Title: UTSA Rowdy New U Wellness Program
1UTSA Rowdy New U Wellness Program
2Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Wellness Committee Formed Sept 2008
- Student Health Services, Human Resources, Rec
Wellness, EHSRM - Pilot Program 6 month trial
- April 2009 September 2009
- 225 voluntary participants
- All slots were filled a week prior to kick-off!
- Survey to Pilot Participants to determine
3Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Pilot kick-off on March 31, 2009
- Attended by over 150 participants
- March from Main Bldg to Convocation Center
- Dr. Romo provided opening remarks
4Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Review Budget Program Breakdown
- Pilot Budget 12,000
- Funds provided from WCI-Resource Allocation
Program account (insurance refund from UT System) - One Time Expense Logo/Participation Pass
- Participation Incentives
- Aerobics classes
- Dance Class
- Demo Kitchen
- Health Fairs (2)
- Miscellaneous Operating Expenses
5Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Additional Pilot components
- Weight Loss Biggest Winner (Loser) Contest
- Health Education/Awareness
- Awareness Education for Recommended Exams
- To include Physical examination lab work pap
smear mammogram cardiac evaluation
colonoscopy prostate exam - Brown Bag Lunch Education Sessions
- Examples Diabetes high blood pressure, stroke
prevention/recognition, obesity, asthma, etc. - Walking At Work UTSA Trail Map
- Appropriate consent forms
6Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Increase Awareness of Currently Existing Programs
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield TX Offerings
- Smoking Cessation
- Health Management
- Stress Management
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling
- UT System Texas Roundup
- Ultimate Challenge Jan 09 Apr 09
- Race and Fitness Festival 4/25-2009 (Austin)
- UTSA Recreation Center
- Fitness and Wellness
- Outdoor pursuits
- Aquatics
7Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Successes through July 2009
- Participation in pilot classes
8Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Successes through July 2009
- Walking trails Health Fairs
Health Fair March 2009
Red Walking Trail
9Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Successes through July 2009
- Average activity participation rate of 20 min /
day - Average participation rate is 74 through July
10Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Successes through July 2009
- Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon
- UTSA wellness community invited to participate in
the full and half marathon run / walk on Nov 15th - Approximately 40 members have responded and
signed up for weekly training with our Wellness
Initial sign up August 2009
11Rowdy New U Wellness Pilot
- Post-Pilot follow-up to be presented to CMO
- Post-participation survey of participants
- what worked/what didnt/modifications made
- Wellness Committee Input
- Graph pilot participation Target gt 70
- Results of Health Monitoring
- Budget Summary (actual spending)
- Summary to be presented in October
- Pilot ends September 30th
12Rowdy New U Wellness Program
- Recommendations
- Early Success
- Wellness Program funded for all UTSA
faculty/staff - Wellness Coordinator
- Program budget established
- Recommend final CMO approval to proceed
13Rowdy New U Wellness Program
- Transition from Pilot to Full Program
- Expect transition to be seamless
- Contacts and multiple classes in place
- Coordinator should be on board by mid Sept.
- Expect participation of at least 500 employees
14Rowdy New U Wellness Program
- The University of Texas at San Antonio is
dedicated to establish a work environment that
promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces the risk of
disease, and enhances the quality of life. - The UTSA Wellness Program encourages all
university personnel and their families to
enhance their health and well-being through
educational opportunities, wellness activities
and self-improvement.
15Rowdy New U Wellness Program
- Wellness is more than identifying risk factors
and providing screening tests - Wellness is a plain and simple choice to
integrate mind, body and spirit in an effort to
enhance our health and vitality - The leading causes of death are preventable but
an individuals physical well-being is
historically low on the priority list. Many are
more interested in the health and performance of
their computers than themselves
16Wellness Programs Objective
- UTSA Environmental Health, Safety and Risk
Management provides the Rowdy New U Wellness
Program service for UTSA faculty and staff. This
program will highlight the six dimensions of
wellness physical, emotional, intellectual,
spiritual, social, and environmental. People
seeking overall wellness must develop each of
these dimensions. UTSA makes this investment in
its employees overall wellness to improve
employee morale, increase employee productivity,
and reduce absenteeism.
17Wellness Program Makes Transitions
- Full Program in Progress
- Wellness Coordinator On Campus November 14, 2009
- Continued Programming throughout November and
December 2009 - Rock-n-Roll Marathon Participants Volunteers
- Lunch-n-Learns Health Holiday Eating, Exercise
Motivation, and No Excuses Exercises at Home - Optional Workouts with Coordinator (offered on
Main Campus and DTC) Core Stability, Circuit
Training, Toning, and campus walks. - Open Discussion Forums with Coordinator
18Rowdy New You Wellness Program 2010
- Wellness Program Proposed Timeline
- Group I (January-July 2010)
- January 8 Application Due Before 12 pm
- January 11 Program Begins (collecting data and
points) - January 11-15 Pre-Assessments
- April 12-16 Mid-Assessments
- July 16 End of Group I Program
- July 19-23 Final Assessments Final Points
Calculated - Group II (February-August 2010)
- February 12 Application Due Before 12 pm
- February 15 Program Begins (collecting data and
points) - February 15-19 Pre-Assessments
- May 10-14 Mid-Assessments
- August 20 End of Group II Program
- August 23-27 Final Assessments Final Points
19- Group III (March-September 2010)
- March 12 Application due before 12 pm
- March 15 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - March 15-18 Pre-Assessments
- June 14-18 Mid-Assessments
- September 17 End of Group III Program
- September 20-24 Final Assessments Final
Points Calculated - Group IV (April-October 2010)
- April 2 Application due before 12 pm
- April 5 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - April 5-9 Pre-Assessments
- July 5-9 Mid-Assessments
- October 8 End of Group IV Program
- October 11-15 Final Assessments Final Points
20- Group V (May-November 2010)
- April 31 Application due before 12 pm
- May 3 Program Begins (Collecting Data Points)
- May 3-7 Pre-Assessments
- August 9-13 Mid-Assessments
- November 12 End of Group III Program
- November 15-19 Final Assessments Final Points
Calculated - Group VI (June-December 2010)
- June 4 Application due before 12 pm
- June 7 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - June 7-11 Pre-Assessments
- September 6-10 Mid-Assessments
- December 10 End of Group IV Program
- December 13-17 Final Assessments Final Points
21- Group VII (July 2010-January 2011)
- July 9 Applications due before 12 pm
- July 12 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - July 12-16 Pre-Assessments
- October 4-8 Mid-Assessments
- January 14 End of Group VII Program
- January 17-21 Final Assessment Final Points
Calculated - Group VIII (August 2010-February 2011)
- August 13 Application due before 12 pm
- August 16 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - August 16-20 Pre-Assessments
- November 8-12 Mid-Assessments
- February 18 End of Group VIII Program
- February 21-25 Final Assessments Final Points
22- Group IX (September 2010-March 2011)
- September 10 Application due before 12 pm
- September 13 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - September 13-17 Pre-Assessments
- December 6-10 Mid-Assessments
- March 18 End of Group IX Program
- March 21-25 Final Assessment Final Point
Calculations - Group X (October 2010-April 2011)
- October 15 Application due before 12 pm
- October 18 Program Begins (Collecting Data
Points) - September 18-22 Pre-Assessments
- January 24-28 Mid-Assessments
- April 15 End of Group X Program
- April 18-22 Final Assessments Final Point
23- Group XI (November 2010-May 2011)
- November 5 Applications due before 12 pm
- November 8 Program begins (Collecting Data
Points) - November 8-12 Pre-Assessments
- February 7-11 Mid-Assessments
- May 13 End of Group XI Program
- May 16-20 Final Assessments Final Points
Calculated - Group XII (December 2010-June 2011)
- December 3 Application due before 12 pm
- December 6 Program begins (Collecting Data
Points) - December 6-10 Pre-Assessments
- March 7-11 Mid-Assessments
- June 10 End of Group XII Program
- June 13-17 Final Assessments Final Point
24Measureable DataPre-Assessments,
Mid-Assessments and Final Assessments will
measure the following
- Weight
- Height
- Body Mass Index
- Metabolic Age
- Body Fat
- Bone Mass
- Body Water
- Optional Testing (Pre Final Assessments Only)
- Cholesterol
- Blood Glucose
- Muscle Mass
- Visceral Fat
- Physique Rating
- Basal Metabolic Rate
- Blood Pressure
- Body Composition Circumference Measurements
- Abdominal
25Projected Measureable Results From the Wellness
Program Found in Assessments (changes in most
categories, if not all)
- Decrease in body weight
- Decrease in body mass index
- Decrease in metabolic age
- Decrease in body fat
- Increase in body water
- Inches lost in Body Composition Circumference
- Due to increase of muscle mass, basal metabolic
rate increases - Decrease in total cholesterol
- Decrease in blood glucose
- Increase in bone mass
- Increase in muscle mass
- Decrease in blood pressure
- Decrease visceral fat
- Increase in physique rating
26Projected Outcomes of the Six Month Wellness
- Sign-Up Process Projecting 500 participants in
2010, averaging 40 participants each month in
2010. - Sign-Up to Completion Projecting to achieve a
gt70 completion of participants (350). - Measurement of Participation A point system is
established with an incentive program. Each
activity is assigned a certain point value due to
exertion level and impact. - Installation of Mentor Program Successful
participants from the 2009 Pilot Program will
follow an incentive program to encourage new
participants to join the wellness program and
join new participants in activity. - Planned participation in 2010 Texas
Round-UpGovernors Challenge, 2010 San Antonio
Rock-n-Roll Marathon, and other selected events. - Planned participation in volunteer opportunities
in the UTSA Community and San Antonio Community
(Ex awareness events, recycling/environmental
programs, etc)
27Rowdy New U Wellness Program
- Quarterly Follow-up to CMO
- Current participants feedback (survey)
- what works/what didnt
- Graph participation levels
- Results of Health Monitoring
- Budget Summary
- Wellness Committee Input
- what works/what didnt in their eyes
- Recommendation as to feasibility of program and
success of program. -