Title: Protein Structure Prediction
1Fold recognition
2Ab initio prediction of protein structure
- Go from sequence to structure by sampling the
conformational space in a reasonable - manner and select a native-like conformation
using a good discrimination function - Problems conformational space is astronomical,
and it is hard to design functions that - are not fooled by non-native conformations (or
3Ab initio prediction of protein structure
sample conformational space such that native-like
conformations are found
hard to design functions that are not fooled by
non-native conformations (decoys)
astronomically large number of conformations 5
states/100 residues 5100 1070
4Sampling conformational space continuous
- Most work in the field
- Molecular dynamics
- Continuous energy minimisation (follow a valley)
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Like real polypeptide folding process
- Cannot be sure if native-like conformations are
5Molecular dynamics
- Force -dU/dx (slope of potential U)
acceleration, m a(t) force - All atoms are moving so forces between atoms are
complicated functions of time - Analytical solution for x(t) and v(t) is
impossible numerical solution is trivial - Atoms move for very short times of 10-15 seconds
or 0.001 picoseconds (ps) - x(tDt) x(t) v(t)Dt 4a(t) a(t-Dt)
Dt2/6 - v(tDt) v(t) 2a(tDt)5a(t)-a(t-Dt) Dt/6
- Ukinetic ½ S mivi(t)2 ½ n KBT
- Total energy (Upotential Ukinetic) must not
change with time
old position
old velocity
new position
old velocity
new velocity
n is number of coordinates (not atoms)
6Energy minimisation
- For a given protein, the energy depends on
thousands of x,y,z Cartesian atomic - coordinates reaching a deep minimum is not
trivial - With convergence, we have an accurate
equilibrium conformation and a well-defined - energy value
7Monte Carlo simulation
- Discrete moves in torsion or cartesian
conformational space - Evaluate energy after every move and compare to
previous energy (DE) - Accept conformation based on Boltzmann
probability -
- Many variations, including simulated annealing
(starting with a high temperature so - more moves are accepted initially and then
cooling) - If run for infinite time, simulation will
produce a Boltzmman distribution
8Genetic Algorithms
- Generate an initial pool of conformations
- Perform crossover and mutation operations on
this set to generate a much larger pool of - conformations
- Select a subset of the fittest conformations
from this large pool - Repeat above two steps until convergence
9Sampling conformational space exhaustive
enumerate all possible conformations view entire
space (perfect partition function)
must use discrete state models to minimise number
of conformations explored
computationally intractable 5 states/100
residues 5100 1070 possible conformations
10Scoring/energy functions
- Need a way to select native-like conformations
from non-native ones -
- Physics-based functions electrostatics, van der
Waals, solvation, bond/angle terms - Knowledge-based scoring functions derive
information about atomic properties from a - database of experimentally determined
conformations common parametres include - pairwise atomic distances and amino acid
11Requirements for sampling methods and scoring
- Sampling methods must produce good decoy sets
that are comprehensive and include - several native-like structures
- Scoring function scores must correlate well with
RMSD of conformations (the better - the score/energy, the lower the RMSD)
12Overview of CASP experiment
- Three categories comparative/homology
modelling, fold recognition/threading, and - ab initio prediction
- Goal is to assess structure prediction methods
in a blind and rigourous manner blind - prediction is necessary for accurate assessment
of methods - Ask modellers to build models of structures as
they are in the process of being solved - experimentally
- After prediction season is over, compare
predicted models to the experimental - structures
- Discuss what went right, what went wrong, and
why - Compare progress from CASP1 to CASP4
- Results published in special issues of Proteins
Structure, Function, Genetics 1995, - 1997, 1999, 2002
13Comparative modelling at CASP - methods
- Alignment PSI-BLAST, FASTA, CLUSTALW - multiple
sequence alignments - carefully hand-edited using secondary
structure information -
- More successful side chain prediction methods
include - backbone-dependent rotamer libraries (Bower
Dunbrack) - segment matching followed by energy minimisation
(Levitt) - self-consistent mean field optimisation (Bates
et al) - graph-theory knowledge-based functions
(Samudrala et al) - More successful loop building methods include
- satisfaction of spatial restraints (Sali)
- internal coordinate mechanics energy
optimisation (Abagyan et al) - graph-theory knowledge-based functions
(Samudrala et al) - Overall model building there is no substitute
for careful hand-constructed models - (Sternberg et al, Venclovas)
14A graph theoretic representation of protein
15Historical perspective on comparative modelling
16Historical perspective on comparative modelling
17Prediction for CASP4 target T128/sodm Ca RMSD of
1.0 Å for 198 residues (PID 50)
18Prediction for CASP4 target T111/eno Ca RMSD of
1.7 Å for 430 residues (PID 51)
19Prediction for CASP4 target T122/trpa Ca RMSD of
2.9 Å for 241 residues (PID 33)
20Prediction for CASP4 target T125/sp18 Ca RMSD of
4.4 Å for 137 residues (PID 24)
21Prediction for CASP4 target T112/dhso Ca RMSD of
4.9 Å for 348 residues (PID 24)
22Prediction for CASP4 target T92/yeco Ca RMSD of
5.6 Å for 104 residues (PID 12)
23Comparative modelling at CASP - conclusions
T128/sodm 1.0 Å (198 residues 50)
T111/eno 1.7 Å (430 residues 51)
T122/trpa 2.9 Å (241 residues 33)
T112/dhso 4.9 Å (348 residues 24)
T92/yeco 5.6 Å (104 residues 12)
T125/sp18 4.4 Å (137 residues 24)
24Fold recognition at CASP - methods
- Visual inspection with sequence comparison
(Murzin group) - Procyon - potential of mean force based on
pairwise interactions and global dynamic - programming (Sippl group)
- Threader - potential of mean force and double
dynamic programming (Jones group) - Environmental 3D Profiles (Eisenberg group)
- NCBI Threading Program using contact potentials
and models of sequence-structure - conservation (Bryant group)
- Hidden Markov Models (Karplus group)
- Combination of threading with ab initio
approaches (Friesner group) - Environment-specific substitution tables and
structure-dependent gap penalties - (Blundell group)
25Fold recognition at CASP - conclusions
- Fold recognition is one of the more successful
approaches at predicting structure at all - four CASPs
- At CASP2 and CASP4, one of the best methods was
simple sequence searching with - careful manual inspection (Murzin group)
- At CASP3 and CASP4, none of the threading
targets could have been recognised by the - best standard sequence comparison methods such
- For the most difficult targets, the methods were
able to predict ? 60 residues to 6.0 Å - Ca RMSD, approaching comparative modelling
accuracies as the similarity between - proteins increased.
26Ab initio prediction at CASP methods
- Assembly of fragments with simulated annealing
(Simons et al) - Exhaustive sampling and pruning using
knowledge-based scoring functions - (Samudrala et al)
- Constraint-based Monte Carlo optimisation
(Skolnick et al) - Thermodynamic model for secondary structure
prediction with manual docking of - secondary structure elements and minimisation
(Lomize et al) - Minimisation of a physical potential energy
function with a simplified representation - (Scheraga et al, Osguthorpe et al)
- Neural networks to predict secondary structure
(Jones, Rost)
27Semi-exhaustive segment-based folding
28Historical perspective on ab initio prediction
29Prediction for CASP4 target T110/rbfa Ca RMSD of
4.0 Å for 80 residues (1-80)
30Prediction for CASP4 target T97/er29 Ca RMSD of
6.2 Å for 80 residues (18-97)
31Prediction for CASP4 target T106/sfrp3 Ca RMSD
of 6.2 Å for 70 residues (6-75)
32Prediction for CASP4 target T98/sp0a Ca RMSD of
6.0 Å for 60 residues (37-105)
33Prediction for CASP4 target T126/omp Ca RMSD of
6.5 Å for 60 residues (87-146)
34Prediction for CASP4 target T114/afp1 Ca RMSD of
6.5 Å for 45 residues (36-80)
35Postdiction for CASP4 target T102/as48 Ca RMSD
of 5.3 Å for 70 residues (1-70)
36Ab initio prediction at CASP - conclusions
T97/er29 6.0 Å (80 residues 18-97)
T98/sp0a 6.0 Å (60 residues 37-105)
T102/as48 5.3 Å (70 residues 1-70)
T110/rbfa 4.0 Å (80 residues 1-80)
T114/afp1 6.5 Å (45 residues 36-80)
T106/sfrp3 6.2 Å (70 residues 6-75)
37Computational aspects of structural genomics
(Figure idea by Steve Brenner.)
38Key points
- DNA/gene is the blueprint - proteins are the
functional representatives of genes - Protein structure can be used to understand
protein function - Large numbers of genes being sequenced - need
structures - Protein folding (from primary sequence to
tertiary structure) is a fast self-organising - process where a disordered non-functional chain
of amino acids becomes a stable, - compact, and functional molecule
- The free energy difference between the folded
and unfolded states is not very high - Experimental methods to determine protein
structures include x-ray crystallography - and NMR spectroscopy
- Theoretical methods to predict protein
structures include comparative/homology - modelling, fold recognition/threading, and ab
initio prediction - For ab initio prediction, you need a method that
samples the conformational space