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Practice Test US History Unit Six


This major dramatic actor 's performance in Shakespeare's Othello was widely acclaimed. In many of her novels, books of folklore, poetry, and short stories, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Practice Test US History Unit Six

Practice TestUS HistoryUnit Six
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This established the maximum number of immigrants
who were allowed into the United States from each
foreign country.
  • Answer
  • Quota System

Although its membership sharply increased as a
result of the Red Scare and nativism, its power
declined once its criminal activity and racial
violence became exposed.
  • Answer
  • Ku Klux Klan

This is a policy of abstaining from involvement
in world affairs.
  • Answer
  • Isolationism

This is an economic and political system based on
a single party government ruled by a dictatorship.
  • Answer
  • Communism

Their radical opposition to any and all forms of
government led many with similar beliefs to be
harassed, arrested, and deported during the Red
  • Answer
  • Anarchists

As Attorney General, he sent government agents
out on a series of illegal raids to hunt down
suspected radicals.
  • Answer
  • Mitchell Palmer

As president of the United Mine Workers, he led
the miners on a strike that eventually resulted
in a significant wage increase.
  • Answer
  • John L. Lewis

Which of the following called for the abolition
of private property in order to equally
distribute wealth and power?
  • a. quota system
  • b. Isolationism
  • c. Nativism
  • d. communism

To expand its membership in the 1920s, the Ku
Klux Klan engaged in all of the following except
  • a. blaming national problems on immigrants.
  • b. encouraging white women to join the
  • c. playing on people's fears of political
  • d. allowing members to profit from recruiting new

The immigration policies of the 1920s limited
immigration from all of the following countries
  • a. Italy.
  • b. Japan.
  • c. Mexico.
  • d. England.

According to Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer,
what was "eating its way into the homes of the
American workman, its sharp tongues . . . licking
the altars of the churches"?
  • a. Communism
  • b. the philosophy of nativism
  • c. the hopelessness of poverty
  • d. governmental abuse of civil rights

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer believed that
he needed to protect the American people from
  • a. big business.
  • b. political radicals.
  • c. corruption and fraud.
  • d. labor union members.

Nativists who found fault with the Emergency
Quota Acts of 1921 would have been most likely to
say which of the following?
  • a. It did not restrict immigration enough.
  • b. It threatened industry with a labor shortage.
  • c. It discriminated against the wrong immigrants.
  • d. It violated U.S. principles by restricting

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged
with, and convicted of,
  • a. treason.
  • b. anarchy.
  • c. receiving bribes.
  • d. robbery and murder.

To protect their own interests, employers often
accused striking workers of being
  • a. spies.
  • b. Communists.
  • c. bigots.
  • d. nativists.

During the 1920s, union membership
  • a. remained constant.
  • b. increased slightly.
  • c. increased considerably.
  • d. dropped considerably.

Which of the following was most closely tied to
the public's negative reactions to organized
labor in the 1920s?
  • a. fears of rising prices
  • b. fears of communism
  • c. fears of a depression
  • d. resentment of labor's advances

Why was the Kellogg-Briand Pact considered
  • a. It didn't prevent war it only punished
    countries that started wars.
  • b. It made the process of repaying war debts too
  • c. It provided no means of enforcing the "no war"
  • d. It failed to include several of the strongest
    military powers.

Which of the following rose dramatically in the
early 1920s?
  • a. Wages
  • b. labor union membership
  • c. Tariffs
  • d. the build-up of armaments

The Fordney-McCumber Tariff was meant to
  • a. help Britain and France pay off their war
  • b. raise taxes on goods entering the United
  • c. help Germany pay off its war debts.
  • d. raise taxes on goods leaving the United States.

John L. Lewis is most closely associated with
which of the following?
  • a. the coal miners' strike
  • b. the steel mill strike
  • c. the Boston police strike
  • d. the Teapot Dome scandal

The Teapot Dome scandal centered around
  • a. gold mines.
  • b. union members.
  • c. high tariffs.
  • d. oil-rich lands.

What might an anarchist have said about the
scandals that plagued President Harding's
  • a. In a successful government, all officials
    should be chosen by the public.
  • b. The scandals are more proof that all forms of
    government should be abolished.
  • c. Such scandals would not happen in a communist
  • d. Mistakes made by cabinet members should not
    damage the reputation of the president.

The main factor causing urban sprawl in the 1920s
  • a. the automobile.
  • b. the use of electricity.
  • c. growth in industry.
  • d. a change in the birthrate.

Which of the following is not considered a sign
that the prosperity of the 1920s was superficial?
  • a. the economic situation on farms
  • b. the success of the advertising industry
  • c. the number of products purchased on credit
  • d. the difference in income between workers and

The first practical peacetime use of airplanes
was for
  • a. crop-dusting.
  • b. carrying mail.
  • c. carrying passengers.
  • d. weather forecasting.

Which of the following is not considered a direct
result of the growing popularity and availability
of the automobile?
  • a. changes in American landscape
  • b. changes in American architecture
  • c. urban sprawl
  • d. changes in the advertising industry

He was called as a witness in the Scopes trial.
  • Answer
  • William Jennings Bryan

This was someone who provided illegal alcohol.
  • Answer
  • Bootlegger

One of the effects of this was a rise in
organized crime.
  • Answer
  • Prohibition

The government failed to budget enough men and
money to enforce this.
  • Answer
  • Prohibition

The American Civil Liberties Union hired him to
represent John T. Scopes.
  • Answer
  • Clarence Darrow

This was an "underground" saloon or nightclub
where liquor was sold illegally.
  • Answer
  • Speakeasy

This Protestant movement was grounded in the
literal, word for word, interpretation of the
  • Answer
  • Fundamentalism

This was to determine the role of evolution and
science in schools.
  • Answer
  • Scopes Trial

It was difficult to enforce the laws governing
prohibition for all of the following reasons
  • a. many people were determined to break the laws.
  • b. insufficient funds were provided to pay for
  • c. many law enforcement officials took bribes
    from smugglers and bootleggers.
  • d. prohibition banned only alcoholic beverages
    manufactured in the United States.

To obtain liquor illegally, drinkers went
underground to hidden nightclubs known as
  • a. speakeasies.
  • b. penthouses.
  • c. tenements.
  • d. tea rooms.

John T. Scopes challenged a Tennessee law that
forbade the teaching of
  • a. biology.
  • b. evolution.
  • c. creationism.
  • d. fundamentalism.

Fundamentalists believed that
  • a. evolution and creationism could coincide.
  • b. prohibition should be repealed.
  • c. the Bible should be taken literally.
  • d. drinking alcohol was acceptable.

Except for ___, all of the following were likely
to approve of prohibition in the 1920s and early
  • a. recent immigrants
  • b. rural residents of the South
  • c. members of organized crime syndicates
  • d. the Women's Christian Temperance Union

___ increased during the 1920s.
  • a. Child labor
  • b. The birthrate
  • c. The school dropout rate
  • d. The crime rate

The main significance of the trial of John T.
Scopes was that ___.
  • a. it ended the career of William Jennings Bryan,
    who was unable to defend fundamentalism
  • b. its outdoor setting allowed many Americans to
    witness the justice system in action
  • c. it highlighted the struggle between science
    and religion in American schools
  • d. led to the repeal of a law that made teaching
    evolution in schools illegal

Except for ___, alcohol caused all of the
following, according to most fundamentalists.
  • a. urban slums
  • b. child abuse
  • c. Crime
  • d. evangelism

A flapper was a young woman who did everything
  • a. seemed casual and independent.
  • b. found true equality with men.
  • c. often smoked and drank in public.
  • d. wore short skirts.
  • e. openly discussed courtship and relationships.

In the 1920s, women in the workplace found
everything except
  • they could earn as much as men.
  • b. many assembly-line jobs were available.
  • c. some previously "men only" jobs were available
    to them.
  • d. most paid workers were still men.

In the 1920s, women at home found all except
  • a. more ready-made foods and clothing were
  • b. they were usually expected to work outside the
  • c. their children spent most of their days at
    school and in organized activities.
  • d. they experienced greater equality in marriage.

"Double standard" refers to
  • a. stricter social and moral standards for women
    than for men in the 1920s.
  • b. lower wages women earned compared to those
    earned by men in the 1920s.
  • c. amount of work that women did both at home and
    outside the house in the 1920s.
  • d. unfair treatment of women in the workplace in
    the 1920s.

This artist produced intensely colored canvases
that captured the grandeur of New York.
  • Answer
  • Georgia O'Keefe

He was a small-town pilot who made the first
nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic.
  • Answer
  • Charles A. Lindbergh

This composer merged traditional elements of
music with American Jazz.
  • Answer
  • George Gershwin

This writer's poems celebrated youth and a life
of independence and freedom from traditional
  • Answer
  • Edna St. Vincent Millay

In This Side of Paradise and The Great Gatsby,
this novelist portrayed wealthy people leading
hopelessly empty lives.
  • Answer
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wounded in World War I, this writer criticized
the glorification of war and introduced a tough,
simplified style of writing that set a new
literary standard.
  • Answer
  • Ernest Hemingway

The first American to win a Nobel prize for
literature, he used the character in Babbit to
mock Americans for their conformity and
  • Answer
  • Sinclair Lewis

F. Scott Fitzgerald described the 1920s as the
  • a. Harlem Renaissance.
  • b. Jazz Age.
  • c. Prohibition Age.
  • d. Roaring Twenties.

Charles Lindbergh was famous as a(n)
  • a. politician.
  • b. composer.
  • c. inventor.
  • d. pilot.

_____ marked the works of many famous writers of
the 1920s, including the Lost Generation.
  • a. Fierce patriotism
  • b. Celebration of small-town life
  • c. Critical views of American culture
  • d. Deep respect for tradition

Concert music composer ___ was influenced by both
the music of ___ and traditional music.
  • a. Louis Armstrong, George Gershwin
  • b. Bessie Smith, Georgia O'Keeffe
  • c. George Gershwin, Louis Armstrong
  • d. Paul Robeson, Duke Ellington

Ernest Hemingway, author of The Sun Also Rises,
introduced ___.
  • a. a simplified style of writing
  • b. an elaborate style of writing
  • c. a patriotic movement in literature
  • d. glorification of war in literature

This black nationalist association was founded by
Marcus Garvey.
  • Answer
  • Universal Negro Improvement Association

This was a literary and artistic movement that
celebrated African-American culture.
  • Answer
  • Harlem Renaissance

Among the founders of this association was W. E.
B. Du Bois.
  • Answer
  • National Association for the Advancement of
    Colored People

In 1927, this singer became the highest paid
black artist in the world.
  • Answer
  • Bessie Smith

This major dramatic actor 's performance in
Shakespeare's Othello was widely acclaimed.
  • Answer
  • Paul Robeson

In many of her novels, books of folklore, poetry,
and short stories, this writer portrayed the
lives of poor,unschooled Southern African
  • Answer
  • Zora Neale Hurston

This jazz pianist and composer won fame as one of
America's greatest composers. He wrote such
piecesas "Mood Indigo" and "Sophisticated Lady."
  • Answer
  • Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington

This trumpet player's astounding sense of rhythm
and ability to improvise has led many to consider
him the single most important and influential
musician in the history of jazz.
  • Answer
  • Louis Armstrong

This writer's militant verses urged African
Americans to resist prejudice and discrimination.
  • Answer
  • Claude McKay

This man was the Harlem Renaissance's best-known
poet, who described the difficult lives
ofworking-class African Americans.
  • Answer
  • Langston Hughes

This was caused by African American's changing
attitude toward's themselves and their search for
  • Answer
  • The Great Migration

Under his leadership the NAACP made anti-lynching
laws one of its main priorities.
  • Answer
  • James Weldon Johnson

The Harlem Renaissance refers to
  • a. a struggle for civil rights led by the NAACP.
  • b. a population increase in Harlem in the 1920s.
  • c. a program to promote African-American owned
  • d. a celebration of African-American culture in
    literature and art.

The NAACP did all of the following except
  • a. fight for legislation to protect African
  • b. work with anti-lynching organizations.
  • c. propose that African Americans move back to
  • d. publish The Crisis.

Jazz music was born in New Orleans and was spread
to the North by such musicians as
  • a. Louis Armstrong.
  • b. Zora Neale Hurston.
  • c. Paul Robeson.
  • d. Langston Hughes.

The "Great Migration" of 1910-1920 refers to the
movement of ___.
  • a. immigrants from Europe to America
  • b. people from rural areas and towns to large
  • c. African Americans from the United States to
  • d. African Americans from the South to northern

The ___ fought for legislation to protect
African-American rights under the leadership of
  • a. NAACP,Marcus Garvey
  • b. UNIA, Langston Hughes
  • c. NAACP,James Weldon Johnson
  • d. UNIA, Claude McKay

This Democrat lost the presidential election of
  • Answer
  • Alfred E. Smith

This Republican won the presidential election of
  • Answer
  • Herbert Hoover

This term specifically refers to the stock market
crash of October 29, 1929.
  • Answer
  • Black Tuesday

This term is the name of the most widely used
measure of the stock market's health.
  • Answer
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average

In an effort to curb the financial loss farmers
were suffering, Congress tried to pass the
McNary-Haugenbill, which would have mandated
this on key crops.
  • Answer
  • Price Supports

This term refers to paying a small percentage of
a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing
the rest.
  • Answer
  • Buying on margin

This term refers to making extremely risky
business transactions on the chance of making
quick or considerable profits.
  • Answer
  • Speculation

This reduced the flow of goods into the United
States and prevented other countries from earning
American currency to buy American exports.
  • Answer
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

This is an arrangement in which consumers agree
to buy now and pay later for purchases, often on
an installment plan that includes interest
  • Answer
  • credit

This is the period from 1924 to 1940 in which the
economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed.
  • Answer
  • Great Depression

Which of the following increased in the 1920s?
  • a. farmers' debts
  • b. prices for farm products
  • c. foreign demand for U.S. farm products
  • d. domestic demand for U.S. farm products

Which was not a cause of the Great Depression?
  • a. tariffs on foreign goods
  • b. the availability of easy credit
  • c. a growing number of homeless people
  • d. a crisis in the farm sector

What does buying a stock on margin mean?
  • a. purchasing the stock outside the regular stock
  • b. buying the stock for someone else
  • c. paying less than the market price of the stock
  • d. borrowing money to help pay for the stock

Buying stocks on the chance of a quick profit
without considering risks is known as
  • a. buying on margin.
  • b. speculation.
  • c. profit-taking.
  • d. living on credit.

Within a few years, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
led to
  • a. a dramatic drop in world trade.
  • b. Hoover's reelection as president.
  • c. more demand for American manufactured goods.
  • d. an unequal distribution of income in the
    United States.

All of the following were important causes of the
Great Depression except
  • a. both individuals and businesses built up large
    debts because of easy credit.
  • b. tariffs on foreign imports were lowered.
  • c. the federal government did not insure people's
    bank accounts.
  • d. the stock market crashed.

Which was not a cause of the Dust Bowl?
  • a. drought
  • b. high winds
  • c. thick layers of prairie grasses
  • d. overproduction of crops

Which of the following was not an effect of the
Great Depression?
  • a. Many children had a poor diet.
  • b. Many families became homeless.
  • c. Many men became unemployed.
  • d. Many people started farming.

What name was given to the men and boys who rode
the rails as they searched for work?
  • a. Bonus Marchers
  • b. Speculators
  • c. Hoboes
  • d. Okies

An example of the psychological stress caused by
the Great Depression was the rise in the number of
  • a. children who were malnourished.
  • b. people who committed suicide.
  • c. women who worked outside the home.
  • d. men who stood in bread lines.

One long-range effect of the Great Depression was
that many people
  • a. grew to like President Hoover.
  • b. became risk takers in the stock market.
  • c. developed habits of saving and thriftiness.
  • d. came to believe in small government.

Causes of the farming crisis of the 1920s
included the fact that
  • a. demand for crops fell after World War I.
  • b. most people did not own electric
  • c. the Dust Bowl took much land out of
  • d. federal price-supports of corn and wheat were
    not effective.

After the stock market crash, how did President
Hoover try to help the economy?
  • a. by closing banks
  • b. by lowering foreign tariffs
  • c. by funding handouts of food and clothing
  • d. by asking businesses not to lay off employees

Who made up the Bonus Army that marched on
  • a. World War I veterans and their families
  • b. farmers forced off their land by dust storms
  • c. unemployed industrial workers and their
  • d. business and labor leaders who agreed to work

Which candidates ran for president in 1932?
  • a. Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover
  • b. Calvin Coolidge and Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • c. Herbert Hoover and Alfred E. Smith
  • d. Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following describes a government
system for giving payments or food to the poor?
  • a. rugged individualism
  • b. direct relief
  • c. Bonus Army
  • d. price support

In calling shantytowns "Hoovervilles," people
conveyed their
  • a. patriotism.
  • b. trust in Hoover.
  • c. disgust with Hoover.
  • d. grudging respect for Hoover.

The aim of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act was to
  • a. encourage new construction.
  • b. increase the value of homes and farms.
  • c. make it easier for banks to foreclose on farms
    and homes.
  • d. prevent farmers and homeowners from losing
    their property.

Herbert Hoover's approach to the Depression
economy was based on a belief in
  • voluntary cooperation.
  • b. separation of church and state.
  • c. the golden rule.
  • d. direct government relief.

During the Great Depression, the overall
unemployment rate was about
  • a. 100 percent.
  • b. 75 percent.
  • c. 25 percent.
  • d. 10 percent.

This established the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), with the greater goal of
restoring public confidence in the banking system.
  • Answer
  • Glass-Steagall Banking Act

This provided direct relief in the form of food
and clothing to the neediest people hit by
thedepression--the unemployed, the aged, and the
  • Answer
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

This helped to create prosperity in a
poverty-stricken region by providing funds to
build and repairdams, flood-control projects,
and power plants.
  • Answer
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

This paid farmers to lower production and, in
some cases, to destroy crops, with the greater
goal ofraising crop prices and farm income.
  • Answer
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

This put almost 3 million young men to work
building roads, developing parks, and helping
insoil-erosion and flood-control projects.
  • Answer
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

This authorized the Treasury Department to
inspect banks and to close those that were
unsound, with the greater goal of restoring
public confidence in the banking system.
  • Answer
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

This created an administration that set fair
prices on many products and established labor
standards, with the greater goal of ensuring fair
business practices and promoting industrial
  • Answer
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

This required corporations to provide complete
information on all stock offerings, with the
greater goalof restoring public confidence in
the stock market.
  • Answer
  • Federal Securities Act

What was the first major action Roosevelt took as
  • a. He called the first meeting of the "Brain
  • b. He proposed a reorganization of the Supreme
  • c. He closed all of the nation's banks and
    ordered inspections.
  • d. He established the Civil Works Administration
    to provide job relief.

Which of the following was not a goal of the New
  • a. increase crop production
  • b. relief for the needy
  • c. economic recovery
  • d. financial reform

Which of the following was the main objective of
the Agricultural Adjustment Act?
  • a. to increase farm production
  • b. to raise prices of farm products
  • c. to provide pensions for retired farmers
  • d. to encourage more people to enter farming

Which of the following pieces of New Deal
legislation was ruled unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court?
  • a. Wagner Act
  • b. Social Security Act
  • c. Emergency Banking Relief Act
  • d. National Industrial Recovery Act

Which of the following reached a new high during
Roosevelt's first term as president?
  • a. tariff rates
  • b. employment rates
  • c. the national debt
  • d. per capita income

Which of the following of Roosevelt's ideas
failed to become a law?
  • a. federally supported loans for housing
  • b. the reorganization of the Supreme Court
  • c. the establishment of regional planning
  • d. the creation of a federally supported pension

This required corporations to provide complete,
truthful information on all stock offerings.
  • Answer
  • Federal Securities Act

This was created to reform, and to restore
confidence in, the stock market by providing a
means to monitor the market and to enforce laws
regarding the sales of stocks and bonds.
  • Answer
  • Securities and Exchange Commission

This set a national minimum hourly wage and
prohibited factory labor for children under
sixteen years of age.
  • Answer
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

Created through the Glass-Steagall Banking Act of
1933, this originally protected up to 5,000 of
an individual's bank account.
  • Answer
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

___ were least likely to be a part of the New
Deal coalition.
  • a. Rural Democrats
  • b. African Americans
  • c. Southern Republicans
  • d. Unionized industrial workers

By decreasing farm surpluses, New Deal policies
helped to ___.
  • a. lower the cost of food
  • b. increase the food supply
  • c. raise the price of farm goods
  • d. combat the effects of the Dust Bowl

___ claimed that the New Deal policies were
inadequate and proposed a social program called
  • a. Huey Long
  • b. Francis Townsend
  • c. John L. Lewis
  • d. Charles Coughlin

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration was
most helpful to___.
  • a. farmers in isolated rural areas
  • b. the unemployed, the aged, and the ill
  • c. politicians and business owners
  • d. mass-production industrial workers

The American public perceived many
characteristics in President Roosevelt, but ___
was probably not one of them.
  • a. Compassion
  • b. Determination
  • c. self-confidence
  • d. economic conservatism

The Supreme Court ruled that the ___ was
unconstitutional on the grounds that its
provisions were local matters and should be
regulated by the states.
  • a. Federal Securities Act
  • b. Fair Labor Standards Act
  • c. Wagner Act
  • d. Agricultural Adjustment Act

Which of the following was most directly
responsible for creating new jobs and putting
people to work?
  • a. Social Security Act
  • b. Fair Labor Standards Act
  • c. National Labor Relations Act
  • d. Works Progress Administration

What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the
Roosevelt administration?
  • a. She served as a cabinet member.
  • b. She focused on being an excellent hostess.
  • c. She was an important advisor on foreign
  • d. She was an important advisor on domestic

This protected the right of workers to join
unions and established the National Labor
Relations Board to settle disputes between
employers and employees.
  • Answer
  • Wagner Act

This provided for bank inspections by the
Treasury Department and a means for making
federal loans to solid banks.
  • Answer
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

This provided a pension for retired workers and
their spouses and aided people with disabilities,
poor mothers with dependent children, and the
needy elderly.
  • Answer
  • Social Security Act

This addressed the problems of unemployment and
poverty by creating jobs that ranged from
theconstruction of airports and libraries to the
sewing of clothing for the needy.
  • Answer
  • Works Progress Administration

Who was the first woman to serve in the cabinet?
  • a. Arlene Francis
  • b. Frances Perkins
  • c. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • d. Mary McLeod Bethune

___ helped organize the "Black Cabinet," a group
of influential African Americans who advised
theRoosevelt administration on racial issues.
  • a. Dorothea Lange
  • b. Mary McLeod Bethune
  • c. Frances Perkins
  • d. Eleanor Roosevelt

Who wrote the novel The Grapes of Wrath about the
grim lives of Oklahomans fleeing the Dust Bowl
during the Depression?
  • a. Grant Wood
  • b. John Steinbeck
  • c. Richard Wright
  • d. Dorothea Lange

___ used music to express the hardships of
American life during the Depression.
  • a. Woody Guthrie
  • b. Grant Wood
  • c. Diego Rivera
  • d. Richard Wright

Of the following New Deal policies, ___ had the
biggest long-term impact on the American economy.
  • a. Social Security Act
  • b. Civilian Conservation Corps
  • c. Tennessee Valley Authority
  • d. Federal Emergency Relief Administration

The _____ reflected President Roosevelt's concern
for the natural environment.
  • a. Civil Works Administration
  • b. National Youth Administration
  • c. Civilian Conservation Corps
  • d. Works Progress Administration

His classic novel, Native Son, depicts the
difficulties faced by a young man trying to
survive in a racistworld.
  • Answer
  • Richard Wright

His famous painting, "American Gothic," depicts
two stern-faced farmers standing stiffly in front
of their farmhouse.
  • Answer
  • Grant Wood

This classic novel written by John Steinbeck
focuses on the difficulties faced by people who,
forced off the Great Plains during the Dust Bowl,
move to California.
  • Answer
  • The Grapes of Wrath

One of the most popular movies of all time, this
sweeping drama about life among Southern
plantation owners during the Civil War starred
Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable.
  • Answer
  • Gone with the Wind

This actor, director, producer, and writer
created one of the most famous radio broadcasts
of all time, "The War of the Worlds," and
directed the movie classic, Citizen Kane.
  • Answer
  • Orson Welles
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