Title: My Related RSS Plugin Review
1My Related RSS Plugin
of Mark Widawer
and Dan Nickerson
2About The Related RSS
Related RSS Plugin is one of the latest WordPress
plugins that was created by Mark Widawer and Dan
Nickerson. This plugin is designed to help you
generate relevant RSS feed inside the sidebars of
WordPress websites and boost traffic .
Once the RSS feed is generated it will appear on
every page and post automatically on the sidebar
whilst providing relevant information that
visitors will enjoy. This means that you will
always have visitors coming to your website .
3Mark Widawer specializes in conversion, landing
pages and Google Adwords. He teaches people how
to convert traffic to sales and ways to boost web
traffic using Google Adwords .
Dan Nickerson blog states that he has been in the
internet business since 1994. He is responsible
for creating a popular LinkOpp Banner Program and
serves currently as the Vice President of
Infomedia Inc.
4Features of The Related RSS
The first thing that I noticed after getting this
plugin is that it was packed with features. There
are many ways that you could configure the
plugin, but it will be very easy for you to set
up the RSS.
Once you can install plugins on your WordPress
website or blog and you are using tags on your
pages or posts, then you can use the
user-friendly features to setup this plugin in
minutes without having to do anything to it
5The best thing about using this plugin is that it
will work automatically depending on the tags
that you use on your posts. There is also a
feature that you can use to install on news
networks such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Topix.
6How The Related RSS Plugin Works
After installing and filling out the necessary
fields, the Related RSS WP Plugin is going to
take the very first tag from each post and
generate a feed that is relevant to the first tag
that you submit.
Besides that, you can install an RSS affiliate
link earn a percentage of all the sales that is
generated through your feed. You can decide
whether or not to display author, content or
date. In the end, you will be getting new content
that is current and relevant on every single
WordPress page.
7Since the RSS plugin works automatically, it did
not take long for my website to rank higher in
Google search engine. So, there is no doubt that
you will get to boost your ranking and earn more
from sales.
You can try the plugin for 60 days and get a
refund if there is no improvement in your site
activity or ranking.