Title: Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives
1Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives
- Joanne Shore
- John Hackworth
- U.S. Energy Information Administration
- September 29, 2008
- Platts 2nd Annual European Refining Markets
2Overview Factors Affecting Investment Decisions
- Demand Growth and Mix Shift
- Feedstocks Incentives to use lower quality
feedstocks (Light-heavy differentials) - Margins
3Future Demand Growth and Product Mix Shifts
- Growth Mainly outside the Atlantic Basin
- Product Mix Shifts Investment
- U.S. Different future
- Europe Continued shift in from gasoline to
distillate - Asia Less issue of shift than of growth
4World Consumption Growing Largest Growth Outside
U.S. Europe
U.S. Europe
Rest of World Excl FSU
Source BP World Statistical Review of World
Energy June 2008
5Europe Major Driver of World Consumption Mix
Shift Towards Distillates
Source BP World Statistical Review of World
Energy June 2008
6Atlantic Basin Price Incentives Shifting Toward
Source Bloomberg New York Harbor Conventional
Gasoline, No. 2 Heating Oil NW Europe 0.2
Heating Oil and Premium Gasoline
7U.S. Steps to Increased Distillate
- Operating changes Beginning to see U.S. system
potential to shift from gasoline to distillate - Planned hydrocracking investments (Marathon
Garyville, Motiva Port Arthur, Valero)
8U.S. Distillate Focus This Summer Illustrated
Operating Yield Shift Potential
Source EIA Form 810
9U.S. Petroleum-Based Gasoline and Distillate
Fuel Needs Shift
Petroleum-Based excludes ethanol, biodiesel,
and distillate from coal-to-liquids and
biomass-to-liquids. Source AEO 2008 Reference
10Future U.S. Investment to Produce More Distillate
- Equipment changes
- Cut-point shifts
- Distillation efficiency
- Hydrotreating expansion
- Catalyst changes FCC catalysts to produce more
light cycle oil - Planned hydrocracking investments coming on
stream - May not need more to satisfy U.S. demand shift
and increase some exports of distillate
11Increasing European Distillate Production
- Refineries are already operating at maximum
distillate potential (unlike the U.S.) - Historical investments resulted in making more
distillate by destroying residual fuel rather
than reducing gasoline production.
12OECD Europe Imbalance Between Refining and
Demand Met with Imports/Exports
European Refinery Yields
Net Import/Export Balance
Source IEA August 2008 Data Base
13Europe What Next for Product Mix Investment?
- Seeing more distillate production investment in
Southern Europe. Hydrocracking expansions
include - Portugal 50 KB/D
- Spain 180 KB/D
- Italy 70 KB/D
- Greece 30 KB/D
- Total 330 KB/D
- Biodiesel
14Feedstocks Investing to Take Advantage of
Widening Light-Heavy Differentials
- Drivers behind the widening price difference
- Supply of light crude
- Product market influences on the price
differentials - Conversion capacity impacts on differentials
15Supplies of Light Sweet Crude Increasing in
Atlantic Basin
Atlantic Basin Crude Production Projections
Note Most growth on this chart is in areas with
higher quality crude oils. Latin America
includes Venezuela and Mexico with their heavy
crude oils, but these areas is not projected to
grow much Source EIA International Energy
Outlook 2008, Wood Mackenzie Presentation NPRA
Annual Conference 2007
16Light-Heavy Product Price Difference Increases
with Crude Oil Price
Source Bloomberg spot prices (LLS Louisiana
Light Sweet GC Gulf Coast)
17Light-Heavy Product Price Differential Crude
Oil Price Move Together
Source Bloomberg spot prices (LLS Louisiana
LIght Sweet GC Gulf Coast)
18Light-Heavy Price DifferentialsMove Together
Source Bloomberg spot prices (LLS Louisiana
Light Sweet GC Gulf Coast)
19Higher Light-Heavy Price Differences Go With
Higher Price Levels But Much Scatter
Source Bloomberg spot prices
20Refiners Continue to Process Crude without
Increasing Fuel Oil Yields
Source IEA August 2008 Data Base
21Future Coking Increases Will Expansions Affect
Light-Heavy Spread?
Source Purvin Gertz, GPMO Service
22Margins Short Golden Age
- Margin Indicators
- U.S. vs Europe
- Future Implications
23Refining Output Variations Impact Profitability
Source Purvin Gertz, GPMO Service
24U.S. Margin Indicator Higher Due to No Residual
Fuel and More Gasoline
25Future Profitability
- Light-heavy price differentials
- May decline some with growing conversion capacity
and slightly lower crude oil prices - But likely to remain relatively high
- Margins
- U.S. gasoline margins under pressure from growing
European exports, ethanol use, and improved
vehicle efficiencies, but U.S. refinery margins
likely to remain higher than in the 1990s - Atlantic Basin distillate margins likely to be
higher than gasoline more often in the future as
regional distillate imbalance continues - European margins buoyed by strength in
distillate demand, but also depend on U.S.
gasoline margins
- Investment to produce more distillate
- Future demand shifts imply attractive choice for
some refiners to increase distillate yields - Bottoms upgrading investment
- Light heavy differentials likely to stay elevated
as crude price stays high - Amount of heavy upgrading may not impact
light-heavy price differences greatly as total
residual production not expected to change much
and as residual fuel market demand is affected by
environmental concerns. - Margins Short golden age, but still better than
1990s - Margin levels impact all types of refining
investment, but especially expansion - Little need for expansion in Atlantic Basin
expansion could negatively impact margin
27www.eia.doe.gov joanne.shore_at_eia.doe.gov