Veterinary Radiation Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Veterinary Radiation Safety


Veterinary Radiation Safety X-Ray (Diagnostic) Nuclear Medicine Other Changes in Diagnosis & Treatment Options Things to look for Radiation safety of veterinary ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Veterinary Radiation Safety

Veterinary Radiation Safety
  • X-Ray (Diagnostic)
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Other

Changes in Diagnosis Treatment Options
Things to look for
  • Radiation safety of veterinary personnel during
  • handling of animals
  • Dealing with excretia and bodily fluids
  • Types of radiation generating machines and
    radionuclides utilized
  • Calibration equipment
  • Detection equipment

General Radiology
  • The image, or a x-ray film, is produced when a
    small amount of radiation passes through the body
    to expose sensitive film on the other side. The
    ability of x-rays to penetrate tissues and bones
    depends on the tissue's composition and mass. The
    difference between these two elements creates the
  • The chest x-ray is the most common radiological
  • Contrast agents, such as barium, can be swallowed
    to highlight the esophagus, stomach, and
    intestine and are used to help visualize an organ
    or film.

Explanation - X-ray Production
  • Accelerated electrons bombard the anode
  • X-rays emerge with a scattering angle profile
  • Beam collimation is inserted to reduce angle of

X-Ray Beam Spectrum - 100 kVp
  • A. Hypothetical total Bremsstrahlung beam
  • B. - Spectrum from tungsten target without
  • C. Spectrum with filtration equivalent to 2.4 mm
    Al (inherent added)

Explanation of X-ray Terms
  • mAs (milli-amp second)
  • governs the quantity (e.g. intensity) of X-rays
  • directly proportional to patient dose. Double
    mAs, double dose.
  • kVp (kilovolt peak)
  • governs quality of the X-ray beam
  • Relates to energy of the beam
  • influences image quality.
  • effects image contrast (ability to distinguish
  • higher kVp radiographs show greater density and
    longer scale of contrast.
  • For radiographs, setting the kVp as high as
    possible, without a loss of contrast, will give
    the lowest patient dose because a greater
    fraction will penetrate through the body to the
    imaging medium.

Nuclear Medicine
  • Also referred to as scintigraphy, is a sensitive
    diagnostic procedure.
  • It often can detect abnormalities before they
    become apparent on other imaging studies.
  • To perform a nuclear medicine procedure, a small
    quantity of a radioactive tracer is administered
    to the animal.

Nuclear Medicine
  • The most common radioisotope used is
    Technetium-99m (99mTc)
  • Technetium-99m has a short half-life (6 hours)
    and 94 of it will decay within 24 hours.
  • A gamma camera is used to record the distribution
    of the radiotracer within the body.
  • The radiotracer can be attached to a variety of
    biologically active chemicals to localize in
    certain areas of the body. Above is an example of
    a bone scan in a normal dog. The study was
    performed by injecting 99mTc-MDP. The 99mTc-MDP
    will localize in bone proportional to the
    metabolic activity of the bone.

  • One of the most common uses of bone scintigraphy
    is to detect bone metastasis
  • Below is an example of a dog with multiple sites
    of bone metastases seen as multiple areas of high
    intensity uptake.

Feline hyperthyroidism
  • Recently been recognized as the most common
    endocrine disorder of the cat.
  • Elevated circulating levels of the thyroid
    hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
    that occur in hyperthyroidism result in a
    multisystemic disease.

Feline hyperthyroidism
  • Radiation safety precautions require that cats
    remain hospitalized following their 131I therapy
    until they have eliminated a majority of the
    radioactive iodine from their bodies.
  • This typically requires a hospitalization of 3 to
    7 days. Radioactive iodine therapy is considered
    the optimum treatment for feline hyperthyroidism.
  • Involves a single nonstressful procedure that is
    without associated morbidity or mortality.

Feline hyperthyroidism
  • Significant side effects have not been observed.
    Unlike surgery, anesthesia is not necessary.
  • A single dose of radioactive iodine will result
    in a return to persistent normal thyroid function
    in a majority (gt95) of cats with
  • Since the cats's thyroid function returns to
    normal following 131I therapy, no ongoing thyroid
    medications are needed following this form of

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  • A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to
    produce detailed pictures of structures inside
    the body. A CT scan is also called a computerized
    axial tomography (CAT) scan.
  • A CT scanner directs a series of X-ray pulses
    through the body. Each X-ray pulse lasts only a
    fraction of a second and represents a slice of
    the organ or area being studied. The slices or
    pictures are recorded on a computer and can be
    saved for further study or printed out as

Interventional Radiography
  • Patient EDE
  • typical fluoroscopy doses tens to thousands of
  • typical interventional fatal cancer risk 0.001
  • Dose to Radiologist
  • tens of millirad to head or extremities per

The Interventional Fluoroscopic Suite
  • C-arm fluoroscopic unit
  • Arrows point to the X-ray tube beneath the table
    and the Image Intensifier above the table

Interventional Fluoroscopic Suite
  • Note the low level of the X-ray tube beneath the
    table and the close proximity of the Image
    Intensifier above the table.
  • Monitors as seen by the clinical team are in the

Interventional Fluoroscopic Suite
  • A 23 cm. Phantom is positioned beneath the Image
  • An ion chamber is located at the base of the
    phantom to measure Entrance Skin Dose

RADIATION ONCOLOGY- Bracytherapy Implant of
nasal tumor, lateral view. Iridium-192 treatment
of canine nasal tumor, lateral view.
        . Implant of nasal tumor, dorsoventral
view. Iridium-192 treatment of canine nasal
tumor, dorsoventral view.                        
Large Animal Operations
  • The equine and food animal sectors of the
    veterinary profession rarely have the luxury of
    transporting the patient to the x-ray machine, so
    they must take the machine to the patient.
  • Fortunately, technology has made the modern
    veterinary portable x-ray machine safer than it
    ever has been, but it is far from risk-free.
  • In some respects, portable x-ray machines may be
    more hazardous than the fixed versions, even
    though they are usually less powerful.

Large Animal Diagnostic Room  
Large Animal Diagnostic Equipment
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Equine Bone Scans   
Computed Tomography
  • Computed tomography or CT, shows organs of
    interest at selected levels of the body. They are
    visual equivalent of bloodless slices of anatomy,
    with each scan being a single slice.
  • CT examinations produce detailed organ studies by
    stacking individual image slices. CT can image
    the internal portion of organs and separate
    overlapping structures precisely.
  • The scans are produced by having the source of
    the x-ray beam encircle or rotate around the
    patient. X-rays passing through the body are
    detected by an array of sensors. Information from
    the sensors is computer processed and then
    displayed as an image on a video screen.
  • Doses are not low!

Typical dynamic image of a heart
Nuclear Imaging Scans
  • Brain Scans These investigate blood circulation
    and diseases of the brain such as infection,
    stroke or tumor. Technetium is injected into the
    blood so the image is that of blood patterns.
  • Thyroid Uptakes and Scans These are used to
    diagnose disorders of the thyroid gland. Iodine
    131 is given orally , usually as sodium iodide
    solution. It is absorbed into the blood through
    the digestive system and collected in the
  • Lung Scans These are used to detect blood clots
    in the lungs. Albumen, which is part of human
    plasma, can be coagulated, suspended in saline
    and tagged with technetium.

Nuclear Imaging Scans
  • Cardiac Scans These are used to study blood flow
    to the heart and can indicate conditions that
    could lead to a heart attack. Imaging of the
    heart can be synchronised with the patient's ECG
    allowing assessment of wall motion and cardiac
  • Bone Scans These are used to detect areas of bone
    growth, fractures, tumors, infection of the bone
    etc. A complex phosphate molecule is labeled with
    technetium. If cancer has produced secondary
    deposits in the bone, these show up as increased
    uptake or hot spots.

Radioisotopes Used in Nuclear Medicine
  • For imaging Technetium is used extensively, as it
    has a short physical half life of 6 hours.
    However, as the body is continually eliminating
    products the biological half life may be shorter.
    Thus the amount of radioactive exposure is
  • Technetium is a gamma emitter. This is important
    as the rays need to penetrate the body so the
    camera can detect them.
  • Because it has such a short half life, it cannot
    be stored for very long because it will have
    decayed. It is generated by a molybdenum source
    (parent host) which has a much greater half life
    and the Tc extracted on the day it is required.
    The molybdenum is obtained from a nuclear reactor
    and imported. For treatment of therapy, beta
    emitters are often used because they are absorbed

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  • The isotope is injected into a vein and absorbed
    by healthy tissue at a known rate during a
    certain time period. The radionuclide detector,
    in this case a gamma scintillation camera, picks
    up the gamma rays emitted by the isotope.
  • The technetium heart scan uses technetium Tc-99m
    stannous pyrophosphate (usually called
    technetium), a mildly radioactive isotope which
    binds to calcium. After a heart attack, tiny
    calcium deposits appear on diseased heart valves
    and damaged heart tissue. These deposits appear
    within 12 hours of the heart attack. They are
    generally seen two to three days after the heart
    attack and are usually gone within one to two
    weeks. In some patients, they can be seen for
    several months.
  • The technetium heart scan is not dangerous. The
    technetium is completely gone from the body
    within a few days of the test. The scan itself
    exposures the patient to about the same amount of
    radiation as a chest x ray. The patient can
    resume normal activities immediately after the

The Gamma CameraWhat is about ?
The modern gamma camera consists of- multihole
collimator - large area (e.g 5 cm ) NaI(Tl)
(Sodium Iodide - Thallium activated)
scintillation crystal - light guide for optical
coupling array (commonly hexagonal) of
photo-multiplier tubes - lead shield to minimize
background radiation
A crucial component of the modern gamma camera is
the collimator. The collimator selects the
direction of incident photons. For instance a
parallel hole collimator selects photons incident
OS the normal. Other types of collimators include
pinhole collimator often used in the imaging of
small superficial organs and structures (e.g
thyroid,skeletal joints) as it provides image
magnification. Fan beam (diverging) and cone
beam (converging) collimators are often used for
whole body or medium sized organ imaging. Such
collimators are useful because they increase the
detection efficiency because of the increased
solid angle of photon acceptance.
The action of a parallel hole collimator
Detail of the pin-hole collimator
Features and parameters
  • The following are the typical features of the
    scintialltion crystal used in modern gamma
  • most gamma cameras use thallium-activated NaI
  • NaI(Tl) emits blue-green light at about 415 nm
  • the spectral output of such a scintillation
    crystal matches well the response of standard
    bialkali photomultipliers (e.g SbK2Cs )
  • the linear attenuation coefficient of NaI(Tl) at
    150 KeV is about 2.2 1/cm . Therefore about 90
    of all photons are absorbed within about 10 mm
  • NaI(Tl) is hyrdoscopic and therefore requires
    hermetic encapsulation
  • NaI(Tl) has a high refractive index ( 1.85 )
    thus a light guide is used to couple the
    scintillation crystal to the photomultiplier tube
  • the scintillation crystal and associated
    electronics are surrounded by a lead shield to
    minimize the detection of unwanted radiation
  • digital and/or analog methods are used for
    image capture

Things to Look for
  • Radiation safety of veterinary personnel during
  • handling of animals
  • Dealing with excretia and bodily fluids
  • Types of radiation generating machines and
    radionuclides utilized
  • Calibration equipment
  • Detection equipment
  • Dosimetry
  • Other?
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