Title: A Presentation By
1Articles Adjectives
- A Presentation By
- Allison de Peralta,
- Eli Besser, Christina Scutti
- Connor Eck
Definition an articles is a word the modifies a
noun, such as the, a and an. Ex The pretty
retriever and a fluffy pink poodle played
together in the park. A an are called
indefinite articles because they refer to any
member of a general group. The is called a
definite article because it refers to someone or
something in particular. Articles are the most
commonly used adjectives. You use them and say
them without even noticing!
Definition An adjective is a word used to modify
a noun or pronoun. An adjective modifies a noun
and pronoun by stating which one, how much, what
kind, and how many. There are 3 kinds of
adjectives demonstrative, common proper. A
demonstrative adjective is used to modify a noun
or pronoun. Ex This, that, these, those (These
words can be used to as both an adjective and a
A proper adjective is made from a proper
noun. Ex Thanksgiving --Thanksgiving dinner A
common adjective is neither a demonstrative nor a
proper adj., it is all of the commonly used adj.
use see and hear everyday. Ex various, cute,
friendly, cheap Ex The scary pumpkins lined the
streets on Halloween.
4Now its your turn to identify the articles and
adjectives in this fun game of..
For each right answer, you get... CANDY!!
5JeoparDy Questions
- 1. What do articles modify?
- 2. True or False?
- Chunky is a proper adjective.
- 3. What type of adj. is the word this?
- Common b. Proper c.
Demonstrative - 4. Identify the adjectives in this sentence
- (articles included)
- Wow! That bubbly girl just devoured 13 delicious
hamburgers in 5 short minutes!
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