Title: Pleasant Grove High School Senior Portfolio
1Pleasant Grove High School Senior Portfolio
2Overview and Purpose
- The Senior Portfolio is the culminating project
of students high school career. - It provides students with the opportunity to
bring together all that they have learned in
twelve years of school.
- Students choose samples of their best works and
create a portfolio that will showcase their
unique talents, strengths and expertise. - Senior Portfolio consists of four parts
- (a) the portfolio,
- (b) community service hours,
- (c) the Reflective Research Essay,
- (d) the oral presentation.
- Students begin building their Senior Portfolio in
ninth grade and it is a work in progress
throughout their 4 years at PGHS.
4Overview and Purpose
- Advocacy teacher will be the main source of
guidance and support throughout the process. - English 12 teachers will become student mentors
during their senior year.
- The Senior portfolio will worth 25 of students
Term 2 weighted grade in English 12.
- Best Work Samples
- Collected in Advocacy on the following dates
- October 23, January 8, February 20 (Seniors),
March 26, April 30 - Best work must be from the approved school-wide
list or approved by the assigning teacher - If students have an assignment or project that is
not on the Best Works list they must submit a
Best Works Approval Form
7The School-wide Best Works Approved list can be
found in the Senior Handbook on the school
webpage www.pghs.net
8Advocacy Links
Forms and files can also be found by clicking the
Advocacy Link under Programs on the schools
9Best Works .. reminder
- Make sure that your BEST works is on the schools
approved list. - Bring it to your advocacy class any time before
its due (store it in your folder so youll have
it when you need it.)
10Best Works
- What if I have a project or assignment that is
not on the list? - You will need to fill out and submit a Best
Works approval form.
11Describe the assignment
Explain why it should be included as a best work
- Reflection Windows
- A short reflective piece (3 developed paragraphs)
that explains why you selected this sample, a
description of the assignment and how the sample
relates to growth, strength or goals.
13Log Sheet Log each best work sample on this
sheet, include date, description reason for
selecting the sample.
- Best Work Samples
- Include Best works in your portfolio which
reflect each of the following - Growth sample shows how youve grown /or
improved over time (i.e.. An improved grade or
success in a class where youve struggled.) - Strength reflects your strengths as a student
- Future Plans Goals - sample reflects your
future plans after graduation (i.e. a project
complete in CAD or Photography)
15Community Service
- Community service is not a requirement, but
without it you CANNOT earn an A on your Senior
Portfolio. - Students completing 55 hours of approved
community service will earn cords at graduation.
16Community Service
- All community service hours must be pre-approved
by Advocacy teachers so that you can be certain
they will count before you perform the community
17Community service hours
- There are now 2 options for completing the
Community Service Requirement - Option 1
- Hours must be completed in full each school year
in order for students to earn a community service
cord. - 9th grade optional
- 10th grade 10 hours
- 11th grade 20 hours
- 12th grade 25 hours
See Appendix B13 for a breakdown of community
service hours for transfer students
18Community Service Cont.
- Option 2Partial Credit
- If you didnt complete all of the required hours
during any one year, you can still earn partial
credit on the Senior Portfolio, but no
Recognition Cord. - Complete 2 out of the 3 years to earn 6 out of
the 10 points - Complete 1 out of the 3 years to earn 3 out of
the 10 points
19Prior Approval Summer Work
- Remember to complete a Community Service Prior
Approval form and have it signed by your Advocacy
teacher BEFORE beginning EACH activity - Also, all work completed in the summer counts
towards the next years total - Students cannot make up hours for the previous
year during the summer.
20Reflective Research Essay
- Essay written in Senior English
21The Presentation
- During STAR testing, Seniors will present their
Senior portfolios to a panel of judges - students will describe their best work samples
and discuss how these carefully chosen pieces of
work fit into the categories growth, strengths,
and future goals and plans.
22Parent Permission
- Seniors must have parents sign and return the
permission form found in the portfolio handbook
23Frequently Asked Questions
- How are students graded on their Senior
Portfolio? - Students are responsible for having 5 Best Work
Samples and Reflection Windows in their final
Portfolio. 1 from each grade level 1 freebie
from any grade level - If students fail to submit a BW RW on a
designated due date, they will receive a NP (No
Pass) for the quarter and every quarter until
they are caught up with the required number of
BWs RWs.
24Best Works Reflection Windows
- 9th graders are required to collect 2 Best Works
(BW) Reflection Windows (RF) (1 each semester) - 10th 11th graders are required to collect 4
BWs and RWs (1 each quarter) - 12th graders are required to collect 2 BWs and
RWs (1 each quarter)
25What is the requirement for the Senior Portfolio
at the end of each school year?
- At the end of each school year, students will
write a Summative Letter which synthesizes all
best works collected throughout the year.
26What if I transfer into PGHS late?
- Best work assignments and community service hour
requirements will be proportional to when
students enter PGHS. For instance a student who
transfers during the 2nd quarter of their
sophomore year is required to have 3 BWs RWs
( 1 from each quarter of his/her sophomore year
that he/she attended PGHS and none from 9th grade)
27Where do I turn the work in?
- With the exception of the Reflective Research
paper and accompanying outline, all Senior
portfolio assignments should be brought to your
Advocacy teacher to be checked off. - At the beginning of the 2nd semester of your
Senior year, you will be given your portfolio to
take to your senior English teacher.
28Handbook Information
- The complete Senior Portfolio handbook (including
all of the templates, forms, rubrics and samples)
is located on the website (www.pghs.net). You
can read, print and or download all of the info. - If you would like a copy of the handbook, please
talk to your Advocacy teacher and one will be