.m.-200 p.m . Participants should
meet at and be picked up from St. Phillips
Church. Please return the permission form
indicating when your child can participate and
whether you as a parent can help
supervise. Thank you
I give my child _________________(name)
permission to attend Apple Day Friday October
13th and/or Saturday October 14th.
_______________________(parent signature) I
can/cannot help supervise. _______________________
___ (name - please print)