Title: School SnowSports Presentation
1School SnowSports Presentation
- 2009 School SnowSports Coordinators Meeting
- Information/Newsletters
- Interschools Events and Program Dates
- Rule Review
- Procedures for Medical Changes and Protests
- Presentation of Awards
- Entry System
- Trophy Return Date
- Merchandise
- Up Coming Expos and Equipment Sales
- The most up to date information can be found at
the Latest News and the Victorian Homepage
tabs - www.interschools.org.au
- The most up to date information can be found at
the Australian Interschools tab (same page as
the Australian Map) - www.interschools.org.au
- Please encourage all your schools snow sports
students and parents to register to receive
School SnowSports Newsletters.
52009 Interschools Events - Provisional Calendar
- May
- 6 School Snow Sports Coordinator Meeting
- June
- 6 - 8 Snow Sports Season Opening Weekend
- July
- 4 5 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Falls
Creek - 5 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 11 12 Interschools Grand Prix Series Hotham
- 11 12 Interschools Cross Country - Falls Creek
- 12 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 18 19 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Falls
Creek - 19 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 25 26 Interschools Grand Prix Series Hotham
- 26 Interschools Classic (Cross Country) Lake
Mountain - 29 Close of Entries - Subaru Victorian
Interschools Cross Country Championships - August
6Interschools Grand Prix Calendar
- The dates for 2009 are
- July
- 4 5 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Falls
Creek - 5 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 11 12 Interschools Grand Prix Series Hotham
- 12 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 18 19 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Falls
Creek - 19 Interschools Grand Prix Series - Mt Buller
- 25 26 Interschools Grand Prix Series Hotham
- These are a great training opportunity for
individual participants and school teams.
7Interschools Cross Country Series
- The dates for 2009 are
- July
- 11 12 Interschools Cross Country - Falls Creek
- 26 Interschools Classic (Cross Country) Lake
Mountain - August
- 29 Interschools Cross Country - Falls Creek
- We encourage all schools to help support Lake
Mountain and its extended community by joining
us in the hills at the Interschools Cross Country
Classic what a great fitness training and team
building exercise for the whole snowsports team. -
8Victorian InterschoolsCross Country Cships
- The Subaru Victorian Interschools Cross Country
Championship will be held at Mt. Buller on Sunday
9th August 2009 - Entries Close 5pm 29th July 2009
9Victorian InterschoolsSnowSports Championships
- The Subaru Victorian Interschools SnowSports
Championships will be held at Mt. Buller from
Sunday 23rd Friday 28th August 2009 - Entries Close 5pm 5th August 2009
10Victorian InterschoolsProvisional Timetable
- The Victorian Interschools Provisional Timetable
is now available on the web - www.interschools.org.au
11Victorian InterschoolsRegistration Fees
- The Interschools registration fee for 2009 is 28
per child per event. - This fee covers SSDF administration costs and is
separate to all Mt Buller Lift Ticket costs.
12Mt. BullerLift Ticket Prices
- Students and Team Manager Lift Pass
- 48 per day
- Cross Country Lift Pass
- 1 event - 18 Lift and entry
- 2 events - 28 Lift and entry
- NB lift is valid for duration of event only
13Australian Interschools SnowSports Championships
- The event will be held at Falls Creek from
Wednesday 9th September to Sunday 13th September. - Entries Close 5pm 3rd September 2009
14Australian Interschools Provisional Timetable
- Wednesday, 9 September Cross Country -
Classic All Divisions (AM) Cross Country
Relay All Divisions (AM) Snowboardcross Div.
3, 4 5 Boys and Girls (PM) - Thursday, 10 September Snowboard G.S. All
Divisions (AM) Snowboardcross Div. 1 2 Boys
Girls (PM) -
- Friday, 11 September Moguls All Divisions
(AM) Skiercross Div. 4 5 Boys Girls (PM) -
- Saturday, 12 September Alpine G.S. Div. 4 5
Boys Girls Skiercross Div. 1, 2 3 Boys
Girls -
- Sunday, 13 September Alpine G.S. Div. 1, 2
3 Boys Girls - Provisional Timetable available on the website
under the Australian Interschools Tab on the main
home page - (with Australian Map) www.interschools.org.au
15Qualifying for Australian Interschools
- The SSDF and National Interschools Committee has
agreed upon a rule change to grant high level FIS
athletes who are unable to compete at state
Interschools direct entry into the Australian
Interschools upon request - Athletes may be granted individual entry only.
- No TEAM exemptions will be granted.
16Victorian Interschools Rule Review
- As per 2007 and 2008 participants are permitted
to enter all 7 disciplines (events) offered in
their respective division (age) category. - These include Alpine GS, Skiercross, Moguls,
Snowboard GS, Snowboardcross, Cross Country
Classical, and Cross Country Relay.
17Overall Individual Achievement Awards
- All participants may nominate for one (1) of the
following only - Mt. Buller Cup Primary Girls Alpine (Alp GS,
Skiercross, Moguls) - Mt. Buller Cup Primary Boys Alpine (Alp GS,
Skiercross, Moguls) - Bernd Greber Cup Secondary Girls Alpine (Alp GS,
SKX, Moguls) - Bernd Greber Cup Secondary Girls Alpine (Alp GS,
SKX, Moguls) - MeiLan Whan Cup Primary Girls Snowboard (SB GS,
BX) - David Perkins Cup Primary Boys Snowboard (SB GS,
BX) - Clinton Wilton Cup Secondary Girls Snowboard (SB
GS, BX) - Clinton Wilton Cup Secondary Boys Snowboard (SB
18Victorian Interschools Rule Review
- However it is critical that all participants,
parents and team managers are aware that while
event organisers will use their best endeavours
to ensure all participants can take part in any
discipline, at times scheduling difficulties or
clashes with other events, resulting from
unforseen circumstances may prevent this. - Under these circumstances participants may have
to make a choice between disciplines.
19Victorian Interschools Rule Review
- Where a participant has nominated for an overall
individual achievement award they will not be
able to change the award they have nominated for
due to unforseen circumstances, weather, or
injury which may prevent a child competing in a
required event for the award. - Please make all your children and parents aware
of this before the children nominate for an award.
20Procedures for Medical Changes
- Medical Changes will only be accepted for serious
injuries and must be accompanied by a Medical
Certificate - Medical certificates should be just that, not a
serviette, or the back of scrap paper. - Medical changes must be lodged NO LATER THAN
800am the day prior to the race The earlier
the better!
21Victorian InterschoolsProtest Procedures
- 1. It is the responsibility of the Team Manager
to check the DSQ boards at the end of each run. - 2. Protests can only be lodged by the Team
Manager with the Finish Referee/Head Judge IN
WRITING within 15 minutes of the incident or the
disqualification being posted. Protests are to be
accompanied by a 20 fee. - 3. The Chief of Race will consider these protests
and decide whether a Jury is necessary. In the
event that a Jury is necessary, the Jury will
consist of the Chief of Race, the Chief of
Course and a third member appointed by the Chief
of Race. Their decision will be final. - 4. Protests of results must be lodged with the
Chief of Race Operations or his delegate within
15 minutes of the announcement or posting of the
results at the presentation ceremony. Protests
can only be lodged by either the Team Manager or
the School Snow Sports Coordinator. Protests are
to be accompanied by a 20 fee . The Jury to
consider protests will include the Chief of Race
Operations, the Chief Administrator and one
additional member nominated by the Chief
Administrator. Their decision will be final.
22Presentation of Awards
- Champion School Trophies and Overall Individual
Discipline Awards will again be presented on
mountain in 2009 - The SSDF will still be available for
presentations at Schools after the event by
23Entry System
- The On-line Entry System will open in early July
- A New Online Entry System Guide has been created
to assist ALL coordinators. Its a Step-by-step
guide on how to enter your school and students. - Please read and have this guide next to you while
you are entering your students. There are a
number of handy tips of how to avoid mistakes
and stress for us all. - This document will be available to download by
the end of next week.
24Excel Spreadsheet -Event Team Order in Team
- Excel Entry Spreadsheet One option for entering
students into events generally used for larger
snowsports teams. - When using the Spreadsheet you may only have a
maximum of 4 people in an Alpine team, and a
maximum of 3 people in all other Teams. - Where you have an individual they must go into
Event Team A, Order in Team 1. All entries
via the spreadsheet import must be assigned to a
Event Team and Order in Team.
25Excel Spreadsheet- Discipline and Gender
- When using the Excel Entry Spreadsheet please
make sure you use the drop down boxes for the
discipline and gender fields. - Example of the following slide
26Spreadsheet samples
Discipline Sample
Gender Sample
- SCHOOLS using ALL CAPITALS for Names e.g.. STEVE
NELSON as opposed from the conventional format
Steve Nelson will be advised that they must
change their entries before the close of entries
or they will be deleted from the system.
- It is no longer acceptable to import names in
this manner. - Schools with this formatting currently on the
database will either have to change the names or
they will be deleted and schools will have to
create a new account.
29Entry Double Check Procedure
- Double Checking Days close at 5pm SHARP
- 30th July Subaru Victorian Interschools Cross
Country Championships - 6th August Subaru Victorian Interschools
SnowSports Championships - 4th September Subaru Australian Interschools
SnowSports Championships - This is not an extra day to get your entries in
it is simply a day to fix mistakes - After 5pm on these specified days the draw will
be conducted and no changes will be made - Please do not continue to expect that changes
will be made on the mountain. It is a long way to
go to be disappointed.
- The 2009 range of Interschools Merchandise will
be available for purchase shortly on the website
and will again be available at the presentation
ceremonies during the Interschools events.
31 Victorian Interschools Cocktail Parties
- Monday night (Secondary) and Thursday night
(Primary) Cocktail Parties are on again this year
for School Coordinators. - Limit of TWO representatives per competing
School. - Please RSVP by the date specified rather than the
day before.
32Trophies Returned by Friday 12th June
- Trophy Return date is Friday 12th June.
- Trophy Return delays are not acceptable.
- Continual waste of time and resources
- Get them back from children, parents, flats at
Buller, France etc. NOW!!!! - Late Trophy Return Invoices will be sent the
following Week. - All invoices issued last year stood and bibs were
not issued until fines for trophies were paid. - See Rules for more info.
33- Following another highly successful program in
2009 the Interschools Canada program will return
to Silver Star Resort, Canada in January 2010. - In addition to catering for children holidaying
with their families, in 2010 the Interschools
Canada Program has been further enhanced to
include the opportunity for school groups and
unaccompanied individuals to join the program. - The Interschools Canada 'Camp' Program is
tailored for unaccompanied individuals (school
years 8-10 only). The 2 week on-snow training
camp will run from the 11th - 22nd January 2010
and will be supervised at all times by Camp
Directors who are Victorian Institute of Teaching
registered and have snow sports experience. The
Camp Directors will accompany and supervise
participants from the moment they leave
Australia right through till arriving home.
34- The Interschools Canada 'School Team' Program
caters for school groups who are accompanied by
their own staff. - I invite you to join us this January in Silver
Star and give your child or school snow sports
team the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic
overseas snow holiday and the added advantage an
overseas Interschools specific training program
can bring, leading into the 2010 Australian
Interschools season - For more information visit the Interschools
Canada Tab under our website www.interschools.org.
35Melbourne Snow Travel Expo.
- The SSDF will be exhibiting at the Melbourne Snow
Travel Expo on Sunday 17th May at the Melbourne
Exhibition and Convention Centre, South Bank.
36Atomic Ski Sale
- 2009 Interschools Hot Deals
- We are delighted to announce that Atomic are our
new Equipment supplier and they are hosting a
Kevin Says Spend Sale!!!
37Atomic Ski Sale
38Thank you