Title: Pest Private Eye An Educational Role-playing Video Game
1Pest Private EyeAn Educational Role-playing
Video Game
Clyde Ogg and Erin Bauer, University of
2Pest Private Eye
- Educational video game and website about an IPM
detective! - http//pestgame.unl.edu
- http//schoolipm.unl.edu/pestpi/
3The game teaches about pests and Integrated Pest
Management (IPM)
4What are pests? Animals or plants living where
they are not wanted
- Remember
- Food Water Shelter Pests
- Pests, like all living things, need these basic
requirements in order to survive.
5Without food, water, and shelter, pests will
leave or die
- Taking away one or all of these things is a first
step to solving your pest problem!
6We can manage pests using IPM. So, what is IPM?
- Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, uses a
variety of methods to control pests.
7We can manage pests using IPM. So, what is IPM?
- IPM includes
- Education
- Habitat Modification
- Sanitation
- Exclusion
- Mechanical Controls
- Biological Controls
- Chemical Controls
8IPM Strategies
- EducationTeaching about pests and how to manage
them through presentations, posters, displays,
educational materials
9IPM Strategies
- Habitat ModificationChanging a pest's
environment to make it undesirable to the pest,
such as fixing leaky sinks to reduce water sources
10IPM Strategies
- SanitationKeeping things clean and reducing
11IPM Strategies
- ExclusionKeeping pests out by screening windows,
sealing holes, etc.
12IPM Strategies
- Mechanical ControlsTrapping pests
13IPM Strategies
- Biological ControlsUsing natural enemies, such
as praying mantids, to kill pests
14IPM Strategies
- Chemical ControlsUsing low-toxic pesticides.
These chemicals kill pests but are low risk to
15Pest PI Video Game
- Solve your own pest problems through IPM in this
first person role-playing game. Lets play!
16Another Case Solved!
Erin Bauer, Extension Assistant Clyde Ogg,
Extension Educator University of
NebraskaLincoln ebauer2_at_unl.edu cogg_at_unl.edu 402-