Title: Scuba Diving Sport, You’ll Find It Enjoyable.
1Scuba Diving Sport, Youll Find It Enjoyable..
2Scuba diving is to dive underwater by using scuba
equipments which help you to breath under water
freely. Scuba divers can breath underwater by
using breathing gas which gives them enough air
along diving and it is used in free diving, while
in early times there was breath holding as it was
pumping air from the surface to the diver.
3The diver is usually provided with fins which
allow him/her to move around underwater so
easily. If you want to learn and take courses in
diving, you should be at least ten years old.
4In the beginning, you may find it difficult, but
after some sessions of training, you will find it
enjoyable to breath underwater and youll see the
various forms and types of algae, coral reefs and
fish species such as ornamental fish.
5To beginners, you will learn about the equipments
of diving, how to breath underwater and how to
move through water while carrying these
6Diving is used for two main goals in the first,
divers are charged with specific tasks to do
underwater, and in the second case, divers are
just looking for fun and spending enjoyable time
in finding various types of fish and other
marine animals.
7The equipments of diving differ in each purpose
you will use in, as in the primitive diving you
should have diving suit which should suit the
temperature underwater, torches, full-face mask,
glasses to allow you to see underwater, diving
helmet, diving watch, compass, fins and oxygen.
8If you think to learn scuba diving, take your
decision and start to learn it right now as it is
very enjoyable.
9You can buy diving equipments from Leisure Pro.
There are scuba diving in Egypt (Marsa Alam,
Sharm El-Sheikh, Hurghada and Marsa Matrouh) and
it also exists in Dubai, Oman and Abu Dhabi.
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