Title: Spatial Indexing of Large Volume Bathymetric Data
1Spatial Indexing of Large Volume Bathymetric
by Bradford G. Nickerson University of New
Brunswick Faculty of Computer Science Fredericton,
New Brunswick Canada joint work with Feng Gao
2Bathymetric Data Observation
Simrad ME70 transducer array
Frequency range 70 to 120 kHz 800 Tx 800
Rx channels
3Vessel Track
5Edit Gridding?Contours
6Navigation Errors Oops!
7(No Transcript)
8Experimental DataConceptionBay,
Nfld.57,192profilesin 49 lines130 MB
- R-tree average 4.6 times less time to search
R-tree indices (compared to Morton code) - Space requirement about 1.8 of original
data size - Range deletion average 17 times faster
compared to original R-tree deletion - RDBMS (INGRES) took an average of 1,535 times
more CPU time for search, 4.5 times more
10Curse of Dimensionality
- k-d tree range search time O(n1-1/dF), where F
is the number of points in range Lee and Wong,
For uniform, random points in 0,1d, query
square W with side length ?, ? d-th root of
E(F)/n. e.g. E(F)/n0.001, for d2,
?0.0011/20.03 for d20, ?0.0011/200.79
11Sensor Web Language (SWL) Software Architecture
12(No Transcript)