Lead Poisoning

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Lead Poisoning


This PPT is based on lead poisoning due to Ayurvedic medicines and Leaded Paint. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lead Poisoning

Case reports of lead poisoning Commonly
undiagnosed poisoning in Gujarat
  • Arun Kavad, Shweta Sharma and Dr. Aruna Dewan
  • Director (MD, Toxicologist), CEARCH Toxicology
    Services, Ahmedabad, India.

  • There are many traditional systems of medicine in
    the world, each with different associated
    philosophies and cultural origins.
  • Nowadays people give preference to the
    Ayurvedic medicines as the allopathic medicines
    are costlier and have side effects.
  • Lead based paint is the most important source of
    lead exposure for young children .
  • This paper will concentrate on the issue of heavy
    metal poisoning related to ayurvedic traditional
    medicines and leaded paint.

CEARCH Toxicology Services
web. - www.cearch.in
Lead Poisoning
  • Lead poisoning is a medical condition in humans
    and other vertebrates caused by increased levels
    of the heavy metal lead in the body.
  • Lead interferes with a variety of body processes
    and is toxic to many organs and tissues including
    the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys,
    reproductive and nervous systems.
  • Acceptable blood lead levels in USA

The sources of lead exposure
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Analysis of Lead
  • Lead is analysed by mainly AAS(Atomic Absorption
    Spectrometry) and ASV(Anodic Stripping
    Voltammetry ).
  • AAS

  • There are also many other kits and instruments
    available in the market for the analysis of the
    lead. Eg. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) , graphite
    furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy,
    inductively couple plasma-atomic emission
    spectroscopy, inductively couple plasma-mass
    spectroscopy etc.

Lead analysis in CEARCH
  • We have a Lead Care-II Analyzer for Blood Lead
    levels in CEARCH.
  • Benefits of Lead Care-II Analyzer
  • Results available in 30 minutes
  • Economical
  • Cross checked with Atomic Absorption spectrometer
  • CDC and WHO recommended
  • The detection limit of these instrument is
  • Low lt 3.3 µg/dL High 65.0 µg/dL

Lead Care-II Analyzer
  • Take the blood sample of the patient in EDTA tube
    or in Heparinized tube.
  • Take 50 µL blood in capillary and mix it in given
    reagent with the Lead Care-II Analyzer .
  • Reagent contain an aqueous solution of hydrogen
  • Mix it well until it becomes brown.
  • Calibrate the instrument with calibration button
  • Insert the sensor completely into the analyzer.
  • Now take the sample in dropper and put a one drop
    on sensor.
  • Wait for 3 minutes, after 3 min. result is shown
    on the screen of the analyzer.

  • A 58 year old man took an Ayurvedic medicine
    named VASANT KUSUMAKAR RAS (Baidyanath) for 3
  • After taking this medicine, he had gradual weight
    loss (approx 15 kg), wrist drop, abdominal pain,
    constipation, nausea and mild mental impairment.
  • His blood lead level was done by AAS and it was
    found to be 80 µg/dL and his Hemoglobin levels
    dropped to 7 gm/dl.

wrist drop
  • He was seen by a Neurologist and the ayurvedic
    medicine was stopped.
  • Since the drug of choice for Lead poisoning DMSA
    (Succimer) is not available in India, he was
    given D-Penicillamine (Chelating agent).
  • He improved clinically but his blood lead levels
    remained on higher side.
  • He was referred to CEARCH for further treatment.
  • His wrist drop improved but he continued to have
    hyperaesthesia in feet.
  • His BLL was repeated at CEARCH using Lead
    Care-II Analyzer and it was found to be

  • On taking a detailed history, it was found that
    he was taking the drug penicillamine at odd times
  • He was again put on D-penicillamine with clear
    instructions to take the drug at least one hour
    before meals.
  • This is important as the chelating agent may bind
    with food components and that affects
    pharmacokinetics of the drug.
  • His next visit is awaited .

  • A male child with normal developmental milestones
    till the age of 1.5 years (Crawling, using both
    hands and feet)
  • Then he developed pica habit and he also started
    eating old wall paint which continued for about 6
  • The child gradually had anemia, weakness of upper
    and lower limbs (Shoulder muscle weakness),
    irritable and learning difficulties.
  • Father suspected lead poisoning (Fathers
    qualification B.Sc Chemistry) by reading from
  • The child was investigated.

Saifan (3.5 years)
Following tests were carried out to know the
reason of illness
  • Specific reason for the illness could not be
    diagnosed, thus, lead poisoning was suspected to
    be the possible reason behind the illness of the
  • BLL of the child done by AAS was found to be
    148.0 µg/dL.
  • Child reported at CEARCH with the above mentioned
    Blood Lead Level. The child was put on
    D-penicillamine with full instructions and the
    treatment was continued for one and a half
  • After treatment, child reported to CEARCH again
    and his blood was analysed by Lead Care-II
    Analyzer, obtained Blood Lead Level was lt 3.3
  • To recheck, the same blood sample of child was
    analysed by AAS at NIOH, which was 2.23 µg/dL.
  • Blood Lead levels of the same blood sample found
    at CEARCH and NIOH tallied with other.

  • In the present two cases of lead poisoning from
    different sources are observed.
  • In the first case lead poisoning by ayurvedic
    medicines, which are easily available in Gujarat.
  • When patient was treated it was not effective
    initially since the patient was not taking
    D-penicillamine on specific timings with respect
    to his meals.
  • This resulted in persisting symptoms of lead
  • Therefore decrease in blood lead level was not

  • On the other hand, in the second case patient
    ingested paint resulting in lead poisoning.
  • After proper treatment with specific instructions
    of timings of meals and doses of D-penicillamine,
    the patient showed gradual decrease in the blood
    lead level.
  • The severity of poisoning was high, thus,
    improvement in health was time consuming.
  • Initially, lead poisoning can be hard to detect,
    even people who seem healthy can have high blood
    levels of lead.
  • Signs and symptoms usually don't appear until
    dangerous amounts have accumulated.

  • Although lead poisoning in ayurvedic medicines is
    not a new subject, But the present case brings
    out continued ignorance towards ayurvedic
  • Adulteration of heavy metals in ayurvedic
    medicines must be supervised and its packaging
    distribution should be strictly governed by
    government bodies on a consistent basis.
  • The case of lead poisoning due to paint ingestion
    shows the forensic importance of paint
    production against the prescribed laws.
  • Apart from this, awareness of lead poisoning in
    children and its symptoms are of great importance
    in a country like India.

  • I would like to express my gratitude to all those
    who gave me the possibility to complete this
    paper. I am deeply indebted to my director Dr.
    Aruna Dewan, from CEARCH, for her stimulating
    suggestions encouragement.
  • I am obliged to my seniors Anand lodha, Shweta
    sharma, Ankita parmar for the valuable
    information provided. I am grateful for their
    cooperation during the period of my assignment.
  • Lastly I am thankful to Shehzadkhan. I. Makrani
    for his full support and details provided by him.
    At last I would like to thank all who have even
    minutely contributed to my work directly or

(No Transcript)
Services Provided by CEARCH
  • Blood Lead Level
  • Plasma RBC Cholinesterase Level
  • Blood Methemoglobin Level
  • Blood Paracetamol Level
  • Blood Phenobarbitone Level
  • Blood Salicylate Level
  • Blood Copper Level
  • Screening From Blood
  • Screening From Urine
    System, U.S.A)
  • Gastric Lavage
  • Blood
  • Urine
  • Unknown Solid/ Liquid
  • FOR MORE DETAIL CONTACT www.cearch.in
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