Title: End Tidal CO2 (EtCO2) Monitoring
1End Tidal CO2(EtCO2) Monitoring
2EtCO2 Monitoring
- Snapshot in time
- Assists with patient assessment BUT
- Do NOT replace eyes-on/hands-on care
- Are just one piece of clinical judgment
- ALL have pitfalls/malfunctions/limitations
- Is more complex than ever
3EtCO2 Monitoring
- Non-invasive method of determining Carbon
Dioxide levels in intubated and non-intubated
patients - Uses infra-red technology, to monitor exhaled
breath to determine CO2 levels numerically and
by waveform (capnogram).
4EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 is directly related to the ventilation
status of the patient (as opposed to SAo2, which
relates oxygenation of the patient) - Capnography can be used to verify endotracheal
tube/Combi-Tube King Airway placement and
monitor its position, assess ventilation and
treatments, and to evaluate resuscitative
efforts during CPR
5EtCO2 Monitoring
- Review of Pulmonary Anatomy Physiology
- The primary function of the respiratory system
is to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. - During inspiration, air enters the upper airway
via the nose where it is warmed, filtered, and
humidified - The inspired air flows through the trachea and
bronchial tree to enter the pulmonary
alveoli where the oxygen diffuses across the
alveolar capillary membrane into the blood.
6EtCO2 Monitoring
Cellular Ventilation
7EtCO2 Monitoring
8EtCO2 Monitoring
- Measurement methods
- Single, one-point-in-time (Easy-Cap).
- Electronic devices
- Continuous information
- Utilize infrared (IR) spectroscopy to measure the
CO2 molecules absorption of IR light as the
light passes through a gas sample.
9EtCO2 Monitoring
- Electronic Devices
- Mainstream
- Located directly on the patients endotracheal
tube - Sidestream
- Remote from the patient.
- Mainstream sampling
- Occurs at the airway of an intubated patient
- Was not originally intended for use on
non-intubated patients. - Heavy and bulky adapter and sensor assemblies may
make this method uncomfortable for non-intubated
10EtCO2 Monitoring
- Sidestream sampling
- Exhaled CO2 is aspirated (at 50ml/min) via ETT,
cannula, or mask through a 510 foot long
sampling tube connected to the instrument for
analysis - Both mainstream and sidestream technologies calcul
ate the CO2 value and waveform.
11EtCO2 Monitoring
- A new technology, Microstream, utilizes
a modified sidestream sampling method,
and employs a microbeam IR sensor
that specifically isolates the CO2 waveform. - Microstream can be used on both intubated and
non-intubated patients.
12EtCO2 Monitoring
- Continuous EtCO2 monitoring changes are
immediately seen (CO2 diffuses across the
capillary-alveolar membrane ltĀ½ second) - Sa02 monitoring is also continuous, but relies
on trending. - - and -
- The oxygen content in blood can maintain for
several minutes after apnea (especially w/
13EtCO2 Monitoring
- Definitions
- Tachypnea
- Abnormally rapid respiration
- Hyperventilation
- Increased minute volume that results in lowered
CO2 levels (hypocapnia) - Hypoventilation
- Reduced rate depth of breathing that causes an
increase in carbon dioxide (hypercapnia)
14EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 Numerical Values (Ventilatory Assessment)
- Normal 35-45mmHg
- lt 35mmHg Hyperventilation
- Respiratory alkalosis
- gt 45mmHg Hypoventilation
- Respiratory acidosis
15EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 Numerical Values (Metabolic Assessment)
- Normal 35-45mmHg
- lt 35mmHg Metabolic Acidosis
- gt 45mmHg Metabolic Alkalosis
- Dependant on 3 variables
- CO2 production
- Delivery of blood to lungs
- Alveolar ventilation
16EtCO2 Monitoring
- Increased EtCO2
- Decreased CO2 clearance
- Decreased central drive
- Muscle weakness
- Diffusion problems
- Increased CO2 Production
- Fever
- Burns
- Hyperthyroidism
- Seizure
- Bicarbonate Rx
- Release of tourniquet/Reperfusion
17EtCO2 Monitoring
- Decreased EtCO2
- Increased CO2 Clearance
- Hyperventilation
- Acidosis ( ? HCO3 levels 2 to ? Hydrogen)
- Decreased CO2 production
- Hypothermia
- Sedation
- Paralysis
- Decreased Delivery to Lungs
- Decreased cardiac output
- V/Q Mismatch
- Ventilating non-perfused lungs (pulmonary
18EtCO2 Monitoring
- Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio (V/Q)
- Effective pulmonary gas exchange depends
on balanced V/Q ratio - Alveolar Dead Space (atelectasis/pneumonia)
(V gt Q ? CO2 content) - Shunting (blood bypasses alveoli w/o picking up
o2) (V lt Q ? CO2 content) - 2 types of shunting
- Anatomical blood moves from right to left heart
w/o passing through lungs (congenital) - Physiological blood shunts past alveoli w/o
picking up o2
19EtCO2 Monitoring
20EtCO2 Monitoring
- Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio (V/Q)
- V/Q Mismatch
- Inadequate ventilation, perfusion or both
- 3 types
- Physiological Shunt (VltQ)
- Blood passes alveoli
- Severe hypoxia w/ gt 20 bypassed blood
- Pneumonia, atalectasis, tumor, mucous plug
- Alveolar Dead Space (VgtQ)
- Inadequate perfusion exists
- Pulmonary Embolus, Cardiogenic shock, mechanical
ventilation w/ ? tidal volumes - Silent Unit (? V ? Q)
- Both ventilation perfusion are decreased
- Pneumothorax ARDS
21EtCO2 Monitoring
22EtCO2 Monitoring
More Air Less Blood V gt Q
Equal Air and Blood V Q
More Blood Less Air V lt Q
23EtCO2 Monitoring
- Components of the normal capnogram
24EtCO2 Monitoring
- A - B respiratory baseline
- CO2-free gas in the deadspace of the airways
25EtCO2 Monitoring
- B-C (expiratory upstroke)
- Alveolar air mixes with dead space air
26EtCO2 Monitoring
- C-D (expiratory plateau)
- Exhalation of mostly alveolar gas (should be
straight) - Point D measurement point (35-45mmHg)
27EtCO2 Monitoring
- D-E inspiration
- Inhalation of CO2-free gas
28EtCO2 Monitoring
29EtCO2 Monitoring
- Changes in the capnogram or EtCO2 levels
- Changes in ventilation
- Changes in metabolism
- Changes in circulation
- Equipment failure
30EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 in specific settings
- Non-Intubated patients
- Asthma COPD
- CHF/Pulmonary Edema
- Pulmonary Embolus
- Head Injury
- Metabolic Illnesses
31EtCO2 Monitoring
- Asthma and COPD
- Provides information on the ventilatory status of
the patient - Combined with other assessments, can guide
32EtCO2 Monitoring
- Asthma and COPD (Contd)
- Shark fin waveform
33EtCO2 Monitoring
- Asthma and COPD (Contd)
- Ventilatory assistance and/or intubation may be
considered with severe dyspnea and respiratory
acidosis (EtCO2 gt50mmHg) - 18 of ventilated asthma patients suffer
a tension pneumothorax - New ACLS standards recommend ETI for asthma
patients who deteriorate despite aggressive
34EtCO2 Monitoring
35EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 CHF/Pulmonary Edema
- Wave forms will be normal (there is
no bronchospasm) - Values may be increased (hypoventilation) or
decreased (hyperventilation)
36EtCO2 Monitoring
- Pulmonary Embolus
- Normal waveform but low numerical value (why?)
- Look for other signs and symptoms
37EtCO2 Monitoring
- Pulmonary Embolus
- Note near normal waveform, but angled
C-D section (indicates alveolar dead space)
38EtCO2 Monitoring
Head Injury
- EtC02 is very useful in monitoring intubated
head- injured patients. - Hyperventilation Hypocapnia ? Cerebral
Ischemia - Target EtC02 value of 35-38 mmHg
39EtCO2 Monitoring
40EtCO2 Monitoring
41EtCO2 Monitoring
42(No Transcript)
43EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 in the Intubated Patient
- Identifies esophageal intubations accidental
extubations (head/neck motion can cause ETT
movement of 5 cm) - Waveforms/numerical values are absent or greatly
diminished - Do not rely on capnography alone to
assure intubation!
44EtCO2 Monitoring
- Tracheal vs- Esophageal Intubation
45EtCO2 Monitoring
46EtCO2 Monitoring
- Esophageal Intubation w/carbonated beverages
47EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 and cardiac output
- Values lt20mmHg unsuccessful resuscitation
- Low (20-30mmHg) good CPR or recovering heart
48EtCO2 Monitoring
- EtCO2 and cardiac output
- Sudden increase in value ROSC
Cardiac arrest survivors had an average ETCO2 of
18mmHg, 20 minutes into an arrest while non
survivors averaged 6. In another study,
survivors averaged 19, and non-survivors 5.
49EtCO2 Monitoring
EtCO2 and cardiac output
Successful defibrillation pulses ? EtcO2
50EtCO2 Monitoring
EtCO2 and cardiac output
Because ETCO2 measures cardiac output, rescuer
fatigue during CPR will show up as decreasing
Change in rescuers Note ? values w/
non-fatigued compressor
51EtCO2 Monitoring
- Right Mainstem Bronchus Intubation
- Numerical Values and Waveforms may/may
not change, but SAo2 will drop
52EtCO2 Monitoring
Kinked ET Tube
No alveolar plateau very limited gas exchange
53EtCO2 Monitoring
- Spontaneous Respirations in the paralyzed patient
(Curare Cleft)
54EtCO2 Monitoring
- Metabolic States
- Diabetes/Dehydration
- EtCO2 tracks serum HCO3 degree of acidosis (?
EtcO2 metabolic acidosis) - Helps to distinguish DKA from NKHHC
and dehydration
55EtCO2 Monitoring
Metabolic States
56EtCO2 monitoring will show you the correct
respiratory rate, too.Define Synypnea
EtCO2 Monitoring
57EtCO2 Monitoring
Synypnea is seen across the country and is
defined as when emergency department waiting room
patients have the same respiratory rate.
58EtCO2 Monitoring
Sudden increase in EtCO2
Malignant Hyperthermia Ventilation of previously
unventilated lung Increase of blood
pressure Release of tourniquet Bicarb causes a
temporary lt2 minute rise in ETCO2
59EtCO2 Monitoring
EtCO2 values 0
Extubation/Movement into hypopharynx Ventilator
disconnection or failure EtCO2 defect ETT kink
60EtCO2 Monitoring
Sudden decrease EtCO2 (not to 0)
Leak or obstruction in system Partial
disconnect Partial airway obstruction
(secretions) High-dose epi can cause a decrease
(unk why)
61EtCO2 Monitoring
Change in Baseline
Calibration error Mechanical failure Water in
62EtCO2 Monitoring
Continual, exponential decrease in EtCO2
Pulmonary Embolism Cardiac Arrest Sudden
hypotension/hypovolemia Severe hyperventilation
63EtCO2 Monitoring
Gradual increase in EtCO2
Rising body temperature Hypoventilation Partial
airway obstruction (foreign body) Reactive airway
64(No Transcript)
65- Many special thanks to
- JEMS Magazine (http//www.jems.com/)
- Peter Canning, EMT-P (http//emscapnography.blogs
pot.com/) - Dr. Baruch Krauss (baruch.krauss_at_tch.harvard.edu)
- Bhavani-Shankar Kodali MD (http//www.capnography
.com/) - Bob Page, AAS, NREMT-P, CCEMT-P
- Steve Berry (https//www.iamnotanambulancedriver.
com/mm5/merchant.mvc?) - Dr. Reuben Strayer (reuben.strayer_at_mail.mcgill.ca
) - UTSW/BIOTEL EMS SYSTEM (http//www.utsouthwestern
.edu/) - Oridion Medical Systems (http//www.oridion.com/g
lobal/english/home.html) - Blogborgymi (http//blogborygmi.blogspot.com/)
- University of Adelaide, South Australia
- (http//www.health.adelaide.edu.au/paed-anaes/talk