An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation


An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation Dr. Ezzedin A Gouta Consultant Paediatrician, BHNFT, UK Honorary Senior Lecturer, Sheffield University, UK RCPCH (UK) Director to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation

An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Dr. Ezzedin A Gouta
  • Consultant Paediatrician, BHNFT, UK
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer, Sheffield University,
  • RCPCH (UK) Director to the Middle East

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  • A brief history of neonatal resuscitation
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines
  • Evidence based recommendations

Schultze Method Of Neonatal Resuscitation
Since ancient times many different methods have
been used to revive newborns ( From Schultze BS.
Der Scheintod Neugeborener. Jenna Maukes
Verlag, 1871.)
Techniques Advocated and Used to Resuscitate
Newborns 18501950
  • Squeezing the chest (Prochownich method)
  • Raising and lowering the arms while an assistant
    compressed the chest (Sylvester method)
  • Rhythmic traction of the tongue (Laborde method)
  • Tickling the chest, mouth, or throat
  • Dilating the rectum by a ravens beak or a corn
  • Immersion in cold water, sometimes alternating
    with immersion in hot water
  • Yelling, Shaking , Rubbing, Slapping, and
  • Electric shocks
  • Nebulisation of brandy mist
  • Insufflation of tobacco smoke into the rectum

History of Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Artificial respiration has been accepted as the
    mainstay of neonatal resuscitation for about the
    last 40.
  • Formal teaching programmes have evolved over the
    last 20 years.
  • The last 10 years have seen international
    collaboration, which has resulted in careful
    evaluation of the available evidence and
    publication of recommendations for clinical

The International Liaison Committee on
Resuscitation (ILCOR, 1992)
  • Formed in 1992 to provide a forum for liaison
    between resuscitation organisations in the world
  • ILCOR 1997 made recommendations for Basic Life
    support for the newly born. It noted that
  • "the paucity of pediatric and newborn
    clinical resuscitation outcome data makes
    scientific justification of recommendations
    difficult". Discussion of advanced life support
    for newborns was considered beyond the scope of
    the document.

ILCOR 2000-2005
  • ILCOR 2000 Guidelines- Identified controversial
    neonatal resuscitation issues.
  • The Neonatal Subcommittee of ILCOR reconvenes
    approximately every five years to evaluate
    available evidence that may support a change in
    the recommendations.
  • ILCOR 2005 Guidelines -The literature was
    researched and a consensus was reached on those

How Often is Resuscitation Necessary?
  • The vast majority of newborn infants do not
    require intervention to make the transition from
    intrauterine to extrauterine life
  • Approximately 10 of newborns require some
    assistance to begin breathing at birth
  • About 1 require extensive resuscitation

The Size of The Problem
  • 100, 000 newborn, Sweden, Acta Paediatr 1992
  • Babies weighing 2.5 kg
  • 10 babies per 1000 received mask inflation or
    ventilation. Of these
  • 8 responded to mask inflation alone
  • 2 required intubation at birth

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No Resuscitation is Needed
  • Newborn infants who are born at term, have had
    clear amniotic fluid, and are breathing or crying
    and have good tone must be dried and kept warm
    and given to mother

Other Who Need Resuscitation
  • May receive one or more of the following
    actions in sequence
  • Initial steps (Dryingwrapping, Assessment)
  • A. Positioning, clearing the airway
  • B. Ventilation-inflation breaths
  • C. Chest compressions
  • D. (medications or volume expansion)
  • Progression to the next step is based on
    simultaneous assessment of three vital signs
    Respirations, Heart Rate, and Colour
  • Progression occurs only after successful
    completion of the preceding step (30Seconds)

ILCOR-EB Guidelines 2005
  • Role of supplementary oxygen
  • Peri-partum management of meconium
  • Ventilation strategies
  • Devices to confirm placement of an advanced
    airway (e.g. ET tube or LMA)
  • Medications
  • Maintenance of body temperature
  • Post-resuscitation management
  • Withholding discontinuing resuscitation.

Supplementary Oxygen/Air
  • There are concerns about potential adverse
    effects of 100 oxygen on breathing physiology,
    cerebral circulation, and potential tissue damage
    from oxygen free radicals.
  • There is growing evidence that air is as
    effective as 100 oxygen for the resuscitation of
    most infants at birth, and is associated with
    less mortality and no evidence of harm.

Treatment Recommendation 1
  • Once adequate ventilation is established with
    lung inflation/ventilation , if the heart rate
    remains low, the priority should be to support
    cardiac output with chest compressions and
    coordinated ventilations.
  • Supplementary oxygen should be considered for
    babies with persistent central cyanosis.

Treatment Recommendation 2
  • There is currently insufficient evidence to
    specify the concentration of oxygen to be used at
    initiation of resuscitation.
  • Excessive tissue oxygen may cause oxidant injury
    and should be avoided, especially in the
    premature infant.

Peripartum Management of Meconium
  • Prevention of MAS
  • Intrapartum Suctioning Suctioning of the
    meconium from the infants airway after delivery
    of the head but before delivery of the shoulders
  • Tracheal Suctioning Suctioning of
    the trachea
  • immediately after birth.

Intrapartum suctioning
  • A large multicenter randomised trial found that
    intrapartum suctioning of meconium does not
    reduce the incidence of meconium aspiration
  • Routine intrapartum oropharyngeal and
    nasopharyngeal suctioning for infants born with
    meconium-stained amniotic fluid is no longer

Tracheal Suctioning
  • A RCT showed that tracheal intubation and
    suctioning of meconium-stained but vigorous
    infants at birth offers no benefit and
    accordingly is no longer indicated
  • No studies in Meconium-stained, depressed
    infants. These should receive tracheal suctioning
    immediately after birth and before stimulation,
    presuming the equipment and expertise is

Initial Breaths
  • The optimum pressure, inflation time, and flow
    required to establish an effective FRC has not
    been determined.
  • Average initial peak inflating pressures of
    30-40 cm water used successfully to ventilate
    unresponsive term infants
  • Ventilation rates of 30-60 breaths min-1
    commonly used, but the relative efficacy of
    various rates has not been investigated

Treatment Recommendation 1
  • Establishing effective ventilation is the primary
    objective in the management of the apnoeic or
    bradycardic newborn in the delivery room.
  • Positive-pressure ventilation alone is effective
    for resuscitating almost all apnoeic or
    bradycardic newborn infants
  • Prompt improvement in HR is the primary measure
    of adequate initial ventilation chest wall
    movement should be assessed if heart rate does
    not improve.

Treatment Recommendation 2
  • If pressure is being monitored, an initial
    inflation pressure of 20 cm H2O may be effective,
    but a pressure 3040 cm H2O may be necessary in
    some term babies.
  • If pressure is not being monitored, the minimal
    inflation required to achieve an increase in
    heart rate should be used.
  • There is insufficient evidence to recommend
    optimal initial or subsequent inflation times.

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Assisted Ventilation Devices
  • A self-inflating bag, a flow-inflating bag, or a
    T-piece mechanical device designed to regulate
    pressure as needed can be used to provide mask
    ventilation to a newborn.
  • Target inflation pressures and long inspiratory
    times are achieved more consistently when using
    T-piece devices than when using bags.

Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
  • LMA can provide effective ventilation during
    resuscitation of term preterm babies at birth
  • May enable effective ventilation during
    resuscitation if bag-mask ventilation is
    unsuccessful and tracheal intubation is
    unsuccessful or not feasible.
  • There is insufficient evidence to recommend use
    of LMA as the primary airway device during N.

Ventilation for Preterm Infants
  • Studies indicate that preterm lungs are more
    easily injured by large-volume inflations
    immediately after birth
  • Avoid creation of excessive chest wall movement
    during ventilation of preterm infants immediately
    after birth.
  • If positive-pressure ventilation is required, an
    initial inflation pressure of 2025 cm H2O is
    adequate for most preterm infants, consider
    higher pressure if no prompt improvement in heart
    rate or no chest movement is obtained.

Use of CPAP or PEEPDuring Resuscitation
  • Excessive CPAP, can overdistend the lung,
    increase the work of breathing, and reduce
    cardiac output and regional blood flow.
  • In the sick neonate CPAP helps stabilise and
    improve lung function
  • A small underpowered feasibility trial of
    delivery room CPAP/PEEP versus no CPAP/PEEP did
    not show a significant difference in immediate

Treatment Recommendation
  • There are insufficient data to support or refute
    the routine use of CPAP during or immediately
    after resuscitation in the delivery room.
  • In preterm baby-Start resuscitation with CPAP of
    at least 56 cm water via mask or nasal prongs to
    stabilize the airway and establish functional
    residual volume (D).It is not clear at present if
    delivery room CPAP will reduce the need for
    subsequent surfactant treatment or mechanical

Exhaled CO2 Detectors to Confirm Tracheal Tube
  • A positive test confirms tracheal placement of
    the tube, whereas a negative test strongly
    suggests oesophageal intubation.
  • Exhaled CO2 detection is a reliable indicator of
    tracheal tube placement in infants
  • Identify oesophageal intubations faster than
    clinical assessments
  • Poor or absent pulmonary blood flow may give
    false-negative results may lead to unnecessary

Adrenaline-Route and Dose
  • A paediatric study studies in newborn animals
    showed no benefit and a trend toward reduced
    survival rates and worse neurological status
    after administration of high-dose IV adrenaline
    (100gkg-1) during resuscitation.
  • Animal adult human studies show that when given
    tracheally, considerably higher doses of
    adrenaline than currently used are required to
    show a positive effect.

Adrenaline-Route and Dose
  • Lack of human data.
  • Reasonable to continue to use adrenaline when
    adequate ventilation and chest compressions have
    failed to ? the HR to gt60 beats/min.
  • Use the IV route for adrenaline.
  • The recommended IV dose is 0.01-.03 mg kg-1.
  • Do not give higher doses of intravenous
  • If the tracheal route is used, give a higher dose
    (0.1 mg kg-1).The safety of these not studied.

Sodium Bicarbonate (SB)Infusion During
  • At birth babies who do not respond to initial
    resuscitative efforts have acidosis
  • IV SB common practice for over 30 years- no good
  • Only 1 high quality study of 55 babies that
    compared SB treatment with no treatment, did not
    show any benefit nor any adverse effects.
  • There is insufficient evidence that SB reduces
    mortality morbidity in infants receiving
    resuscitation at birth.

Volume ExpansionCrystalloids and Colloids
  • Three RCT in neonates showed that isotonic
    crystalloid is as effective as albumin for the
    treatment of hypotension
  • In consideration of cost and theoretical risks,
    an isotonic crystalloid solution rather than
    albumin should be the fluid of choice for volume
    expansion in neonatal resuscitation.

Maintenance of Body Temperature
  • Studies showed an association between hypothermia
    and increased mortality in premature newborns.
  • Premature infants continue to be at risk for
    hypothermia when treated according to current
    recommendations (dry the infant, remove wet
    linens, place the infant on a radiant warmer)

Plastic Bags/Wrapping
  • Studies confirm the efficacy of plastic bags or
    plastic wrapping (food-grade, heat-resistant
    plastic) in addition to the radiant heat in
    significantly improving admission temp. of
    premature babies of lt28 weeks gestation
  • Consider the use of plastic bags or plastic
    wrapping under radiant heat as well as standard
    techniques to maintain temp.

  • Babies born to febrile mothers (temp. gt38 ?C)
    have an increased risk of death, perinatal
    respiratory depression, neonatal seizures, and
    cerebral palsy
  • The goal is to achieve normo-thermia and to avoid
    iatrogenic hyperthermia in babies who require

  • Both low and high blood glucose may have adverse
  • Based on available evidence, the optimal range of
    blood glucose concentration to minimise brain
    injury following asphyxia and resuscitation
    cannot be defined.
  • Infants requiring resuscitation should be
    monitored and treated to maintain glucose in the
    normal range.

Induced Hypothermia
  • In a multicenter trial involving newborns with
    suspected asphyxia, selective head cooling
    (3435C) was associated with a non-significant
    reduction in the overall number of survivors with
    severe disability at 18 months but a significant
    benefit in the subgroup with moderate
  • A second large trial of asphyxiated newborns
    treatment with systemic hypothermia (33.5 C)
    following moderate to severe encephalopathy was
    associated with a significant (18) decrease in
    death or moderate disability at 18 months.

Treatment Recommendation
  • There is insufficient data to recommend routine
    use of modest systemic or selective cerebral
    hypothermia after resuscitation of infants with
    suspected asphyxia.
  • Further clinical trials are needed to determine
    which infants benefit most and which method of
    cooling is most effective.
  • Avoidance of hyperthermia (elevated body
    temperature) is particularly important in infants
    who may have had a hypoxic-ischemic event.

  • A brief history of neonatal resuscitation
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines
  • Evidence based recommendations

An Update on Neonatal Resuscitation
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